SUBJECT: GUATEMALA CITY UFO REPORT FILE: UFO1729 Date: 01-28-90 21:01 From: Michael Corbin To: All Subj: P 1006-1 GT Guatemala Report ======================================================== (C) Copyright 1989 ParaNet Information Service All Rights Reserved unless copyrighted by Author. NOTE: THESE FILES ARE NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION OUTSIDE OF THE PARANET INFORMATION SERVICE NETWORK ======================================================== NOTE: THESE ARE ACTUAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) DOCUMENTS. WHILE THEY ARE REPRODUCED HERE AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE, CERTAIN CHARACTERISTICS SUCH AS HANDWRITING AND NOTES HAVE NOT BEEN REPRODUCED. THESE CHARACTERISTICS CAN AFFECT THE DOCUMENT'S CREDIBILITY AND MAY BE MISSING. ALL COMMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ENCASED WITH [ ] WILL BE THE OBSERVATIONS OF PARANET. PARANET MAKES NO REPRESENTATION AS TO THE DOCUMENT'S AUTHENTICITY. ================================================================= PARANET CLASSIFICATION NUMBER: P 1006-1 GT DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT 1. Country: Guatemala 2. Subject: UFO Sighting 3. ISC Number: 4. Date of Information: 23 Apr 67 5. Place and Date of ACQ: Guatemala City, 26 Apr 67 6. Evaluation: Source F Information 6 7. Source: Mr. J.R. Carlos, who observed phenomenon 8. Report Number: 1 838 0030 67 9. Date of Report: 12 May 1967 10. No. of Pages: 3 [Handwritten] 11. References: DIRM 4A3e 12. Originator: USDAO Guatemala 13. Prepared by: Col John A. Carroll, Jr., Defense Attache and Air Attache [Signed by Col. Carroll] 14. Approving Authority: 15. Summary: 1. This report forwards a narrative written and signed by J. R. CARLOS and concerns his sighting of UFO's 23 April 1967. It should be noted report is submitted as an IR since AFR 80-17 is not available this station. COMMENTS OF REPORTING OFFICER: a. On query, Sr. Carlos described his portrayal of the zig-zag area (on attached drawing) as representing his conception of the total path of one object which changed direction in rapid succession, producing an explosion or brilliant flash at each change of direction. He thought also that the phenomenon he observed might have had some sort of connection with SOYUZ I which was reported to have crashed 24 April. b. Source became visibly agitated and excited while recounting the story. He mentioned also that his children were pulling at his elbow to use the binoculars as the two objects he described approached one another. Therefore, he was unable to state whether an actual collision took place or what might have transpired. He knows of no one else besides himself and family who might have seen the objects. c. This report has been delayed in submission to try to ascertain whether there were other observers. No other observers have been located and no local publicity has been generated on the subject. Source is a responsible citizen, a florist in MIXCO (1439N/090 36W), a small town about 5 miles West of Guatemala City near the Pan American highway. It should be noted Source came in of his own accord after requesting an appointment by phone. He first reported to the MILGP and was referred to DATT/AirA. He was firm about not wanting any publicity as he did not wish to appear foolish or overly imaginative. His desire was simply to report the incident. RO feels he seemed believable; there was no joking about the subject and there is no doubt in mind of RO that Source saw something [underlined] which was to him unnatural or at the very least highly unusual. TRANSLATION OF WRITTEN NARRATIVE BY J. R. CARLOS Memorandum Concerning Phenomenon Observed Sunday, 23 April 1967 At Approximately 8:00 P.M. At approximately the hour indicated above, my wife was watering the flowers in the window boxes of our house; I was near a bedroom window which she had left open. She asked me to close the window and when I approached it I was surprised to see the sky so clear and full of stars. At this moment I noticed a star of surprising magnitude; my surprise was even greater when I observed it was moving from the Southwest to the Northeast. Its size was greater than Venus in its most visible periods. I called to my children and to my wife; they saw the star (as we will call the object) which was moving and had a very intense brilliance, with no change of color, giving off a clear yellow light with uniform rays. We ran out to the fields near our house and I carried binoculars (Zeiss) which are very powerful. As I leaned on a fence to control my nerves, I called out to my children that I saw a star of a dull red color, without the rays which normally appear around a star; it was moving toward the star which had first interested us. At first I thought it was an optical illusion since the other star wa also moving in the same direction, but, on training the binoculars on the red star, I noticed it was increasing in size and therefore must be moving. I called out to my children to look at the second star but found it was not visible to the eye and it was also being covered by a cloud. The two stars rapidly approached each other; both appeared to be at the same altitude or height on horizon but the red star was moving faster. On looking again at the area I could only see the large star which had somewhat changed its direction, moving more to the North. (Larger star is the yellow star.) I realized this change of direction later; I did not stop to think about it at the time but when I was reconstructing my observations I remembered it. I did note at the time that the larger star was moving more rapidly but without losing brilliance, and while I was observing it there was no change of color or any flashes. The drawing attached shows the larger star at the moment I saw multiple red lines moving from one side to the other, making a kind of zig-zag and, at the end of some of these lines, what appeared to be small rays, completely rectilinear, forming small stars of enormous brilliance. The lines were red and the small stars formed at the end of the lines were of a very brilliant clear red color. At this moment the clouds lifted and my wife could see the multiple lights or stars that formed. In summary, this phenomenon seemed to come from one object which moved rapidly from one place to another, leaving behind a red line which faded out with a sort of flash; it was not like the explosions of fireworks in which there are a number of rocket flashes at the same time. I believe that the two objects crashed together but, unfortunately, I let my children use the binoculars and tried to direct their vision toward the two stars; also, the observation took place during some 80 seconds so there was no time. I do know that the larger star was already somewhat out of the zone where I saw the explosions when they appeared. It could be that there was some delay in finding the area when my children returned the binoculars, but when I again located it, it was difficult to find as it was moving fast and had somewhat changed its trajectory. Signed: J. R. CARLOS G. 26 April 1967. [Drawing on Page 3] 16. Distribution by Originator: J2 SOUTHCOM USAFSO Am Emb Guat 17. Downgrading Data: NOT APPLICABLE 18. Attaching Data: [END REPORT] ================================================================= ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************