SUBJECT: UFOs TONITE RADIO SHOW FILE: UFO2194 --- Greetings Fellow UFO Guys and Gals --- The following is a partial transcript from Don Eckers' weekly talk show titled "UFOs Tonite." Dons' featured guest for this show was actor Dwight Schultz. Don and Dwight had quite an experience recently while doing some field investigation down in Roswell, New Mexico. The show "UFOs Tonite" is broadcast by the "Cable Radio Network" every Saturday night at 9pm PST. "UFOs Tonite" is available on many cable systems across the country. Contact your local cable company for further information on how to pick up the "Cable Radio Network." "UFOs Tonite" can also be picked up by satellite dish owners on SATCOM C3, transponder 23, audio 7.23mhz narrowband. All back shows of "UFOs Tonite" can be obtained on cassette tape by contacting "UFO Magazine" at 818-951-1250. I hope you enjoy this post. Any comments will be welcomed. --Bill Ralls-- ********************************************************************* Don: And we're back! That's right, here you are Saturday night with me and me of course being Don Ecker. The show is "UFOs Tonite" and you are listening to the "Cable Radio Network." Well, every week as you know, we talk about one of mankinds' most misunderstood yet mysterious phenomenon ever and that of course is UFOs. Well, you know, a couple of months ago I was privileged to have an individual in here join us for the first time, and he spoke for the very first time publicly anywhere about his fascination, interest and study of this subject. And if you were tuning in you probably heard that pro- gram and it was a delight, and of course I'm talking about Mr. Dwight Schultz, star of screen and television. Starring in such programs as the "A Team", "Star Trek the Next Generation" and just a whole list of too many to go on. Well, tonight Dwight is once again joining us in studio, and we are going to be talking about something that we haven't done a lot of as far as I'm concerned. You know, each week I talk about and with people that are some of the top researchers, the best known researchers anywhere available today, especially here in the United States. Well, I haven't too often talked about my person- al research and of course that's one of the things that I do do, and recently on two out of state trips here Dwight was involved with this research with me. And Dwight, I want to thank you for joining us in studio, and not only are we going to be talking about the research that we were involved in...[laughs] But one of the most well known UFO cases around...Roswell. And ladies and gentlemen, he's had us cracking up in here for fifteen minutes before the show. [Dwight is snoring in the background] Dwight, are you awake? Hello! Dwight:[JOKINGLY-French accent> What? I'm sorry. I'm Valerie LeMont. I'm a PHD in Vanilla. I'm here to check your pants. Who is this? Come now is this a joke?] Don, you said, "do do." [Don and Dwight are cracking up] Don: Did I say do do? Dwight: Yes you did. You said, "do do" Don. Don: [still cracking up] And if you'd like to join tonights conversa- tion... Dwight: [laughs] Thank you, Don. Don: You can reach us by calling 818-352-7152 or 1-800-336-2225. Dwight: I have to say hello to my wife Wendy and my daughter Ava. Don: Are they out there listening? Dwight: Yes, and I know my daughter is going to be going to bed to bed here in a few minutes. So I just wanted to say hello and good night sweetheart, to you too my darling wife, but I don't want you to go to sleep until the show is over. Don: Well, this is a family show, you know? Dwight: Yes, it is, it certainly is, in my house it is. We wear large fluorescent bulbs on our heads, sit around in the dark and lis- ten to the show every Saturday night. That's practically the truth, ladies and gentlemen. I am addicted to this show. Don: You would not believe how many people have told me how upset they are because I ruined their Saturday nights. Dwight: Well, it's true, it used to be Sunday. Don: Yeah, it used to be Sunday nights, of course nobody cared be- cause they had to go to work Monday, but now they can't go out and party like they used to. Dwight: That's exactly right. Don: Roswell, what a case. And we were talking about that before the show tonight. We were talking about aspects of the Roswell case, and our trip that we took down there recently. Dwight: Yes, indeed. We both went the same time. First time in our lives. First time for you, right? Don: Yeah, it was the first time. Dwight: First time for me and it was quite an experience. We could- n't get out because of the airline. They take you in there, and they fly you in a beanie with a propeller on it. [laughs] Don: [laughs] That's true, that's true! Two days we were stuck there, two days we were stuck there. Dwight: I have to get closer to the microphone. I've just been