SUBJECT: EARTH CHANGES TILL 1997 AS PREDICTED FILE: UFO2169 =========================================================================== BBS: The Realms of Magick Date: 01-17-93 (21:53) Number: 4248 From: DON ALLEN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Scallion - 1/3 Conf: (63) UFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I scanned this excerpt from an article in "Nexus New Times". While the article is ostensibly about "earth changes" resulting from [predicted] earthquake activity, it also mentions ET visitations by 1995. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is an excerpt from the article entitled "Earth Changes & Predictions" , that appeared in the Oct-Nov 1992 issue of 'Nexus New Times' magazine. The magazine is published in Australia by Duncan Roads and available in the USA by: This excerpt is about Gordon-Michael Scallion and some of his earthquake predictions on coming earth changes. ============================================================================= ** Begin excerpt ** --- Enter Gordon-Michael Scallion. Gordon-Michael Scallion may well be hailed as another Edgar Cayce if his track record continues the way it's going at the moment. In fact, the parallels he has to Edgar Cayce are quite uncanny. For example, in 1979, Gordon-Michael Scallion lost his voice also, and after a rather unusual series of events, spent the best part of ten years giving personal readings for people's heath problems. Just like Edgar Cayce, Gordon-Michael Scallion does not consciously remember what is said during his readings, and as a result tapes all his sessions for going over at a later time. The predictions pertaining to earth changes are also very similar to Edgar Cayce, except that Gordon's predictions are a lot more precise. So precise in fact, that after the hurricane that hit Florida recently, a lot of people are now taking him very seriously. He has accurately predicted nearly every major earthquake, volcano, major flood for the last few years that I can trace, and has a pretty good track record on the general economy and socio-political predictions also. So concerned is he about what he has seen in the future, that he has started up a non-profit organisation known as The Matrix Institute in Westmoreland, New Hampshire, USA. The Matrix Institute has been publishing Gordon's predictions over the last year in their newsletter, called The Earth Changes Report. (See details at the end of this article.) One can obtain these newsletters and verify his accuracy, and one can also purchase some tape sessions of predictions regarding earth changes in both America and the rest of the world. I have encapsulated several hours worth of taped sessions in the following paragraphs. You will again note the amazing similarity with many other predictions. I guess time will tell ... Gordon-Michael Scallion refers to the period from 1991 to 1997 as the "First Tribulation". According to him this is to be a period of profound change, both physically, emotionally, economically, socially, and most importantly, - spiritually. I will do a quick run through each of the continents to give you an idea of what he is predicting in general terms. North America: More earthquake activity especially in California. Judging from the more recent newsletters, there is currently a prediction 'on the table' as follows: a 65% chance of two earthquakes before the end of September '92 one a 7.8 (plus or minus 0.4) on the Richter Scale, epicentre Sonoma County California, latitude 39" (plus or minus 0.5) approximately 50 miles from the coast; the other near Los Angeles, epicentre within a 100 mile radius of Palm Springs, reaching 8.3 (plus or minus 0.5) on the Richter Scale. He also has predicted an earthquake size 7.1 (plus or minus 0.3) within a 75 mile radius of San Diego before mid-October '92. He indicates that should these earthquakes not occur during these "windows" mentioned, then there is a 95% probability they will occur before May 9th 1993. Otherwise, North America can expect massive earth changes by or during 1995, with quakes reaching size 15 on the Richter Scale. In fact he indicates that earthquakes of this size will be causing major damage world wide, with shock waves causing many mountain ranges to collapse due to oscillatory resonance huge tidal waves, flooding etc. etc. He predicts that California will become a series of islands, and virtually a complete change of the shape of the continent of America. << cont >> =========================================================================== BBS: The Realms of Magick Date: 01-17-93 (21:57) Number: 4249 From: DON ALLEN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Scallion - 2/3 Conf: (63) UFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- << cont from last >> South/Central America: Massive earthquake and volcanic activity, resulting over time with a new inland sea where the Amazon basin is currently situated. He indicates that this new inland sea will occupy a size equal to approximately 10% of the current land mass of that continent. Many of the mountain ranges in this continent are forecast to be levelled. Severe earthquakes in Mexico City. He indicates that an earthquake here of magnitude size 8.0 or more, will be occurring just before the big ones of size 15 in California. Africa: Imagine the letter "Y" and place it over a map of Africa with the bottom of the 'Y" near Capetown, and this will give you a picture of the shape of the Africa to emerge. Long waterways dividing the continent into three land masses. He indicates that the lands of Africa will split due to movement of the earth's tectonic plate. Europe: This is one place I would not want to be if Gordon is right His predictions indicate that the "quickest" of the earth changes will occur in Europe. To be brief, most of Britain, Scotland and Ireland will end up underwater, as will Spain, Portugal and parts of France, Bulgaria, Morrocco, Algeria. He predicts that a large portion of northern Europe will sink beneath the waves over a period of twenty minutes. Asia: Major inland seas to appear in large parts of Asia. By the end of 1997, Asia is predicted to lose approximately 50% of its land mass. That is it will be underwater. Japan is predicted to go under water due to a plate shift over a period of 24 hours! S.E. Asia: Major volcanoes, earthquakes, and tidal waves leaves much of south east Asia uninhabitable or underwater. Australia/New Zealand: Guess what? We miss out on the huge earthquakes and volcanoes, but we catch a lot of inundation, ie floods and tidal waves due to the action elsewhere. This is not to say there will not be some plate activity though. Australia and New Zealand are predicted to emerge as "vibrant" civilisations of the future. Antarctica: Volcanic activity is predicted on this continent, leading to large