SUBJECT: ARTICLE FROM UFO ON THE WHISTLEBLOWERS FILE: UFO1951 PART 2 WHISTLEBLOWERS PART TWO UFO Magazine Vol 5 No 5 by Don Ecker All rights reserved. In part one of this series, UFO focused on the background of Milton Wm. Cooper. Cooper's information raises many questions, especially in light of its sensationalist nature and the potential harm it may cause to unsuspecting, gullible innocents. During the latter part of 1988 and the very first part of 1989, Cooper's story varied widely from what he is presently disseminating. In early January 1989, Cooper was interview- ed by a California researcher, Paul Shepherd. An excerpt of this inter- view follows. Cooper: ''While serv- ing in the United States Navy in 1972, I participated the intelligence briefing team of the Commander-in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet . . . During this participation on the intelligence briefing team, I came across a document called the Grudge Bluebook Report Number 13, and a file called the Majesty File . . . classified Above Top Secret with a MAJIC classification, which means MAJI controlled; MAJIC is the Majestic Agency for Joint In- telligence. It is the organization that controls all the operations with UFOs and with an alien race that is present on the Earth.'' In later interviews, and especially after he began accus- ing researcher Bill Moore of being an agent of the secret government, Cooper began claiming that any file with the word "Majestic or forms thereof, are a fraud, a lie.'' Attempting to check on Cooper's claim of belonging to a permanent intelligenee briefing team while serv- ing in the Navy between 1970 and 1973, which would have allowed him access to some classified documents, UFO called the United States Navy to determine how the Navy conducts its briefing teams. UFO spoke to Lt. Commander Ron Morse at the Office of Information-West. Lt. Commander Morse stated that the Navy did not have permanent briefing teams, but would form a temporary one on a need basis. "Usually if a team is put together, it will last for no more that two weeks," Morse said. Many of Cooper's claims have been disputed not only by John Lear and Bob Lazar, but also by Tony Pelham, former reporter for the Las Vegas Bullet newspaper. All three men told UFO Magazine that Cooper admitted early on that he had never been on a briefing team, but had in fact "taken the documents, copied them and then returned them.'' ''Cooper told me that while he worked on the graveyard shift, he would wait for the Lt. JG [Junior grade] to go on a coffee break, and then somehow get into the classified files," Pelham said. "l asked him if he broke into the files, but he never answered me. ''Cooper then told would take a number of files,copy them, and then carry them out in his lunch pail. He said he did this until he got all the files he needed." Cooper call- ed Pelham in early August. "He asked me why I had turned away from him. He is really upset about all the people who are attacking him . . . he said that if I turned against him, he will crucify me next." Pelham also reports that when he asked Cooper about his claim that all his stolen government documents were lost in a garage fire, Cooper refused to give the date or location of the fire so Pelham could check the police or fire records, and would give no explanation for refusing to provide information that would validate his story. "Usually if a team is put together, it will last for no more that two weeks," Morse said. Many of Cooper's claims have been disputed not only by John Lear and Bob Lazar, but also by Tony Pelham, former reporter for the Las Vegas Bullet newspaper. All three men told UFO Magazine that Cooper admitted early on that he had never been on a briefing team, but had in fact "taken the documents, copied them and then returned them.'' ''Cooper told me that while he worked on the graveyard shift, he would wait for the Lt. JG [Junior grade] to go on a coffee break, and then somehow get into the classified files," Pelham said. "l asked him if he broke into the files, but he never answered me. ''Cooper then told would take a number of files,copy them, and then carry them out in his lunch pail. He said he did this until he got all the files he needed." Cooper call- ed Pelham in early August. "He asked me why I had turned away from him. He is really upset about all the people who are attacking him . . . he said that if I turned against him, he will crucify me next." Pelham also reports that when he asked Cooper about his claim that all his stolen government documents were lost in a garage fire, Cooper refused to give the date or location of the fire so Pelham could check the police or fire records, and would give no explanation for refusing to provide information that would validate his story. Other unsubstantiated information from Cooper has apparently stimulated the fears and concerns of some people who have undergone the ''abduction''experience. East coast researcher Marianne Shenefield, a nationally-known abductee who works with many abductees, called UFO on several occasions and ex- pressed her own concern about what she heard while dealing with abduc- tion victims. She told UFO, "When Bill Cooper's paper 'The Secret Government' came out, I had ab- ductees all over the U.S. calling me. Cooper said in his paper, and was claiming in his lectures, that the government was going to round up abductees and put them in concentra- tion camps. ''I knew it was going too far when two abductees whom I have worked with were talking about committing suicide. They were terrified that the Army was going to come into their homes and take them off to concen- tration camps.'' Cooper has stated that he doesn't care who his information hurts or who it helps, but that he will continue to put it out there because people "deserve the truth." In his paper ''The Secret Govern- ment," Cooper falsely claimed that ''Stanton Friedman has told me and many others that years ago he helped develop a nuclear reactor the size of a basketball, to power an aircraft. It was clean, turned out hydrogen, and worked like a dream". UFO called Friedman, a respected nuclear physicist and one of the top ufologists in the United States. ''Cooper's claim is totally fraudulent,'' Friedman stated. "There is no truth to it at all." Friedman expressed bewilderment