given the note. Don: [laughs] Well, let me say the airline too, that we flew in on and then flew out...Mesa. Promised, I was gonna give them a heck of a plug. If you ever have to go to New Mexico, hitch hike don't fly, don't fly. Dwight: Yes, but it was, it was an extraordinary experience and is the word synchronizity(sp) or serendipity, things happened there that neither Don nor myself expected to happen. Don: Was this the first time that you were ever involved in an actual field investigation? Dwight: Yes, this was my very first time. This is the first time that I went with any, went with anybody who knew anything about this to actually investigate some strange phenomenon. Don: And that was a current ongoing flap that's still going on down there. Dwight: Yes, Jose Escamilla. And I was baptized with Mr.Ecker. Don: [laughs-clears throat] Yes, in more ways than one, I might add. Dwight: Yes, in more ways than one. Don: If you by any chance you caught the "Hardcopy" program, there was a segment on...well, a week ago Friday about this particular... some of this footage. This guy who originally had been living here in the Los Angeles area, originally from Roswell, moved back after the earthquake, but they have had a ongoing series of sightings of unusual objects, they aren't the only people. And while this is all going on there is also at this point a huge air force operation that is ongoing called "Operation Rolling Sand." And now whether these "unidentifieds" are a part of the military operation, that's always possible knowing, you know, or having at least some kind of idea of what todays technology is, but whether it may be that or perhaps the phenomenon is there because the military is there. Roswell, fifty years ago of course, that area, I shouldn't say Roswell itself, but that area of New Mexico there was a tremendous amount going on in the military, the sciences. That's the general location where the "A bomb" was developed and tested. The military had brought back a lot of captured German "V2 rockets" that they were testing. There was "experimental radar testing" going on, and that's of course when the incident, the 1947 incident happened. Dwight: Well, it's more than that to. It is the sense of history can be very imposing when you arrive there and you realize that some- thing was supposed to have taken place almost fifty years ago. Some- thing that maybe changed the world, maybe didn't, we don't know, the government supposedly knows. You don't know what's going to happen. You somehow, you somehow feel like you're a part of something, but everyone in that town talks about it. It's still alive there and it isn't just a question of well, you know, we're telling, we're telling tales here for the tourists because it is not a tourist town. Don : No, you've got to work to get there. Dwight: You've got to work very hard to get there. It's very iso- lated and a lot of people will tell you how difficult it is to even get food there. But everyone talks about this incident and everyone has a story to tell and they all seem to be in the direction of it really happened, it's not a joke. People don't laugh about it, they don't joke about it, they kind of look...And sometimes you'll find people not interested, they don't really want to come out and talk about it, but they will. No one laughs at this, this is not a joke, it's real, and it's a very strange feeling down there. Don: It permeates our entire culture now. Not only is there the film coming out the end of this summer sometime between July and August, at this point that's what we hear. Even last night on Fox television program "X-Files"...Roswell, the Roswell incident was mentioned. You know, tonight what I would really like to do because I really want to go into this case in some depth. I would love to hear from all of you skeptics, the skeptical side that is out there. Now, I'm not talking about mindless debunking, although we can deal with that too, but I'm talking about people that genuinely are skeptical about the idea of unidentified flying objects number one, and number two what in fact these objects may be or represent. You know, when we talk about UFOs we're talking about "not spaceships" as many people auto- matically assume. We're talking about something that is uniden- tified, apparently is manufactured and is flying around demonstrat- ing physics we don't normally attribute. Dwight: But Don, I do want to say one thing here to. To make it very clear that we went to Roswell to investigate current phenomenon. Something that is going on down there at this particular moment, but what happened was that we were drawn into an event that...the event that took place almost fifty years ago in an almost unbelievable series of coincidences, and that is where I understood the madness of UFO investigators because you seem to be