SUBJECT: MO. INCIDENTS, 3/90 FILE: UFO2172 PART 3 CONTRIBUTOR: STAR BEACON / P.O. Box 117 / Paonia, Colorado 81428 / ph# 303-874-4673 Editor/Publisher: Ann Ulrich Published monthly. $12.00/year or $1.00 an issue. 8 pages. Abductee oriented. ***************************************** Star Beacon February 1990 Volume IV, Number 2. The following appeared in the Sunday, January 18, 1990 Denver Post. Light in the sky meteor --- maybe. WASHINGTON - Thousands of people in the eastern United States reported seeing a strange blueish-green light in the sky last night which some experts said could have been an unusually large meteorite. "We are quite confident it was not a man-made object re-enterring," said Maj. Dick Adam, public affairs officer for the North American Aerospace De- fense Command in Colorado Springs. "We have no idea what it was." Robert Gribble of the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle reported re- ceiving dozens of calls. "Based on descriptions that have been given, I'd say we are dealing with a very large solid, a very large meteor," Gribble said. END ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************