SUBJECT: A GOVERNMENT/ALIEN DEAL BY VAL GERMANN FILE: UFO1785 ************************************************************ A Government-Alien "Deal?" The first leaks directly concerning a "deal" were published about two years ago by the son of the man who founded Lear Instruments. John Lear had credibil- ity and caused a sensation in the world of "Ufology," the study of UFOs. With the Lear letters as a framework this author has gone back over 40 years of ma- terial and found that the idea of a "deal" does no violence to the story as we know it. In fact, a "deal" would help explain some things that have been inex- plicable. 1) Hints of such a thing were in the literature at least as far back as 1953. The last chapter of Keyhoe's FLYING SAUCERS FROM OUTER SPACE strongly suggests that "communication" was even then in progress. I urge everyone to look at FSFOS again. 2) Our news is managed at a very high level. In 1944 and 1945 the Govern- ment successfully hid the explosion of more than 200 Japanese "FU GO" balloons in the continental United States. The press cooperated even though lives were lost. There was no "UFO scare" resulting from these balloon flights and there were no "mass hallucinations." NO pilots lost their lives chasing them. And the general public is STILL not aware of the existence of these balloons. Think a- bout it. Would the Skyhook cover have worked in 1947-48 if people had known a- bout "FU GO?" 3) The explosion of the Trinity bomb in July of 1945 was kept from "reso- nating" to the major media by a strong combination of ridicule and denial. Hiding UFOs is child's play compared to suppressing the explosion of nuclear weapons in the continental United States. But the A-Bomb secret did not get out TO THE NATION AT LARGE until it was LET out after the war. There were thou- sands of people who "saw something." But the Federal people said there was no- thing to it. Things are no different today. 4) Kenneth Arnold could not understand why the sighting he had "resonated" around the world. Thousands of peole contacted him as a result of the publicity he received. Read his original statement in the Blue Book papers. He was rebuf- fed by the FBI and casually treated by military intelligence. ON THE SURFACE. Now, however, it is apparent that more detailed information was being provided to the "Air Force" by various friends of Arnold who were contacted on the QT. As for Arnold himself, he drew his own conclusions from the lack of real in- terest and assumed (correctly, I think) that the powers that be already knew what they needed to know. I have the distinct impression that the Arnold inci- dent was SUPPOSED to go around the world, that it was MADE to "resonate" as part of a large-scale Government campaign whose goals are still a secret. 5) By the end of 1947, 90 per cent plus of the American people knew of the "Flying Saucer." Reports flooded in to both the press and officialdom. Yet there never was put in hand an investigation by any independent civilian scien- tific entity. And on top of that, no private party ever bankrolled even a medi- um-scale investigation that included interception and/or aerial photography. That this SHOULD have happened and DIDN'T happen is in my opinion very sig- nificant. 6) A radio reporter in Seattle was told in 1950 that there were "aliens" on Earth who looked just like human beings. He was also told that the "Government" knew all about this but was afraid to let the public in on the secret. There was fear of panic. There was a program in place to use a combination of inform- ation and disinformation to slowly prepare people for the worst. This program was to use both "novels and motion pictures." This account is contained in a 1960s book by Mr. Steiger. It was buried on about page 100 and was printed without comment from the author. This account fits in well with what I have been told locally and, I think, independently. 7) There has never been a truly wide-ranging study of UFO reports, investi- gators and witnesses. From the beginning the field has been left (officially) to independent workers who have operated on miniscule budgets. These indepen- dents have lost, destroyed and suppressed more information than they have ever published. Some of these "independents" have worked for the intelligence com- munity. Long before Moore these folks were being used by the government for dis- information purposes. What could have been easier? Thus the study of the "UFO" has been hobbled, crippled and made to creep along at a snail's pace. With no continuity every new worker has to re-invent the wheel and then operate in a partial vacuum. This is not, in my opinion, an accident. Rather, it is the de- sired result of a covert plan. 8) Every "advance" in the field of "Ufology" has followed an event with strong disinformation or intelligence connections. The original Arnold sighting is an example. So are the books by Scully and Adamski. Keyhoe got most of his good information from the military. The Lorenzens both were working at White Sands in the middle 1950s! Probably they were on the level but how did they BOTH end up in very sensitive jobs at one of the most sensitive places on Earth? The Zamora case happened on the edge of White Sands and featured human- like "occupants". The Lorenzens got there while the military was still making its first investigations. It was this case that Allen Hynek said caused him to "break" with the Air Force. Well, maybe, but I wonder. The Barney and Betty Hill case has strong intelligence connections. A close reading of INTERRUPTED JOURNEY shows that it was a couple of strange visitors who actually told the Hills they had "missing time". Raymond Fowler and Len Stringfield are both ex- military and ex-intelligence community members. It is only with MISSING TIME and COMMUNION that we see real "civilians" at the forefront of the UFO revela- tions. What Lear says does no real damage to those two books. In fact, they both dovetail pretty well. Look what happened to the movie version of COMMUNION. It received almost no publicity, got limited distribution and died quickly. This, in my opinion, is no accident. 9) What is the truth? I don't know. All I can say is that even I am hearing things here in mid-Missouri that bear on current problems. A contactee in Northern Missouri has told me that much of what Lear says is true. This person believes that a close relative has been implanted and been "working" for people resembling the famous "men in black" since the middle 1950s. This person seems both proud (to have been "selected") and very frightened. This person has re- cently been given a "new assignment" and dares not refuse. 10) A Cooper County farmer told me in March of last year that he saw a "tall grey thing with a snout" in his cornfield in 1978. Check out Bill Cooper's ar- ticle in the October UFO UNIVERSE. Look at the description he gives for the "greys" we supposedly have the "deal" with. They are said to have "big noses." There is something going on here, something important--important to us all. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************