chasing the magic tail of the rabbit that you just see behind every corner and as you reach for the tail it's gone and around another corner. Don: And that's something that we're going to be discussing tonight also. An unbelievable incident that happened seemed to come out of the "Twilight Zone." Dwight: It certainly was... Don: Rod Sterling would have been right at home there. Dwight: Yes indeed. Don: My guest this evening joining me in studio is Mr. Dwight Schultz a very good personal friend of mine and a star of screen and stage, and a gentleman that for the very first time right here at "UFOs Tonite" just several months ago broached his very deep interest in this subject publicly for the first time, which took a lot of courage because there are many people out there that don't look kindly on people with this interest and that's something else I would like to address tonight later about the "new religion" that we are dealing with. The new religion of course being "science" and their very rigid ways of looking at certain things in our culture. It's some- thing that we have to deal with and it's something that we should address. Don: Dwight, let's talk about the history of this to begin with. When we're talking about Roswell, a lot of people think that this is where it all started...Roswell, New Mexico, that's not true. The phenomenon goes back many thousands of years, but as far as contemporary times it started in the second world war. Dwight: "Foo Fighters." Don: Foo fighters. Now you weren't around then, I wasn't around then, but... Dwight: Almost, not quite. Don: Did...when you were growing up did you hear anything about that as you were a young man? Dwight: No, I didn't hear anything about...about the real sightings of unidentified flying objects. I didn't even...I think it was '52 that was the big flap in DC? Don: Yes. Dwight: Yes, I didn't even hear anything about that. It was motion pictures that brought me to UFOs. I think the first film that I re- member was "The Day The Earth Stood Still." Don: Oh, Robert Wise(sp)...tremendous film. Dwight: Yes, Michael Reny(sp) and "Gort the Robot" but yes I was not aware of the truth, it was all a fiction. It wasn't until I actually started to read and I would read in the newspaper accounts when I was in grade school of people really seeing these things, and periodical- ly there would be a radio program. Don: Well, now you have told me you heard many of these programs back in those days, and I unfortunately did not. Dwight: Yes, I saw the "Armstrong Circle Theatre" 'cause my parents watched. I saw the "Keyhoe" program and I wish that I could remember it, but I have a vague vague memory of it as a child back in '58, and I remembered the sound going off, and my father talking about it, and the "big hubbub" the following day and what was...that there was a government coverup. So, that is in my psyche from 1958. And... Don: That's not something we heard a lot of in those days, is it... coverups? Dwight: No, no not at all, but it was in the papers the following day after that show. Don: And that of course was when Major Donald Keyhoe was censored on the air live when he was trying to break away from the script that he was following to basically say that there were people in the congress that was interested in holding hearings on UFOs. Dwight: Yes, and I have a vague memory of him being trashed for the next seven, eight, nine, ten years because I wasn't actively involved in this field. I just remember him vaguely being trashed. Then as I started to, started to go to high school. I was the proud owner of a seven transistor Japanese radio. I think it actually was American, it was an RCA, and at night I would get the AM transmissions from New York city. At night the signals would come in very strong from the fifty thousand watt power houses..."WOR" in particular, and I'd lis- ten to Barry Farber(sp) and Long John Nebel(sp) And these gentlemen, Barry Farber, I remember...Ivan Sanderson(sp) frequently would cover the subject of unidentified flying objects and the United States gov- ernment and it's involvement in the subject, and Long John Nebel who frequently had people with, with interest in the subject of UFOs on his program and I would fall asleep. I don't think my parents knew, but I would fall asleep late in the night. Sometimes I would stay up until three o'clock, four o'clock in the morning 'cause his show was from midnight, I believe until five. And that is where I developed my interests, and that's where I also learned about the Vietnam war. Don: On Long John Nebel? Dwight: And Barry Farber in particular, listening to the debates on those programs during the sixties, moving right along. So, I'm radio educated, I listen to more radio than watch TV. Don: You know that's one of the wonderful things about this particu- lar CRN network