SUBJECT: ANOMALOUS "STAR" MOVEMENT FILE: UFO2288 I am posting this for a friend. He asked that his name be removed so that he can continue his research. If you are interested in following up on this sighting, please let me know. Author: (Name Withheld, but available on request) Date: 18 June 1994 Place: West of Wallkill, NY Time: 9:42 PM to 9:44 PM Weather Conditions: Hot, haze dissipating, stratus/cumulous clouds widespread; visibility 2-3 miles on ground, brightest stars visible; Moon about 1/2 disk in southern sky about 20-30 degrees above horizon at 9:30 PM Nearest Constellations: Bootes and Scorpius Witnesses: (Name Withheld, but available on request) Description: Very few aircraft and/or anomalous lights in the sky were observed the night of 18 June 1994. At 9:42 PM I looked directly up and saw several bight lights above me. Two of the lights, however, began to move towards the south-southwest past another bright star, probably Arcturus of the Constellation Bootes. Both lights were about the brightness of stars, and a little smaller than Arcturus. One light was ahead of the other and closer to Arcturus. I took a time exposure of the more western light (furthest from Arcturus) at 9:43:38 (6 seconds). I tool a time exposure of the more eastern light (closest to Arcturus) at 9:44:20 (14 seconds). As I took the second picture the light closest to Arcturus stopped and reversed direction (towards the north-northeast), and passed the second light. Then both lights disappeared (dimmed and blinked out). A third light was then noticed to the south near the Moon. It was moving southward towards the Moon, which was to the right of its trajectory. Another bright star was visible to the left of the moon, probably Antares of the Constellation Scorpius. This third moving "star" also dimmed and blinked out following the time exposure at 9:44:49 (15 seconds). Arcturus is listed in the Skyguide (Golden Books) as the 4th brightest star in the sky. Bootes is described as the son of Jupiter and Callisto. Arcturus is called the Watcher of the Bear. Antares is listed as the "rival of Mars," and is the double star named from the bright red color of the primary. A recent crop glyph from England is described as the Scorpion. Its authenticity is based on it being formed in Rape, a crop with very stiff stems that will snap rather than bend at this time of the season. This crop was bent: Therefore it was not a hoax. The Scorpion seems to portray Jupiter with its four moons and the Shoemaker- Levy 9 "string of pearls" on a collision course with Jupiter. Linking Scorpius with the Scorpion is a straight forward deduction, and if correct would imply that the "rival of Mars." or another God of War, is involved. Linking the reverse movement of the paired lights to Bootes, if correct, might symbolize a relation to Arcturus or the "son of Jupiter." In Greek mythology Scorpius is the scorpion that stung Orion to death. In earliest Egyptian mythology, Orion marked the resting place of the soul of Osiris. Osiris, ithyphallic, is the symbol of regeneration, the cyclic nature of the universal process, and the way of successive reincarnations. Perhaps all of these symbols and myths, when linked with the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Jupiter event in July, indicate that the regenerative cycle of mankind will be disrupted or even destroyed. And that implies some sort of cataclysmic even impacting Earth. Flames will be ignored. Only serious discussion will be answered. Marc Whitford ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************