SUBJECT: FOIA: DOCUMENT REGARDING JANAP FILE: UFO1707 AFR200-2GOVERNMENTDOCUMENTAIRFORCEREGULATION1954 1954 Air Force regulation regarding the reporting of UFO's *AFR200-2 *This regulaton supercedes AFR 200-2,26 August 1953, including change 200-2a, 2 November 1953. Department of the Air Force Washington, 12 August 1954 Intelligence Unidentified Flying Objects Reporting (short title: UFOB 1. Purpose and Scope. This regulation establilshes procedures for reporting information and evidence pertaining to unidentified flying objects and sets forth the responsibility of Air Force activities in this regard. It applies to all Air Force activities. 2. Definitions: a. Unidentified flying objects (UFOB)- Relayes to any airborne object which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or unusal features does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type, or which cannot be postively indentified as a familiar object. b. Familiar objects-- include ballons, astronomical bodies, birds and so forth. 3. Objectives. Air Force interest in unidentified flying objects is two-fold. First as a possible threat to the security of the United States and its forces, and secondly, to determine technical aspects involved. 4. Responsibility: A.Reporting. commanders of the Air Force activities will report all information and evidence that may come to their attention, including that received from adjacent commands of the other services and from civilians. b. Investigation. Air Defense Command will conduct all field investigations within the Z1, to determine the indentity of any UFOB. [Z1 (zone of the interior) includes continental area of the United States.] c. Analysis. The Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATTIC), Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, will analyze and evaluate: All information and evidence reported within the Z1 after the Air Defense Command has exhausted all efforts to identifiy the UFOB; and all information and evidence collected in oversea areas. d. Cooperation. All activities will cooperate with Air Defense Command representives to insure the economical and prompt success of an investigation, including the furnishing of air and ground transportation, when feasible. 6. Z1 Collection. a. All Air Force activities are authroized to conduct such prelim- inary investigation as may be required for reporting purposes; however, investigations should not be carried beyond this point, unless such action is requested by the 4602d AISS. 7. Reporting. All information relating to UFOB`s will be reported promptly. A. (1) Electrical Reports. All electrical reports will be multiple addressed to: A. Commander, Air Defense Command, ENT Air Force Base Colorado Springs, Colorado. b. Nearest Air Division (Defense). (for Z1 only). c. Commander, Air Technical Intelligence Center, Wright-patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. d. Director of Intelligence, Headquarters USAF, Wasgington D.C. d. Report Format. Reports will include the following numbered items: (1) Description of the object (s): (a) Shape. (b) size compared to a known object (use one of the following terms: head of a pin, pea, dime, nickle, quarter, half dollar, baseball grapefruit, or basketball) held in hand at arms length. (c) color. (d) number. (e) formation, if more than one. (f) any discernible features or detail. (g) trail, tail, or exhaust, including size of same compared to size of object (s). (h) sound. If heard, describe sound. (i) other pertinent or unusal features. (2) Description of course of object (s): (a) what first called the attention of observer (s) to the object (s). (b) angle of elevation and azimuth of the object (s) upon disappearence. (d) description of flight path and maneuvers of object (s). (e) manner of disappearence of object (s). (f) length of time in sight. (3) Manner of observation: (a) use one or any combination of the following items : ground visual, ground-electronic, air-electronic. (if electronic specify type of radar). (b) statement as to optical aids (telescopes, binoculars, and so forth) used and description thereof. (c) if the sighting is made while airborne, give type aircraft identification number, altitude, heading, speed, and home station. (4) Time and date of sighting. (a) Zulu time date group of sighting. (b) light conditions (use one of the following terms): night-day-dawn-dusk (5) Locations of observer (s): exact latitude and longitude of each observer, or Georef position, or position with reference to a known landmark. (6) Indentifying information of all observer (s) : (a) civilian-- name, age, mailing address, occupation. (b) military-- name, grade, organization, duty, and estimate of reliability. (7) Weather and winds aloft conditions at time and place of sighting. (a) observer(s) account of weather conditions. (b)report from nearest AWS or U.S. Weather Bureau office, of wind direction and velocity in degrees and knots at surface, 6,000 10,000,16,000, 20,000, 30,000, 50,000 and 80,000 feet if available. (c)ceiling. (d) visiblity. (e) amount of cloud cover. (f) thunderstroms in the area and quadrant in which located. (8) Any other unusual activity or condition, meteorological, astronimical, or otherwise, which might account for the sighting. (9) Interception or indentification action taken (such action maybe taken whenever feasible, complying with existing air defense directives). (10) Location of any air traffic in the area at the time of the sighting. (11) position title and comments of the preparing officer, including his preliminary analysis of the possible cause of the sighting. (12) existance of physical evidence such as marerials and photographs. (8) Evidence. the existence of physical evidence, (photographs or material) will be promptly reported. a. photographic: (1)Visual. the negative and two prints will be forwarded; all original film, including wherever possible both prints and negatives, will be titled or otherwise properly indentified as to place, time, and date of the incident(see "intelligence collection instructions "(ICI), June 1954 ). (2) Radar. Two copies of each print will be forwarded. Prints of radarscope photography will be titled in accordance with AFR 95-7 and forwarded in compliance with AFR 95-6. b. material. suspected or actual items of material witch come into possession of any Air Force echlon will be safe guarded in such manner as to prevent any defacing or alteration which might reduce its value for intelligence examination and analysis. (9) Release of facts. Headquarters USAF will release summaries of evaluated data which will inform the public on this subject. In representives on UFOB`s when the subject is postively indentified as a familiar object (see paragraph 2b ),except that the following type of data warrents protection and should not be revealed: Names of principles intercept and investigation procedures, and classified radar data. For those objects which are not explainable, only the fact that ATIC will analyze the data is worthy of release, due to the many unknowns involved. BY THE ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************