SUBJECT: LITTLE RIVER NEWS ARTICLES ON MUTES IN AREA FILE: UFO1975 (598) Tue 4 Feb 92 15:54 By: Jerry Woody To: All Re: LRN part 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is part one of an article that was published in the Little River News back in 1989. It concerns the mutilation of 5 cows within I think a 24 hour period. Now that I got the new scanner up and running B-) there will be a special Arkansas Cattle Mutilation section in Odyssey Online February edition (204). Included will be .gif's of the dead cattle (note these will not turn out too well due to the poor quality newspaper photos and age.). ************** The Little River News is publishing a series of articles which frankly are strange. Persons who like to express Cheap shots to newspapers may be, inclined to cite the wornout phrase of 'we want to sell extra newspapers. The articles concern five dead cows round in Hempstead County where three of the cows were mutilated. We've asked questions about mutiliations dating back to 1979 when Otto Cowling Jr. of Foreman had a 1,200-pound bull mutilated. Then in August, 1987, Keith Pullen of Foreman lost two calves to something that mutilated. These are just the reported incidences we've learned about in our county. When researching the Hempstead County mutilation we found out about another mutilation which occurred in 1987. In November the newspaper talked to the Lonok@ County Sheriff who discussed the muti lation in his county of two Longhorn steers. All of the mutilations offcred not a single clue - period. We were bothered how a 1,200-pound bull could be taken down without a struggle. All of the, animals appeared to be laid on the ground. Even when the calf was found by Pullen in a soft dirt bank of a pond, no tracks were found of anything. During the major portion of the "sky activity" last year which sightings still continue, Linda Moulton Howe became aware of our work in attempting to document our activity of unidentified flying objects. She sent us a videotape she produced in 1980 entitled "A Strange Harvest." This docu mentary was nominated for a regional Emmy in Denver. We checked if in fact the video was nominated and the secretary of the regional organization said we were the first person to ask the question. Yes, it was nominated. Also last spring during our written and verbal communi cations with Dr. Paul Lowman of NASA in Greenbelt, Mary land, who helped to review our photos, we discussed the as pects of animal mutilation. --- * Origin: Odyssey Fringe Science BBS Network * 1-205-739-1469 (1:3607/20) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (599) Tue 4 Feb 92 15:54 By: Jerry Woody To: All Re: LRN part 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Continued.... We sent him a copy of the video and he admitted to us what he had the photo lab to re view the frames showing the actual cuts on the animals and the conelusions were a valid video on the subject existed in Howe's work. He urged us to investigate mutilations. Howe is near the finish of her book, An Alien Harvest. She is using some of our photos in the book in addition to 10 Pages discussing the Hempstead County incident. She had asked us to contact her if a mutilation occurred in the region because past experi ences indicated this would hap pen. Then on March 10, 1989, it occurred. Apparently the Hempstead CoUnty Sheriff failed to under stand the issue, but a lack of communication created a prob lem from determining the ac tual cause of death. This could have helped in research in proving or disproving theories of what had occurred. Frankly a sheriff has a problem when he has unsolved murders. It's tough for a sheriff to explain to the fami lies of murder victims that he is taking time to investigate dead cows. But that's why in 30 years no evidence has been gathered other than saying predators or buzzards cause the cuts and drain the blood. As the Lonoke County Sher iff said, no evidence exists. He even doubts the theory of hu man cults because no other crime leaves no evidence. To a farmer and rancher, this is a crime which is costly. Howe offers the theory of government experimentation or a government cover-up con cerning the activity of UFOs in volved, It's only theories. But, regardless, cattle have been killed without a clue until now. Howe says her research indicates this may be a break through in finding out the type equipment which cut the cattle. It still doesn't mean anyone knows who or what killed the animals, but it's one step closer in the investigation process. We're not qualified to offer answers on mutilations, but it's a crime, regardless of who is doing it. The Little River News donated the photos to Howe meaning we received no money. The photos would sit in the files so when Howe asked, we decided to allow the photos to be published with the hope this will eventuallY lead to ad- ditional investigative material being developed in solving the problem. To the critics - this is a lot of work to sell a newspaper for 25 cents. End *** Jer --- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. 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