SUBJECT: THE 61-MONTH UFO WAVE-CYCLE THEORY FILE: UFO1592 PART 1 (417) Thu 30 Jan 92 21:03 By: John Powell To: Jerry Woody Re: UFO Wave Theory, 1/2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a plot of the 6 equations that I found by my curvefit program to estimate coming years for UFO flaps. The years for previous UFO flaps were given as 1947, 1952, 1957, 1965, and 1973 which I got from a UFO encyclopedia entry. In the plot below A=39.3+(6.5*X) where X is the flap number. - MULTIPLE PLOT OF THE FUNCTIONS A, B, C, D, E, F X-VALUE HORIZ INCREMENT = +1900 to get year number 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 :....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....: - 1 FLAP# DCAB 2 B C F D 3 EBACFD 4 DB 5 FD C AE 6 D C B E 7 DF C A B 8 D C 9 DF C A 10 DF C :....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....: 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 From an online encyclopedia on UFOs, I found that UFO flaps or waves occurred in 1947,1952,1957,1965, and 1973. I used a mathematical curvefit program on this info to find an equation that fit this. Next, I incremented that equation into the future to find when the next UFO flaps should happen. The next should be spring or summer of 1991 and again in late 1997 or early 1998. This might help some UFO researchers be better prepared to do their investigations. -+------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, take care. John. --- XRS! 4.50+ * Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence (Quick 1:19/19.19) ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************