because not only is it a radio signal, but it's spe- cifically for television. You know, where you can get them both to- gether. We have many people around the country that are in fact tuning in on satellite, it comes right in on their...well, as a mat- ter of fact, you told me that you heard the show first on satellite. [satcom C3, transponder 23, 7.23mhz narrow] Dwight: Yes, I had a dish in central California and I heard the show. Don: Well, during all these times Long John Nebel and Keyhoe made a number of appearances on that and of course there were many others... Frank Edwards(sp) was covering the UFO beat. Many of you people may not recognize the name of Frank Edwards, but he was an extremely pop- ular very well respected radio broadcaster in the 50s and 60s who had written two books on UFOs...UFOs, I believe it was "Serious Business" and I'm trying to think of...or "Flying Saucers Serious Business" and I'm trying to think of the other book, but Edwards and all these people...Edwards, Keyhoe none of them ever mentioned Roswell. And if they talked about crashed UFOs they were talking about basically Frank Sculley's(sp) book which was published... Dwight: About the Aztec... Don: No, 1950..."Behind The Flying Saucers" I's been too long ago, but that book has been pretty much roundly trashed, but not many heard of Roswell. What do you attribute that to? A successful coverup? Because it made world wide news just at the time it happened. Dwight: Well, it certainly is...yes, I mean, I think this is the great thing about libraries. You can go back and...I think that's... wasn't the front page of the Roswell...wasn't that picked up in the library? Don: Yes, the Roswell Daily News. Dwight: This story was very quickly killed, and I think now when you look back and you see the history it's very clear that the government was quick to step in and take this story right off the airwaves, and consequently very few people knew about it, but with time the truth does sort of leak out, and when people say that the government can't keep a secret...well, to an extent they can continue to lie and say no it didn't happen, but over three hundred people have come forward to say it's not a secret anymore. So, in a sense they're right, they can't keep a secret, and it's only been since the 70s that I've heard the name that I've actually seen material written about it, and I... and of course with the recent book of Randle and Schmitt's, "The Truth About The UFO Crash At Roswell", it's all in perspective now, and it's not a trashy book, it's not a silly book, it's not a stupid book, it's a very well documented book that ties some very strange stories together, and if we are to believe human beings, our com- patriots, I think there's something here to be studied. Don: Roswell, when we were down there still a relatively small rural town. No interstate highways close by. One small little airport where the airplanes work sometimes and sometimes they don't. Dwight: No radar. Don: I wanted to mention that. Not one bit of commercial radar in that area. We talked to several people about that too, and the citi- zens down there want to know why they don't have radar at their air- port, but the military in fact had radar. Dwight: But you have to say, it was the most incredible site because when landed in this little plane, and there right next to the tower was...were the camouflaged trucks and a few soldiers all wearing their fatigues, and this little radar spining at the end, all mili- tary. Don: And a lot of high tech jet aircraft flying around. Dwight: We saw stealth aircraft, we saw stealth aircraft...what are they? I mean...we saw an amazing number... Don: Well, there were F16, F111-B tactical bombers, the F117 stealth. Dwight: We saw these flying not just... Don: Yes, yeah, yeah they were flying around, and of course the flashes of light which were moving incredibly fast. Later checking the videotape some of these appeared to be unidentified objects when we slowed the tape down... Dwight: Well, your jumping ahead here. We went to the site where the gentleman Jose Escamilla had said that he had taken these shots of UFOs. We'd saw some videotape that had been given to Don by "Hardcopy" and it was some amazing footage, and when you go down there you don't know what to expect, and suddenly you jump into the back of a car and this fellow is taking you to the spot and it's the's the strangest experience because it's a little dirt... [laughs] Don: [laughs] Well, it's midway, it's midway between Roswell and some other town. Dwight: And it's this little don't want to call it a mini mall ,but it could be called a mini mall in New Mexico, but it was dusty and the people were very ordinary individuals and they just... [hispanic accent> "Yeah, they're up there man, look at this!"] And you want to say, I'm not really doing