SUBJECT: Houston Mass Abduction Update FILE: UFO2212 by Dale Musser Since issuing the report on the December 8, 1992, Houston mass abductions, more things have come to light. The reports were barely printed when DS92002DM received a phone call from an individual who we'll call Bill (not his real name). This individual had been with DS92002DM on the abduction that caused DS92002DM to become aware of his abductions (a missing time event). Three years had passed before he found out about the event and Bill had moved away with out leaving a forwarding address shortly after the abduction. DS92002DM was surprised by the call, Bill said he had been thinking about DS92002DM and the trip they had taken. He related the events of the trip and mentioned the "strange blue light" seen by the subjects just before the abduction took place. DS92002DM asked the subject what was the next event he could remember and the subject responded with an event three hours later. When DS92002DM asked Bill if he remembered anything at all of the road between the point where they saw the blue light and the location hundreds of miles later, Bill began to laugh nervously. When DS92002DM started to relate events as revealed during his hypnosis session, Bill became hysterical and did not want to discuss the event further. Bill also related that he had been feeling depressed and lethargic "...since Christmas." On March 15, 1993, DS92002DM met with subject DS92021SM whom he had not seen in several months. DS92021SM currently lives in the western part of the state and only comes to Houston rarely. He is also the individual who witnessed DS92002DM's abduction in June of 1992 and saw the aliens taking him away. It is because of this and his having been processed earlier concerning the June event that the subject has a case number (video tapes on file with investigators). DS92021SM was unaware of eventsconcerning the mass abduction, (he is not a member of HUFON or any UFO organization and has had little interest in the subject prior to recent events). DS92021SM related to DS92002DM and to two investigators that he believed he had seen a alien in his room "...early to mid-December, not sure of date," and that after that he suffered symptoms similar to those he had in June after DS92002DM's abduction (Post Abduction Syndrome). The subject related that he also discovered several needle marks "... in a line above his navel" about the same time. Subject DS92007PH, who was in the December abduction, has also reported having needle marks both prior to and after the December 8th abductions. Subject DS92003JA, who was involved in the December abduction visited her sister who lives in a neighboring state. Both she and her sister have reported being abducted as children. According to DS92003JA her sister has made statements that would indicate that she was abducted on or about the time of the December 8th event. What does this all mean? Based on the statements of the abductees in the December 8th event we know the aliens were concerned about how abductees knew/found out about their abductions. There were indications that the aliens were investigating their own procedures for flaws and indications were made that they were reviewing their procedures. If this is true, individuals present during the abductions of the subjects in the December 8th event may have also been abducted for questioning. This may have occurred on December 8th, or shortly thereafter. We do know that there are several persons reported by subjects in the December 8th event that have not been identified. We still have several subjects who may have been associated with the December 8th event that have not been processed. Bill's call may have been prompted by memories stimulated when he may have also been picked up and questioned in December. Similar events may be true also for DS92021SM and DS92003JAs' sister. It has become obvious that the investigations of the December 8th event may have only begun. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Prometheus: Subtle Hint or Threat to the Aliens? Since learning the details of the mass abduction of December 8, 1992, we have been seeking any information that could lead us to further details concerning the nature of a "Project Prometheus." During the mass abduction, at least two of the abductees were asked by the abducting entities what they knew about "Project Prometheus." At that time, none of us, abductees or investigators, had ever heard of it. Shortly before the publication of "The Abduction Event of December 8, 1992" (released in March, 1993), we learned that a "Project Prometheus" had been proposed to the U.S. Government some time in the past. No date was indicated when this proposal was made, who chaired the proposal or the branch of the government it was related to. The sketchy details available about this project concerned acquiring advanced technology (from alien sources?) by any means possible. Though the term "alien" was not used in the description, indications were clearly made with references to advanced flight capabilities of UFOs. Armed with this tidbit of information we falsely assumed more would follow in short order. It did not. Then on March 15, 1993, a book was found in storage at the Houston Public Library titled The Prometheus Project. The book was written in 1968 by Gerald Feinberg, Ph.D. Although the book was in storage (not out on the shelves) it was still available to be checked out. Well, it wasn't what we thought. Not that the book doesn't relate to things pertaining to possible alien interests, it does. It's just that we expected something more covert. Project Prometheus, as put forth by Dr.Feinberg, is a project proposed by a group of scientists to determine long range goals for the human race. One of these long range goals would be the "...spread of the human race beyond the confines of earth to other stellar systems, either for exploration or for eventual inhabitation of them." Other goals include changing our own environment, bioengineering, life extension, and greater insight as to the nature of things. Then several weeks later in a discussion with a retired navy officer, I inquired if he had ever heard of a Project Prometheus. He replied that he had and related that in the early 1970s he was a navy commander working in the Pentagon on a project for the early warning system. Much of this equipment was installed in Alaska and was used to detect a early aerial attack from the former Soviet Union. The portion he was involved with was a submarine detection system installed between England and Iceland to monitor marine traffic coming out of the Norwegian Sea. While working on this project, he learned that certain types of alerts were to be reported to Project Prometheus. He inquired of his commanding officer as to what Project Prometheus was and was informed "It's a skunk works. I wouldn't ask about it anymore if I were you." (A "skunk works" is an insider's term for a secret project). We have also received information that there exists in a book titled Teller's War a reference to a Project Prometheus. According to this book, Project Prometheus was associated with the Star Wars program and was developing a weapon that fired nuclear projectiles to shoot down and/or cripple satellites or space craft. One can see how the aliens would be interested in such a project. Which of the two Projects Prometheus are the aliens interested in? One government project to obtain alien technology by hook or by crook, or one set forth by scientists to advance the human race? Subject DS92002DM from the December mass abduction leans toward a government project, while information retrieved from DS92007PH leans toward one that is designed to advance the human race. Neither were aware of either project before the December event. DS92007PH's description of Project Prometheus is very similar to that in Dr. Feinberg's book, however DS92007PH thought the project was alien initiated. DS92002DM felt the implication was clear in his communication that the project was a government operation. In either case, one can easilysee why the aliens would be interested. In the meantime we are left with more questions. Which project were they referring to -- Dr. Feinberg's; the Government's; or both? Were they trying to tell us something by asking the question? Or were they throwing us a curve to lead us off on a wild goose chase? Certainly we will be digging into this unusual situation further. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dale Musser, CHT, is the senior abductions investigator of the Houston UFO Network's Abduction Committee. End of File ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************