SUBJECT: BILL COOPER'S CLAIMS OF ATTACK FILE: UFO2299 PART 1 OPEN LETTER by Bill Cooper- TO MIKE CORBIN, GEORGE KNAPP, BILL MOORE, AND JOHN LEAR. I have been expecting the government to launch an attack designed to discredit me for 2 years and I have publicly stated that I expected this to happen. It has finally happened and what a relief. The governments cannon only went ....POOF.... It seems that all the buzzards except Moore and Friedman have gathered in Las Vegas. How convenient can it be? Mike Corbin, the all mighty high dictator of Paranet, has just this week posted a crippled and weak attack leveled against me by himself and George Knapp, Lear's man in television and the only journalist alive who would go out on a limb to support the phony story of Bob Lazar. As usual Mike Corbin and George Knapp did not bother to do any checking whatsoever to see if their ranting and raving could hold any water. Of course that is the usual policy of paranet and it is expected. It is not the policy of journalists, however, and George Knapp should have checked with me. If he was afraid to call me he could have just called my board and checked the facts for himself. It is George Knapp who wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the ass and it is Lazar and Lear who are liars and frauds. The Lazar story was reported to CAJI by a source in Las Vegas who stated that "Lazar had been arrested". The source was a man named Cory, a close friend of John Lear. Did he do it to set me up? I posted it in the newsletter. I then asked a member of CAJI to check the story for me and report the "facts". This was done and the story in the newsletter was changed to read that "Lazar was accused" only a few hours later and that is the way the story has been posted ever since as you can see since it is still posted. The members of this board can attest to that. Another source verified the story and all 3 mentioned that Bob Lazar has been accused of running a drug lab. Since these 3 people stated that Lazar was accused of running a drug lab I included it in the story. Since they stand by their statement I stand by the story. I wish to make it known at this point that John Lear told me that Lazar had a speed lab somewhere. Since I knew he had a jet car I thought he mean't something to do with the car. I did not make the REAL connection with that statement until Cory and others phoned the story to me. Two other people have stated to me that Lear told them that Lazar had a drug lab. I knew about the prostitution involvement a long time ago when at Lear's home I witnessed Lear, drunk as a skunk, call Lazar and ask him to send a hooker over. Lear asked us if we wanted a hooker. I told him not no, but hell no. The others present also declined. About an hour later a hooker showed up and lear and the girl disappeared for a while and then they came back. I did not see what transpired between them. There were 4 other people present besides me. She bummed cigarettes off of everone and chain smoked them until there were no more left among us and then she pulled out her own pack. John Lear paid her a wad of money and she left. All of us present were angry and embarrassed by Lear's behavior. Lazar sent her over and we all heard Lear make the call. Lazar and Lear are the end of George Knapp's career unless Knapp gets wise real fast and I mean real fast. I'm not the only one ready to spill the beans on Lazar and Lear. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************