SUBJECT: AP LATEST MARTIAN NEWS FILE: UFO1731 THE FOLLOWING NEWS ITEM APPEARED ON AP (ASSOCIATED PRESS) AT 4:41 PM EST MARCH 30, 1989: . "SOVIET RESEARCH CENTERS ARE NOW TRYING TO INTERPRET SO FAR 'UNEXPLAINED OPTICAL PHONOMENA' ON THE PICTURES OF THE MARTIAN SURFACE. THE PICTURES SHOW AN INIGMATIC STRIP 23-25 MILES WIDE AND A LARGE SPINDLE-SHAPED FORMATION." . According to NASA liason spokepersons in Moscow, the Soviets had not turned on their camera and WERE NOT even taking pictures of the Martian surface. This is the information which was relayed only a few weeks ago. AP also stated that the Soviet news program "Vremya" showed a detailed map of Mars "compiled from photos taken during the mission." It DOES now appear that the Soviets WERE taking pictures and furthermore, it looks like they may have found something in those photographs which is quite interesting. . ============================================================= ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************