SUBJECT: RICHARD DOTY: MILITARY DISCHARGE PAPERS FILE: UFO1789 DD Form 214 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS CERTIFICATE OF RELEASE 1 July 79 FORM ARE OBSOLETE OR DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE DUTY 1 Name (Last, First, Middle) 2 Department, Component, and Branch DOTY RICHARD CHARLES AIR FORCE - REG AF 4A Grade, Rate or Rank 4B Pay Grade 5 DOB 6 Place of entry into active duty MSGT E7 1950 Feb 15 Kirtland AFB, NM 7 Last duty assignment and major command 8 Station where separated 1606 SVS (MAC) Kirtland AFB NM 9 Command to which Transferred 10 SGLI Coverage NOT APPLICABLE Amount $50,000 11 Primary Specialty Number, Title and Years and Months in Specialty 62250, Food Service Specialist Course, 1 year and 11 months. 81150, Security Specialist, 2 years and 1 month. 81172, Law Enforcement Supervisor, 7 years and 6 Months. 82170, Special Investigations Technician, 8 years and 6 months. ... 14 Military Education (Course Title, Number Weeks, and Month and Year completed) Safety Minded Supervision Course, 2 weeks, Dec. 1972. Combat Security Police Air Base Defense Course, 14 weeks, Apr. 1969. OJT Trainer/Supervisor Orientation Course, 1 week, May 1975. NCO Academy, 6 weeks, Mar 1978. Advanced Traffic Techniques, 1 week, Feb 1972. Management Training Course for USAF Supervisors MGT-1, 2 weeks, Mar 1973. Designated Customs Inspector's Course, 3 weeks, Feb 1978. SEE REMARKS. ... 18 REMARKS ... (ITEM 14 CONT): Programmed Learning Course for MAintenance and Disposition of Documentation, 1 week, Mar 1973. Identi-Kit Training Course, 2 weeks, Apr 1979. AF Effective Writing Course, 1 week, Aug 1981. 44 SMW Basic Instructor Course, 3 weeks, Dec 1978. Hostage Negotiations Seminar, 1 week, Jun 1978. Traffic MAnagement and Accident Investigation Course, 3 weeks, Sep 1977. Dynamics of International Terrorism Course, 1 week, Aug 1984. Counterespionage Course, 6 weeks, Nov 1983. Special Investigators Course, 14 weeks, May 1979. Protective Services Operations Course, 3 weeks, Apr 1980. --SEE CONTINUATION SHEET-- ..... [CONTINUATION SHEET] **F.O.V.O.** DISP-IND 1 AMN ASG DUTY HISTORY MPF #12 FILE DATE: 19 SEP 88 [blanked] DOTY RICHARD C MSG DOR [Blanked] KVOQFZXW RS ZO EFF DT LV DAFSC HISTORY DUTY TITLE INSTL LOC NAME SEI 861201 WB 62370 FOOD SERVICES SPECIALIST KIRTLAND 850112 07 82170 SP ASST TO CH ADM AND LOG DIV LINDSEY 840305 UN 82170 NCOIC DET 1406 KIRTLAND 800211 UN 82170 NCOIC BASE INVES DET KIRTLAND 790529 UN 82170 SP INVES CI TECH BASE INVES DET KIRTLAND 780619 SQ T81152 LAW ENFORCEMENT INSTRUCTOR ELLSWORTH 771205 SQ 81152 LAW ENFORCEMENT FLIGHT CHIEF ELLSWORTH 761201 SQ 81172 LAW ENFORCEMENT FLIGHT CHIEF ELLSWORTH 760102 BS 81250 PATROLMAN GATEGUARD LINDSEY 999 730924 YY 81250 PATROLMAN GATEGUARD WIESBADEN 998 SRNXT ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************