SUBJECT: ED WALTERS ON PHOTO ANALYSIS FILE: UFO1689 The following is an open letter from Edward Walters, one of the primary witnesses in the Gulf Breeze UFO flap. He addresses the isssue as to who has examined his original photographs. He also indicates what he plans to eventually do with the originals. ------------------------------------------------------------- July 27, 1989 A few Gulf Breeze critics, and one in particular, have distorted the record as to the professional access and study of the original photos of the Gulf Breeze UFO. Here is a partial list of the experts who have studied the ORIGINALS. JIM TURNER, Photographer and film processing specialist CURT SHIELDS, Photographer and special effects specialist MARIE PRICE, Photographer, touch up expert AL AUDLEMAN, Photographer, re-photographing expert CHRISTOPHER STARK, Photographer, special effects specialist MARK CURTIS & replica specialist, ABC News DR. ROBERT NATHAN, Scientist, optics, etc. DR. ARNOLD PALMER, Astronomer DR. BRUCE MACCABEE, Physicist, Optics, etc. ROBERT OECHSLER, Analyst of polaroid film and chemistry DR. MARK CARLATTO, Computer analyst VINCENT DIPEITRO, Photographic analyst JOE GRECO, Photographic analysis scanning equipment RICHARD VANDENBERG, Photographic expert EDWARD WEIBE, Electronic engineer, computer analysis JOHN GARDNER, Acoustical physicist, video tape analysis DR. EBERT, computer analysis NBC photographers, and many, many photographers w/Cosgrove Productions This list goes on and on with others and their associates that I do not have the names of. Certainly this shows that the originals have not been withheld from skeptical study. The unanimous conclusion from the above: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO PROVE A HOAX. I have and will continue to withhold the originals from people like P. Klass and Willy Smith. Both proclaimed "hoax", before seeing the photos and listening to a single one of the dozens of other witnesses. Given their history of debunking and Smith's fake evidence hoax (discovered recently), it would be irrational to trust the originals in their hands. If the originals 'disappear' they could then argue "hoax" with their altered copies and we would not have the originals to prove that their copies had been tampered with. WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR THE ORIGINALS The protection of the originals is crucial in the support of the witness testimony. But....the testimony also supports the photos. One without the other means nothing. As Dr. Maccabee says, "A UFO photo does not a UFO make" .....therefore, the attempts to discredit my testimony by the debunkers has been severe. Distortions and misquotes have been fabricated with abandon. Locations and details have been intentionally changed leaving the unsuspecting listener or reader to believe that I am a hoaxer, prankster, ritual seance master, con man, and all the other witnesses are deluded. The documentation of the precise witness testimony is as necessary as the protection of the originals. They go hand in hand. During the past year it became obvious that a book was the only way to completely document my testimony. The media stories were not detailed and misquotes only allowed the critic to yell "hoax". When the testimony from the book is available to the public and all interested scientists, I will contract with a computer lab and have ALL the photos put on computer imaging tapes. The computer lab will not be asked to issue an analysis -- only supply clear, exact copies of the originals in the computer format. Requests from serious researchers to study the tapes will be encouraged. The originals will be safe, the documented testimony will be available and the tapes will further the technical study of the UFO. (signature) Edward Walters P.O. Box 715 Gulf Breeze, FL 32562 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************