this, these people, this is a joke. [Hispanic accent> "Just put your camera up there, just put your camera up there man and you'll get 'em."] And your saying to your- self, Oh please! I have been fooled, this is silly. [Hispanic accent> "Just focus, focus on a plane, focus on anything that's up there and they'll come, they'll come."] So, you really think you are being silly and that's what happened, and sure enough suddenly there were these flashes. I did not see them, but Don saw them, and I must tell you I couldn't see the actual airplanes that were flying...I mean, my eyes are not that good, but saw planes and I'm looking and looking and I'm not seeing... Don: But you were looking through the viewfinder of the camcorder. Dwight: Yes, but they finally did come into view, so they really were there, but these flashes that Don saw while the videotape was rolling were real, and when we went back and checked the tape later concur- rent with his scream, there's a flash, I see it. Were these...and there's something flying around the planes very quickly, inexplic- able...whether it was intelligently piloted craft, I can't tell you, but I never seen anything quite like...So, there was something, some- thing there going on, and we were only there for about two and a half hours and there were... Don: Right, but at that time Jose Escamilla already had over a solid one hundred hours of videotape that he and his brother had already stood out there and shot. Dwight: And Hardcopy had also captured on their cameras inexplicable objects, but at any rate you went there, we were there for two and one half hours, and we caught something in that two and one half hours. I don't know what it is. There's a lot of military activity, these flashes of light, these objects "little globes" is what they look like moving around changing directions at incredible speeds. I don't know. I would love for someone to tell me what it was. Don: Well, Hardcopy only showed the most minute amount of that videotape. You know, some of the things that we saw Dwight. One where the white object that appears to have a dome on it... Dwight: Yes. Don: was hovering and something dropped down through the frame, that gray blob or whatever the heck it was. Another one where a rod was flying from cloud to cloud. There was another sequence where he had what appeared to be a rod shaped craft and it looked like it had several... Dwight: Globes on the bottom of it. Don: Right, globes on the bottom of it. What in the world that was is anybodies, anybodies guess. Dwight: But again it's the difficult nature of this business. You're sitting around saying, what is that, what is that? I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I haven't seen anything like that before and so what you end up with is something that you don't know. But it's not explainable, maybe it is, but no one in a position to ex- plain it is taking anytime to explain it. Don: Well, you know, unlike the very recent Michigan sightings. The Michigan sightings which were verified on their civilian commercial radar. Roswell doesn't have that luxury. Dwight: That's right. Don: And that's the one thing that just really amazed me. Why did they not have radar? I mean, they've had an airfield there since the second world war at least. Dwight: Well, I don't know. I can't...we do know that they're trying to get radar there. And you can being sufficiently paranoid as I am, one can begin to think of reasons why they don't have radar, but there maybe some explanation for it...why there's no civilian radar, but there's certainly military radar. Don: And they also have two UFO museums. Dwight: Yes, this is the second part of the story folks. Don tell 'em. Don: Two UFO museums. Don: But you know, Dwight, speaking about Roswell, let's go back to Roswell for just a moment. We were there. We were out at the sight where the strange things were being seen. Then we decided to check out the folks that are working in the UFO_biz there if you will at the museums and low and behold as we walk in... Dwight: This was the UFO Enigma Museum. Don: The UFO Enigma Museum, which is run by Mr. John Price and their research director is Clifford Stone, former guest of this program and guy I have a lot of respect and fondness for. We go in there and somebody that we'll call "Manny", because we can't use his real name now, but ladies and gentlemen it was the most strange occurrence I think that I've had happen to me personally in many years. John come running out.... Dwight: Well, first of all you have to set the stage here. We have gone into this museum, and we went was empty. There was nobody in it but the proprietor, we got there as soon as it opened. As I said, it's not a tourist town, and all that you can see in this other room, there's another room to the museum, and all I could see were these