SUBJECT: DESERTERS FILE: UFO2201 Well folks don't let it be said that you didn't hear it first here... Recently I have been in contact with a gentleman by the name of Clifford Stone. Clifford, for those of you who aren't up on recent UFOlogical investigative history, is a former Sergeant in the United States Army, and who has been encountering all kinds of difficulties with regards to obtaining document through the FOIA. Because of his efforts he has been subjected to all kinds of problems and dirty tricks, the least of which was the army trying to get his wife, a former Vietnamees national, deported from the country. As a result of this last effort Clifford retired from the Army this past Feburary, and currently is still fighting the Army for some of the things that they tried to pull on him. Just prior to his retirement Clifford was sent on a hardship tour guessed it...the 103rd Intelligence Battalion of the 701st Intelligence Brigade, in Augsburg, Germany. During his tour over there he became intimately aquainted with three of the deserters recently arrested in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Clifford told me that on more than one occassion the three would come to his quarters after duty hours and discuss with him the subject of UFOs and occassionally they would call him over to the tunnels at brigade headquarters and show him bits and pieces of information that they had gathered during the course of their duties that dealt specifically with UFOs. Clifford knew these people intimately for over a year. It is his contention that the story that is being publicised about them being a cult group who went AWOL to come to Gulf Breeze and meet the Anti-Christ on August the 6th and kill him, is a bunch of crap. He has further stated that the three people were professionals in every sense of the word. Another point that he brought out that I find interesting is that they (the deserters) are being held at Fort Benning, Georgia. He as well as I find this extremely interesting since there are other military installations much closer and just as suited to incarcerate them. As it has been pointed out by various other people, it would seem that something is afoot and the army is trying to cover it up. Either the individuals in question came accross something that made them take the action that they did, or the government sent them there and are covering the reason why. Another interesting point to consider is that civilian lawyers were refused access to the 6, being told that they do not need civilian legal counsel as the military will provide counsel to them. It's been my experience that if the defendant, even in a military trial, wants to hire a lawyer outside of the military, feeling that the military counsel will not provide an adequate defence, then it is allowed. Even when it involves classified information. It is my feeling that it is going to get extremely sticky. Perhaps an investigator from Paranet, UFINET, MUFON, or even CUFOS should be in Gulf Breeze on August the 6th, just in case. Bill English ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************