SUBJECT: LETTER FROM COMMANDER KORTRON FILE: UFO2362 ( The World Situation, January 1991 ) From: Cmdr. Kortron HQ Light Forces, East Coast To: All Light Workers All of you are now confused and awaiting orders in the rising world situation. Some things have been scrapped such as old directives on many levels because the Highest Directives are now being addressed because of the Negative aspect overshadowing world Peace and Love. We knew that the forces controlling Earth would reach this time of decision. Our hopes in establishing one world order were that this would be done in the highest Light of the presence of our Father in each individual creating this new aspect. We also hoped it would open doors of the highest union of man to what created it as a beginning of Earth's higher involvement to the Mansion world reality everything else exists in beyond this area of rebellion. Earth is now facing Judgment Day as a self in- flicted act of stubborn denial and refusal of the Father's presence of Love as the only real force in Creation. Our presence as the Forces of Light has been in contact with the world leaders as a means of straightening out this dilemma now reaching levels invoking the Father's interjection as the only means left that would created the outcome of Love over the many negative aspects created in fear this world now resides in. Humility and forgiveness by averting great destruction on Earth as in the event of steering the great planetary asteroid away from Earth will now be lifted. All future events will be allowed in order to cleanse once and for all negative fear based thoughts of War creating man's inhumanity to all life. Great Armies now involved in this great act of terror will be leveled to heaps of ashes in the great removal of all who in- still and follow this as their way away from acts of Peace and Love. All of you are now involved in the greatest drama Earth has ever witnessed since its conception. This will be experienced in ways few have imagined as any real possibility. The next Asteroid is on a direct collision course with Saudi Arabia and its impact will be in the middle of February as close as we can determine. Our intervention in this next instance has been canceled by the highest councils as it is seen as only continuing Earth's suffering by doing so. God's hand is firmly in place as the aspect of ending these Wars and suffering on this planet. That mercy is now being lifted and that hand is now being directed at the few controlling the many who are creating these conflicts in a manner saying enough is enough, mine will will be done on Earth. In the weeks and months to follow all of Earth's inhabitants will experience events taking Earth into its final birth throes to Mansion World Reality, it's last final contractions of bir- thing Heaven on Earth. Those holding fast in this becoming reali- ty never leaving the Father's house of Love will weather these great changes and assemble others in the reconstruction of this reality as bearers of Divine Love - the one and only reality. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************