legs and boots and a table and somebody was looking at a big book, and that was the only other person in the museum. Go ahead. Don: Well, John Price the owner came running out, he saw me, recog- nized me and we shook hands, I introduced Dwight, and the words out of his mouth and I didn't know quite what to make of it, but he said, Don, he said, "This gentleman just came in just before you guys got here, I'm sitting back, I'm talking to him, I think you need to talk to him". And I said, well why would I need to talk to him John? He said, "Well, this old fellow claims that he was one of the MPs that was here at the old Walker Air Base, the Roswell Army Air Base, and he was one of the people guarding the crash site when this happened". And I was stunned, I didn't know, and I said, well you know, has any- body ever talked to this guy before? He said, "No, he literally came in out of the blue". So, Dwight... we walk in, sit down, meet the gentleman... we'll call him "Manny" for now, and what was your first impressions? Dwight: [laughs] Well, he said something that was extraordinary, and that was... and Jonathan Price said this under his breath to Don. I was sitting off...I mean, I'm not an expert, I'm just trailing along here having the experience, gritty experience of an UFO investigator and Mr. Price walked up to Don and said, [whispering> "We got a gen- tleman in here and he says he's got a piece of it, [Don laughs] says he's got a piece of the saucer".] And of course I...[laughs] I mean, who in fifty years has said they have a piece of it? I mean, I haven't...I mean, I've heard tell that there is a piece of it. I haven't one has yet formally come forward and said, hey I've got a piece of it. And he was looking, the gentleman was look- ing at what you would call a yearbook that the museum had put to- gether..... Don: It was a unit history book. Dwight: Yes, a unit history book. And he was having trouble finding himself. And I said, [skeptically> Ah, well there you's somebody who's come here for a little notoriety or whatever, he can't find himself in the book, he's going to say that he was there, but he just can't happen to find himself.] So, the gentleman wore glasses, he was elderly, and he was various going from page to page, and he said, "I can't find myself". And Don came in, Don sat down and started talking to him, and then I started looking through the book. And I just started looking for Manny's name and there it was, he had missed it, he was there. Don: And not only was he there, but when he had gone down to this museum, he had gone down thinking that there was going to be a re- union of all his old buddies from the 509th at this particular time, which didn't make any sense to us. Dwight: He said, "Reunion, I came here for a reunion, I saw it on the TV, they were having a reunion, and they asked people to come". And suddenly it became clear that "Showtime" had been publicizing...well, first of all Randle and Schmitt held a press conference... Don: Right, in Roswell. Dwight: for their book, and Showtime had been publicizing their movie, and the movie...the premise of the film is a reunion. And the old man saw some PR for the book, heard the press release for the book and the people promoting it saying, anybody who has any informa- tion please come forward, and then he saw the promo for the movie about a reunion, and he thought that that's what was going to occur. Don: And it wasn't...he was wrong, but he came up anyway, and as we found out the story even gets stranger. Don: So, we're down there, here's this old fellow we're calling Manny. We find find his photograph in the book, and he brought along some...his marriage certificate to prove that he had been married at the 509th by a certain officer, which we have copies of that stuff, and then tell them what he said about his "little men." This was one of the most fan...and it just literally came out of nowhere. Dwight: Well, first he described everything that happened, that he was there, that he saw it, and basically he retold the story in basic terms that's been told many times now. And he said he carved the "little men", he called them his "little men" he carved them and then he said, with a glint in his eye, "Why would I do that, why would I do that?"