SUBJECT: FORM TO FILL OUT, SEND TO FUFOR FILE: UFO1915 (500) Wed 1 Jan 92 19:31 By: Sheldon Wernikoff To: All Re: ROSWELL INVESTIGATION St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I recently received from Dr. Bruce Maccabee a summary of grant proposals for the continuing Roswell case investigation. This summary is reproduced below for those of you who did not receive this inquiry. The names in parentheses are the proposers, dollar amounts are estimated Project costs. He would like us all to rank order of the following proposals by placing a "1" beside the project you think is the most important; a "2" next to the second most important, etc. The form should then be mailed to: Fund for UFO Research P.O. Box 277 Mt. Rainier, MD 20712 U.S.A. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ___ Project A -- To conduct further research into UFO crash/retrieval cases (Leonard Stringfield): $1,200 ___ Project B -- To interview six additional witnesses (Don Schmitt): $1,700 ___ Project C -- To conduct hypnosis sessions with known and potential witnesses (Stanton Friedman): $15,860 ___ Project D -- To conduct further research at the Truman and Eisenhower Libraries, the Sandia and Los Alamos Laboratories, and at the Library of Congress (Stanton Friedman): $6,545 ___ Project E -- To produce a follow-up videotaped summary of witness testimony (Fred Whiting): $500 ___ Project F -- To bring significant witnesses to Washington, DC, for a de-briefing by congressional staff and interviews with media representatives (Fred Whiting) $5,700 Any further suggestions:.............. ------------------------------------------------------------------ My personal order of importance would be F (absolutely!),D,A,C,E,B Sheldon ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************