when asked why he thought Cooper would make that claim. THe 'Orange' UFO Magazine was present in the fall of 1989 at a UFO conference hosted by the UFO Data Research and Intelligence Center, in Modesto, California. Bill Cooper was one of the speakers, and during the course of his lecture was asked by a member of the audience if he knew how many types of aliens were presently on earth. Cooper answered, "There are four types, and four only. . . one group (is) very human looking; as a matter of fact they are starring on television in "Alien Nation," the Orange. . . . According to the casting director of Alien Nation, Irene Kagan, these remarks of Cooper's are totally false. ''I can assure you that all the 'alien' actors on the show are human," she said. "I hired them." On a recent broadcast of the "Bil- ly Goodman Happening" on KVEG from Las Vegas, researcher Lars Hansson (see article, p. 17) debated Cooper on the air and pointed out some of the inconsistencies that Cooper has espoused. Hansson brought up the fact that at one time Cooper himself gave Bob Lazar his ''stamp of approval.'' Cooper vehemently denied ever having en- dorsed Lazar's authenticity, UFO has been following the Lazar story since it broke upon the UFO scene. Cooper's claim that he never gave Lazar his support or claims of legitimacy is untrue. On November 21, 1989, Bob Lazar was a guest on the Billy Goodman Happening, and during the audience call-in phase of the show, Cooper phoned in and said the following over the air: "I'd like to clear up a couple of misunderstan- dings here. Number 1, I would really like to thank Bob Lazar for coming forward. I have been talking to him for the last year, along with John Lear, we have met in groups and privately. The man (Lazar) is a wealth of information. I am tickled pink that he has finally decided to come forward and use his real name, because it helps all of us. . . the reason he has gotten into this predicament is because he is a Patriot. He cares about this country and that is what made him do this. . .'' Goodman then broke in, saying, ''That's beautiful, Bill, an unsolicited testimonial, basically, that's what it comes down to. " Then Cooper continued, ''First, I'd like to say that I personally, and also Tony Pelham and also the Channel 8 news staff-George Knapp and several other people, John Lear-we have all investigated this man's background thoroughly because we did not want to be suck- ed into a trap by the government. And I can tell you that he is who he says he is. He has worked at Los Alamos. He is a physicist, he is a theoretical physicist. He has worked at AFea S4 in Groom Lake. We have verified all of this-not just me but several other people, and I have verified it by two different sources of mine who are in the government. One is at Lawrence Livermore Na- tional Laboratories . . . We are always on the lookout for somebody trying to trap us and something that we ean be discredited by. We have to do that [background research] to protect our own credibility.'' Cooper has subsequently attacked Lazar with claims that he knew all along that Lazar was fraudulent. In his CAJI Newsletter, he now presents a com- pletely different tone than before, and writes of "Lazar, the so-called physicist who claims to have seen flying saucers. This information was not included into the Cooper story, and as promised, I will now relay it. Cooper, during his initial exposure in the public, was on the Billy Goodman Happening over a year ago. One of the people that heard Cooper was a well known Hollywood entertainment figure, Michael Callan. Callan was fascinated by the information that Cooper was giving, and ended up contacting Cooper. Callan, and a close friend of his, Doug Deane, decided that they would use their entertainment contacts, and professionally "market" Cooper. Callan and Deane set up a business called "Need to Know Productions", and sunk money into setting up Cooper on the "lecture tour". Callan and Deane videoed Coopers lectures, and gave him the benefit of their combined knowledge of Hollywood to go out and sell himself. Setting up Cooper at lectures, and finding an agent for him at "Spotlight Enterprises", Callan and Deane made a heavy investiment. Cooper signed a contract with Deane and Callan, and when he saw how much money he "could" be making, tried to squeeze Callan and Deane out of their contract. Callan had had suspicions earlier when Cooper spoke to him about trying to squeeze Stan Barrington (business manager) out, but then Cooper found out that it would cost him $15,000. Barrington stayed, but one night, Cooper indulging in his childish temper tantrums, and drinking heavily, made 10 ( thats TEN ) phone calls to both Callan and Deane, threatening them with public ruin, death, property damage, and slander if they did not give him the master copies of the tapes that they had videoed for him. Both men (Callan and Deane) ended up phoning the police, and they had Cooper placed on file. Later, Cooper went to Deanes home, was witnessed by Deanes gardner, and tried to force his way into Deanes house. Later, when Deane returned home, found all the tires on his car slashed. It is interesting to note, that one of Coopers threats to Deane mentioned his car tires. The police investigated, but it ended up that no charges were filed. Prior to the above events, one of Coopers invitations to speak were from a German UFO groups. Cooper was invited by Michael Hesseman, a German "New Age UFOlogists" to appear in Germany. Cooper had accepted, and demanded 5000 Duetch Marks ( $3000 US ) plus his plane ticket, room, board, and the other things that Hesseman had promised. Hesseman sent Cooper all of the above, but because of a German Postal Strike, word of the event was late in getting out in Europe. Cooper had planned, according to Hesseman, in making money in "workshops" while the UFO event was going on, and because the event would not be so well attended, became upset. Hesseman offered to rescedual the event, or set it up later, but Cooper refused, and then told Hesseman that if he wanted him to come, he needed another 5000 Duetch marks, or he refused. Hesseman did not have the money, so Cooper informed Hesseman that he would not fly over, and then refused to refund Hessemans cash. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************