SUBJECT: NSA RESPONDS TO JOHN GLENN ON UFO INFO FILE: UFO1806 CUFON: UFO INFORMATION SERVICE SEATTLE WASHINGTON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755 - 6000 Serial: Q4-072-87 27 January 1987 The Honorable John Glenn United States Senate ATTN: Mr. Mark Frondorf SH-503 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Glenn: This responds to your letter of 7 January 1987 on behalf of your constituent, Mr. Clifford E. Stone ( Enclosure 1 ). The National Security Agency (NSA) has received numerous Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests for information pertaining to UFO incidents. Our records show that Mr. Stone has submitted six such requests over the past 7 years. One of those requests was for the information mentioned in paragraph 2 of his letter to you, the UFO incident at RAF Woodbridge Base. In our 1 February 1984 response to Mr. Stone ( Enclosure 2 ), we notified him that the estimated manpower and computer search costs involved in locating records responsive to his requests were $250.00. We advised him that, upon receipt of half that amount, a search would be made. Mr. Stone did not respond to our letter. Regarding the information in paragraph 1 of Mr. Stone's letter, we have no record of receiving an FOIA requests for documents dealing with a UFO destruction of a Cuban MiG- Mr. S h requestof ï¼TL WASHêGTest · h requestACT DO tMENT FIL S --------------------------------------------------------------------------- · ·  · · · The Honorable John Glenn United StatessSenate ï¼TMr.Mr. MarknFrondorf n SH-503 Hart Senate Office Buildingn Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Glenn:n · of your constituent,.Mr. Clifford E. Stone ( Enclosure 1 ).n · Freedom Of:ênformation Act ( hIA) requests pertainingnto :incidents.n Our records hasssubmitted sixssuch requests those requests of hissletter to you, the :incident at.RAF:Woodbridge Base. ên our 1 February 1984sresponse to Mr. Stone ( Enclosure 2 ), wen notified himnthat.the estimated manpower and computer search costs were $250.00. amount,.a search would be made. our letter. · letter, wenhave nonrecord of hIA requests documents d ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************