...he did say that. I said,[joking> For about twenty five thousand dollars and a stint on a TV show, is that right? He said, "Why would I do that?" And he carved these "little men" and he said his daughter and his son saw it and he had a piece of the saucer. He said, he got the biggest piece and he took it out and he said that his son knew where it was, it was in the attic. He said, he put it there, and he told the story of how he was sent away from Roswell to an island immediately after the retrieval and that they never saw... anybody that was involved in the retrieval no one saw each other again, they were all sent to different places and then he caused a disturbance in his family and that his wife peti- tioned the base because she said she was going to kill herself and kill her children if they didn't send him back and he eventually did come back and then he went off to the Korean war. Don: And we saw his military records because we took a trip to where this gentleman lives, which I'm not going to identify, but we took... Dwight: But he is legit... Don: The man is... Dwight: But he disappeared, first the story is he disappeared, he got up and walked...he said "I'm leaving." He got up and walked out and Don being very pensive and paranoid just kept saying, "Dwight, we should have followed him, we should have taken him home with us, we should have taken him back, we should have, we shoulda, shoulda, woulda, coulda. And we didn't, we couldn't, weren't there for that purpose, but yes, this is what happens you're taken, you're taken in some other direction. Don: Well, you're in such a weird space. Do we believe this, do we don't believe this? I mean... Dwight: But his picture was in the book, he was there! this man was there and he was telling a story that personally effected him and his family and he told of his son and his daughter. Well, we left and came back to Los Angeles, and low and behold Don tries to get in con- tact with this gentleman and finds out that the old man is missing, and is talking to his daughter and his daughter says, "that he had been missing for a week" and she was crying. And to make a long story short, we directed them to where he might be, they found him, they took him back. We talked to his son and his daughter and they corroborated his story...that the old man had said he had a piece of it, they called it the "rock", it just looked like a dull piece of metal, but they called it the "rock" and old man had had it for years and they just thought that his was a crazy old man, but many...they all corroborated this, they all corroborated the story and everything that he had said about being sent away and they just thought he was an old man telling stories. And he... they made fun of him in fact they laughed at him and now they... Don: But they were very pensive after we spoke to them, very pensive. Dwight: This is true ladies and gentlemen that the family felt sorry. I mean, they were in a little bit of pain about how they had treated their father all these years because they didn't believe him and now there is... basically when his wife died all of his belongings were somewhere left in this house somewhere, sold somewhere, crated away and now there is a mad rush to look for this rock that they all saw and now that they know is valuable and maybe important. So it's... Don: Perhaps. Dwight: It's a very very bizarre situation. How can you get so close as to have somebody say I saw it and then to meet a family and say, "yeah, we didn't believe it, we threw it out, it was a paperweight, it was sitting on the TV." They're looking through photos of the TV, looking for a picture of this thing, a paperweight which was a piece perhaps, perhaps from a flying saucer or as I told Don, maybe it's a '46 Chrysler, but we've got to find out. Don: Yes, it could be a 1946 Chrysler, think about that. Don: You saw what I got in the mail this week from Manny? Dwight: Yes, I did see that. Don: The fellow that we were talking about turned around and carved several more of his little men to show us exactly what it was that he carved back in '47, '48. Dwight: And it's right on the button folks. Not only that, he also corroborated some other things which we have heard which have not been published or not... I don't think they have been verified, but he says that "they came back" and that "they came back looking for the crashed saucer", and we actually heard that while we were down there from someone else who is very knowledgeable. I mean, there is no way of verifying that, but we had just heard this story prior to the old man telling it and it also sent chills up my spine to hear that because you were hearing another military, someone else in the military telling part of the story that you hadn't heard before be- cause he was one of the MPs who was guarding the site, and it was a very strange experience. Don: If somebody would have told me that this was going to happen. I would have said, the only way this could have happened is if it was orchestrated, but yet this wasn't. Dwight: No, it was truly serendipitous and we were there and the story may not be over yet, but if it is for this gentleman, he's another verification, another eye witness to an incident that bog- gles the mind. *********************** End of Transcript *************************** ... Keep your eyes to the skies!!! ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************