SUBJECT: LETTER TO SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE FILE: UFO2106 Today, January 13, 1994, this press release/letter was mailed to several members of the Senate Armed Services Committee (which will hold confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense designate Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, Ret.) and several press organizations. The cc: list at the bottom of the letter shows to whom this was mailed. As stated, our purpose was only to bring these statements to the attention of the senators and the press so that they may be addressed; perhaps to get an inch closer to the truth. Of course, the attachments are not reproduced. - Jim Klotz CUFON SYSOP ============================================================================ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 12, 1994 Has Secretary of Defense designate Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, Ret., made statements indicating that the U.S. Government has extraterrestrial craft in its possession? Admiral Inman has been credited with making such statements which have been construed as meaning that he was aware: * that "recovered vehicles" (meaning extraterrestrial alien craft) have been in possession of the government for over 10 years, * he had "some expertise" in the area of UFO before his retirement, * that he has been aware of a program to "indoctrinate the public" in UFO matters, * that he "understood who is behind the technology in the crafts" meaning extraterrestrial alien beings, * that the matter (of U.S, government recovery and possession of alien UFO craft) was covered by the "national security laws". The statements in question have been published in the United Kingdom and the United States in the books: (UK) Alien Liaison, 1991, and (in the US) Alien Update 1993, and (reiterated in a slightly different form) (US) Alien Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed, 1993, all by Timothy Good. The subject of "UFO" is a controversial one, but the subject of U.S. Government possession of recovered alien craft is even more controversial. This has, and continues to be denied by every government agency queried. We are releasing this statement as a cover document to a letter which, along with its attachments, calls the attention of the Senate Armed Service Committee to these claims. It is not our intention to attempt to affect the course or outcome of the confirmation hearing(s), or to impugn Admiral Inman's fine record or him personally in any way. It is our intention in making this information available that these issues be addressed publicly; we feel that this is as important for Admiral Inman as it is for the country. /s/ Dale Goudie /s/ James Klotz P.O. Box 832 Mercer Island, WA 98040 (206) 721-5035 =========================================================================== January 12, 1994 Washington, DC We are writing to bring to your attention controversial claims made about statements made by Admiral Inman. These claims have been published in the United Kingdom and the United States in the books: (UK) Alien Liaison, 1991, and (in the US) Alien Update 1993, and (reiterated in a slightly different form) (US) Alien Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed, 1993 all by Timothy Good. Please see bibliography for further information. It is not our intention to attempt to affect the outcome of the confirmation hearing(s), or to impugn Admiral Inman's fine record or him personally in any way. It is our intention to make this information available so that the confirmation hearings provide an opportunity to address this subject and thereby deal with these controversial issues. We feel that addressing this issue is as important for Admiral Inman as it is for the country. In Mr. Good's books, Mr. Oeschler attributes the statements at issue here to Admiral Inman during a July 1989 telephone conversation which was recorded by Oeschler only for "note taking purposes." Portions of the transcript of the recorded conversation are reproduced in Alien Update and portions of the tape have been played on a 1991 episode of the television documentary program Now It Can Be Told. Mr. Oeschler credits Admiral Inman with statements indicating: "...that MJ-12 meant something to him." pp. 208 Alien Update that he has been aware of a program to "indoctrinate the public" in UFO matters prior to his retirement. pp. 211 Alien Update that he had "some expertise" in the area of UFO but his information was out of date at the time of the conversation. pp. 211 Alien Update that the "pace at which things move in that field" (UFO-related technological research) was high. pp. 212 Alien Update that he was familiar with use of the term "craft" meaning UFO. pp. 212 Alien Update that he "understood who is behind the technology in the crafts" meaning extraterrestrial alien beings. pp. 212-213 Alien Update ============================================================================ Page 2. that he referred Mr. Oeschler to CIA Deputy Director for Science and Technology Everett Hineman and former Director of Naval Intelligence Sumner Shapiro in response to Mr. Oeschler's request for "guidance" in his effort to "get closer to MJ-12" pp. 213 Alien Update that he acknowledged that "recovered vehicles" (i.e. extraterrestrial craft) have been in possession of the government for over 10 years, that "access to them was them was denied" pp. 214 Alien Update that his "Executive Assistant" acknowledged that the Admiral Inman was aware that the matter under discussion (U.S. government recovery and possession of UFO craft) was covered by the "national security laws." pp. 214 Alien Update The matter of "MJ-12" or "the Majestic Twelve" is raised by Bob Oeschler who reports that it has been suggested that Admiral Inman was an actual member or an "insider" of MJ-12. This is tantamount to accusing Admiral Inman of being a participating member of a 'secret inner government' which has been credited in print with everything from merely keeping secret certain facts to intimidation of witnesses and much more pervasive and sinister manipulation, for this is the reputation of MJ-12. MJ-12 is purportedly an organization set up by President Truman in 1947 in response to the purported recovery of a crashed extraterrestrial craft in New Mexico. The "evidence" for the existence of MJ-12 is in the nature of a "Presidential Briefing Paper." Despite extensive study and even more extensive speculation about it's implications, the "MJ-12 Briefing Paper" is by no mean a verified document. Recently, after years of "no records" responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests regarding the authenticity of the MJ-12 Paper, government agencies have shifted to responses of "BOGUS," and "Cannot be Authenticated as a Genuine ... Document". Reasons for this apparent change in policy are unknown. A recent FBI FOIA release containing the "MJ-12 briefing paper" is reproduced in attachment No. 4. We quote USA Today article "Inman gets Defense 'Duty'", by Steve Kamarow as printed in the FRI./SAT./SUN., DEC. 17-19, 1993 issue: "Sen. John Warner, R-Va., a former Navy secretary, said it's "a superb choice ... He has an absolute credibility with the men and women in uniform." Yet Admiral Inman is being credited with very controversial statements regarding a subject which has, and continues to receive denials from every government agency queried. Might Adm. Inman's "absolute credibility" come into question were he to be viewed as holding a view opposite to repeated official ============================================================================ Page 3. pronouncements?... or of making what are perceived to be very controversial statements in a very controversial subject matter? After all, should it be true that recovered extraterrestrial artifacts are in the possession of the U.S. Government would be the biggest story of all time. Let us assure you that we take the matter of having verifiable information available seriously, and reiterate that our purpose is only to facilitate addressing these issues. /s/ Dale Goudie /s/ James Klotz P.O. Box 832 Mercer Island, WA 98040 (206) 721-5035 cc: Senator Sam Nunn Senator Kay Hutchinson Senator John McCain Senator John Glenn Senator Jeff Bingaman Senator Edward Kennedy Senator D. Kempthorne Senator Carl Levin CNN Larry King Live The Washington Post Reuters America AP UPI Adm. Inman ============================================================================ Page 5. Attachments: 1. (Cover and title page from) Alien Liaison. 2. (Extracts from) Alien Update. 3. (Cover and title page from) Alien Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed. 4. Reply to FOIA request from FBI regarding "MJ-12" and containing "MJ-12 briefing paper." ============================================================================ Page 4. Bibliography 1. Alien Liaison, Timothy Good 1991. Published by Century; Random Century Ltd., London. ISBN 0-7126-2194-6 2. Alien Update, Timothy Good 1993. Published by Arrow Random House, London. ISBN 0-09-925761-0 3. Alien Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed, Timothy Good 1993. (Revised edition of Alien Liaison) published by William Morrow and Company, New York. ISBN 0-688-12223-X Further reference regarding "MJ-12": Final Report on Operation Majestic 12, Stanton T. Friedman April 1990. Published by Fund for UFO Research, Mt. Rainier MD. ============================================================================= ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************