SUBJECT: A NEST OF INFO ON GULFBREEZE UFOs FILE: UFO1638 PART 24 From the Gulf Breeze Sentinel, May 16, 1991........ On May 10, 1991, I, Jun-ichi Yaoi and my Japanese film crew arrived in Gulf Breeze in the hope of documenting the local UFO sightings. NIPON television network, the largest/oldest commercial broadcasting company of Japan, sponsors our investigative documentary to be aired as part of the two-hour special nationwide in Japan. Bob Oechsler, a former NASA systems specialist, from WAshington, D.C., accompanied us as a consultant to advise and analyse any evidence that we might be able to capture on film. At approximately 11:30 p.m. Bob Oechsler told us that a "red UFO" had been sighted to the northwest of the Holiday Inn where we were staying. We were preparing for bed but we quickly got our cameras and set up a "sky watch" near the hotel swimming pool overlooking the Pensacola Bay. Fifteen or twenty minutes passed. Then, out over the water, a bright red object suddenly appeared. The sky was clear over Gulf Breeze and the Bay, with most of the rain clouds still visible over Pensacola. What we saw and filmed was amazing! It was brilliant and I must say, beautiful. As recorded on our 36 to one zoom lens, the UFO moved to the northeast for one minute and twenty seconds before suddenly winking out and the returning for a few seconds as a small white ball of light which then also winked out. Our film of the UFO clearly shows a circular ring of red "energy" with a center glowing orange core. It will be further analyzed to identify any structure. We have interviewed dozens of local witnesses who have taken video and photos of the UFO but we are particularly impressed with the similarity with photographs taken by Ed Walters in 1988. Jun-ichi Yaoi, director 5-7, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, Japan ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************