SUBJECT: LETTER TO CONGRESSMAN ROE ON MARSFACE FILE: UFO1743 Dear Issues Forum Members: For those of you who either participated in the Sunday night convention with Richard C. Hoagland or have read the transcript of the conference, you are very aware of the mounting scientific evidence that possible "ruins" have been discovered on Mars during the 1976 Viking Missions. For those of you who did not participate or have not read the transcript of the conference, you should do so. Richard Hoagland, author of "The Monuments of Mars" has also posted a series of "white papers" on this subject in Section #10 of the Issues Forum. The following is a template of a letter which I have written to the Chairman of the House Committee on Space and Technology. It is very important that this issue receive the proper amount of "political" attention, as NASA seems to have their own agenda on how to look for signs of extrasolar intelligence AND has refused to consider any "outside" evidence, irregardless of how compelling. You may use this letter in its entirety or modifiy it as you see fit. BUT PLEASE DO WRITE TO CONGRESSMAN ROE! Martin Arant 71270,1311 -------------------------------------------------------- The Honorable Robert A. Roe Chairman, House Committee on Space and Science U.S. House of Representatives Rayburn Building -- Room 2243 Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Roe: I am writing to you today regarding an issue which may prove to be one of the most important discoveries in the course of humankind. During the NASA Viking I & II missions in 1976, several unusual surface features were photographed in the Cydonia Mensae region of Mars. These "formations" not only look very unusual, but also seem to display remarkable geometric alignments. While it is impossible to state for certain whether these objects are of natural or artificial origin, our two thousand year history of scientific inquiry and discovery "IMPELS" us to find out the answer. The problem is: NASA has steadfastly refused over the past several years (despite mounting evidence from the scientific community) to seriously consider the "Intelligent Hypothesis." They seem to be convinced that their own program, SETI, is the only road which could lead to the discovery of extra- terrestrial intelligence. This, in spite of the fact, that there is absolutely NO evidence that any extrasolar civilization is trying to communicate by radio astronomy. The objects in Cydonia cry out to be investigated. They are the only "evidence" (even if tentative) that someone else may be out there. Won't you please use your position as our Congressional representative on scientific matters to MAKE SURE that our tax- supported space agency spends the small fraction of their SETI budget necessary to properly analyze the data already collected AND to re-photograph this area during the Mars Observer Mission scheduled to depart on the Shuttle in 1992. Very sincerely yours, [SYSOP NOTE: This letter can be sent electronically through Email. Just type "GO MAIL" at any "!" prompt and select the CongressGram option.] ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************