SUBJECT: A NEST OF INFO ON GULFBREEZE UFOs FILE: UFO1620 PART 6 ************************************************************** UFO REPORT POLITICAL, OFFICIAL SAYS By Craig Myers NEWS JOURNAL (TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1990) ************************************************************** A report that Gulf Breeze resident Ed Walters may have faked photographs of UFOs is designed to hurt Walters' campaign for city council, a Mutual UFO Network official said Monday. Dan Wright, who heads UFO investigations for MUFON, said Monday the organization is " concerned that one of our investigators may have taken sides in a political dispute." Walters co-wrote " The Gulf Breeze Sightings," which recounts encounters he claims to have had with UFOs between November 1987 and March 1988. He is a candidate for City Council in Gulf Breeze on the Nov. 6 ballot. Walters would not comment Monday, but said earlier this month that his alleged UFO encounters were not an issue in the campaign. The issue resurfaced Friday after Rex and Carol Salisberry, investigators for the UFO network, released a summary of a preliminary report that said Walters likely faked at least two photographs reproduced in his book. The Salisberrys, MUFON investigators of the year in 1989-1990, were asked in July to reopen the case. The new probe was prompted by the discovery of a model in the attic of Walters' former home in Gulf Breeze. The plastic foam and drafting paper model strongly resembled a drawing of an alleged UFO in Walters' book. In another incident, a former Gulf Breeze man said he helped Walters fake UFO photos at least once in 1987. On Monday, Wright said that Gulf Breeze Mayor Ed Gray, a longtime critic of Walters, may have "pressed" the Salisberrys to release their report before election. " It is possible that Gray may have found a sympathetic ear," Wright said in a telephone interview from Lansing, Mich., where he lives. But Salisberry said that Gray had absolutely no influence on the report's release. " I could care less about the City Council race," Salisberry said. " I don't live in Gulf Breeze." Gray would not comment on Wright's allegations. In his report, Salisberry questioned the legitimacy of the so-called " road shot " which shows a UFO hovering over a road. The reflection of the spacecraft, which should be flat, actually is at an angle that does not match the road's surface. The triangular shape of the reflection also does not match the round light source, Salisberry said. Salisberry said that he told MUFON International Director Walt Andrus in September that he believed Walters faked some, if not all, of his photos. It was then, he said, that he learned some MUFON members were trying to discredit him. Before the personal attacks began, he said he decided to make public his findings. " I told them we would not tolerate being discredited," he said. " We were already being categorized as debunkers that have a history of shooting the messenger." Wright on Monday said evidence still indicates Walters' photos are legitimate and that MUFON has no interest in the City Council race. " If we find Rex didn't take into consideration all factors and didn't make all the necessary contacts, we may have to determine it is an incomplete report," Wright said. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************