scale melting of ice. This will affect the water table levels for many areas in the region. After some time, this continent becomes fertile once again, and large masses of people move there. Middle East: Gordon predicts that if the Palestinian issue is not settled by 1993, then we can expect global confict there during or about 1995-1997. This conflict is predicted to render large portions of this area uninhabitable for some 50,000 years. Other: Gordon predicts that many new land masses will emerge, many with remnants of ancient and technologically advanced civilisations on them. These are predicted to open up a new era of technology for mankind. New land masses are predicted to rise near Australia and New Zealand; also in the Sargasso Sea; the Atlantic; parts of the Pacific and elsewhere. A series of seven plagues are forecast during the period of tribulation, we are currently into three of them at present (AIDS and the new form of Tuberculosis being two of these three). By the end of 1995 we will have been openly visited by visitors from the stars, who have been increasing their contact with humanity gradually over the past decade or more. Basically, he summarises his own predictions by indicating that before the end of 1995, many lands will have split up and gone, new sub-continents will have been formed, and over 100 major cities will have experienced severe earthquakes and/or inundation. Just how accurate is his track record you are wondering before you rush out to sell your shares in insurance companies. Well let me put it like this. How many people do you know who predicted Mt Pinatubo erupting in the Phillipines, Hurricane Andrew hitting Florida, or the last two sizeable Californian earthquakes (to the hour in one case)? But he has had a couple of 'misses' as he refers to predictions that did not materialise. I might point out though that so far, the 'misses' have been very few, and minor in consequence, that is in terms of earth-changing potential. One tiny tidbit that fascinated me about Gordon-Michael Scallion's predictions though, was his mention of the fact that people would 'feel' the earth-changes coming before hand. He indicated that many people would feel a 'pressure-like sensation in the chest area, and many would feel heart palpitations, especially before large earthquakes. These, he predicts, will be felt by many people days and weeks before-hand. Not many people are aware of the intense magnetic field changes that occur prior to most earthquakes. Many species of animals appear to go 'crazy or 'jittery' just before earthquakes, particularly big ones strike in their local area. This has been attributed to their sensitivity to the magnetic feld changes, which undergo a steep rise in intensity before a large earthquake. << cont >> =========================================================================== BBS: The Realms of Magick Date: 01-17-93 (21:55) Number: 4250 From: DON ALLEN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Scallion - 3/3 Conf: (63) UFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- << cont from last >> The subject of heart palpitations prior and during earthquakes by Gordon is also the topic covered by an esteemed New Zealand scientist, whose brief article appears in the Science News section of this issue. This is a very new subject, as the relationship between heart palpitations and earthquakes has not been previously identified or examined fully. As editor of a national magazine, I get a lot of mail etc. I have been recently getting many unsolicited letters from readers who have been having unusually vivid dreams - especially of tidal waves hitting the east cost of Australia, or Sydney being destroyed by a huge wave, in the near future. This is not new to many Australians. When the infamous channel, Ramtha was in Australia, he predicted a wave 'taller than the tallest building in Sydney' hitting Sydney and leaving a new beachfront half-way up the Blue Mountains. Edmund Harold, well known English psychic, also with an interesting track record of predictions has long maintained that a huge tidal wave will hit Sydney with very little, if any, warning. Even Aboriginal and Maori 'psychics' have forecast this particular event. For what it is worth, most of these prophets stress regularly that the future changes they perceive can be offset or alleviated in terms of severity of damage. They maintain that by living in peace, respecting the interconnectedness of all life, and becoming more aware of our spirituality, that many of these events will be reduced in magnitude. What does one do with this information? I am not psychic, but I am starting to wonder, is this just the regular end of-the-century doomsday fever at work, or is there some truth to all these predictions? Does our planet go through regular and sudden massive earth changes, and if so, would this be 'picked up' by some of us beforehand on some psychic level? If you, as a supposedly normal human being in western society suddenly started getting visions of the future such as Gordon- Michael Scallion, what would *you* do with the information? ** End of article ** Bibliography: Earthquake, Time-Life Books, Amsterdam, 1987. Mother Shipton's Prophecy, Nexus, Vo1.2. #3. Vision Tomorrow, by Edmund Harold, Greenhouse Publication, Melbourne, 1988. Nostradamus: The End of the Millenium, by V.J. Hewitt & Peter Lorie, Bloomsbury Publishing, UK 1991. Edgar Cayce On Prophecy, Mary Ellen Carter, Warner Books, USA 1968. Rolling Thunder-The Coming Earth Changes, J.R. Jochmans, Sun Books, USA 1987. We Are The Earthquake Generation, J. Goodman, Seaview Books, USA, 1978. Prophecy And Prediction In The 20th Century, Charles Neilson Gattey, The Aquarian Press, UK, 1989. America In Prophecy, E.G. White, Inspiration Books East, USA, 1988. The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus, Henry C. Roberts, Grafton Books, UK, 1985. Pyramid Prophecies, Max Toth, Warner Destiny Books, USA, 1979. Saint Germain on Prophecy - Coming World Changes, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Summit University Press, USA, 1986. Earth Changes And The New Planet Earth, Paul Solomon, The Master's Press Publishers, USA, 1979. The Earth, Past Present And To Come, Teachings and Lectures of Helio- Arcanophus, Atlanteans Association Ltd, UK, 1976. Nostradamus - Prophecies Of Present Times?, David Pitt Francis, The Aquarian Press, UK, 1985. Dreams Of The Future, Chet B. Snow, The Aquarian Press, UK, 1991. Oracles of Nostradamus, Chas A. Ward, Health Research, USA, 1974. The Earth Changes Reports, Gordon Michael Scallion, The Matrix Institute, RR1 , Box 391, Westmoreland, NH 03466 USA. Tel: (603) 399-4916. Last Waltz Of The Tyrants, Judi Pope Koteen, Beyond Words Publishing USA, 1989. --- ** end excerpt ** Don ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************