SUBJECT: BILL COOPER'S CLAIMS OF ATTACK FILE: UFO2300 PART 2 You had better believe that I would never post this story if there had not been 4 other witnesses. Lear and Knapp have left me no choice. I have many more tales to tell and will not hesitate if I am forced to do it. I told Lear a long time ago (June 1989 to be exact) that he was safe as long as he didn't try to get any wilder with his story or try to mess with me. At that time I believed that he was doing more good than harm even though I knew he was Condor and was CIA all the way. That same weekend I was forced to remove a loaded, cocked, 45 cal. automatic pistol from Lear's possession after he placed it against his temple and threatened suicide. I did it once in the morning when we were alone and again the same evening in front of 5 others who witnessed the event. John pretended to be despondent because he was to much of a coward to sign his name to the "INDICTMENT" that I sent to Congress. I was not afraid John would kill himself. I was afraid he would kill me or someone else during the course of his ACT and it was an act. A stupid act and nothing else. I was not fooled but I kept the pistol for several days and still have the round that I removed from the chamber. I will name the witnesses if it becomes necessary. In case you have not learned anything yet let me assure you that you had better not screw around with me unless you are willing to go all the way to the wall and beyond because I'm ready to die to get to the bottom of this and force the truth out of the government. The preponderance of government agents involved in this and the fact that everything that I saw, and only what I saw, leaked, makes me believe that the technology is real (saw a craft with my own eyes) but aliens may be a complete fantasy. Aliens may be needed to create a new world order. No more Soviet enemy? Here is a threat from outer space. I feel used. I am very angry. I saw exactly what I said and more. Not only that but they have taken great pains to make sure I could see the same documents again just recently. Either the information I saw is absolutely correct or the government (with the help of Moore, Lear, Doty, Lazar, Friedman, Shandera, etc.) has created the greatest hoax in history in order to bring down national boundarys and ring in a one world government. I have uncovered the fact that an inventor made a saucer that flew in the 50's without alien help. I still believe that the information I saw between 1970 and 1973 is correct but I am now open to the possibility that I may have been used. I assure you that I will not be used again. The truth WILL come out. Lear's involvement with George Green and the Phoenix Journals to try to discredit me is what his phone recording is all about. I told him in June 1989 not to try any funny business with me and that is what the call was all about. He tried to help the great con the Phoenix Journals discredit me and I told him as a result that "I would crucify him". I have done that by finally releasing the information that he is Condor and as Condor has been working very closely with Moore, Shandera, Friedman, Doty, and others. I will continue to crucify him at any and every opportunity. I will also crucify anyone else who stands up against truth on this battle field. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************