SUBJECT: GEORGE FAWCETT III ON 30 YEARS OF UFOs FILE: UFO1573 MUFONET-BBS Network - Mutual UFO Network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UFO REPETITIONS - A challenge To Scientific Investigations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By George D. Fawcett, State Director/N.C. - MUFON Aspects of unidentified flying objects that have been repeated time and time again over the past years - and have proven themselves BOTH PERSISTENT and CONSISTENT on a global basis - are a challenge to science. Any future solution to the growing worldwide UFO enigma will have to deal directly with these UFO repetitions: 1. Sightings of unknown flying objects that demonstrate superior speeds and intricate maneuvers beyond those of present satellites, aircraft and missiles. 2. Radar tracking of UFOs. 3. Photographs and movies of UFOs. 4. Pursuits of UFOs by planes in the skies, by ships at sea and by cars on open highways. 5. Falls of "fragments" and "angel hair" from UFOs overhead. 6. Increases in background radiation, ground markings, changes in soil samples, and deposits of both metallic and non-metallic residues after UFOs have been reported in the skies or on the ground (ESPECIALLY magnesium, aluminum, silicon, boron and calcium). 7. Near-collisions, paceings, and head-on passes by UFOs reported by civilian, military and commercial pilots. 8. Physiological and psychological effects, such as electric shock, radiation burns, dimming of vision, blackouts, temporary paralysis, headaches, blood disorders, nightmares and dreams, reported by observers in close UFO encounters, both in the air and on the ground. 9. Electromagnetic interference reports caused by UFOs on compasses, plane and car motors, headlights, houselights, searchlights, radar beams, radios, TV, power-stations and other instruments and communication devices. 10. Sky-quakes, explosions and sonic booms in the skies during UFO appearances. 11. Propulsion sounds and smells attributed by UFOs. 12. Landings and near-landings (hoverings) of UFOs and their occupants. 13. Hostile acts due to UFOs (both towards) and from these objects). 14. Reports of so-called "contactees" of space visitors and UFOs. 15. Straight lines of flight related to UFOs, along with their other kinematic, geometric and luminescent characteristics. 16. Reputable sightings by scientists, astronauts, engineers, astronomers and other trained observers of UFOs. 17. Appearances of "little men" (apparently humanoids) and other entities in relation to world-wide UFO landings, who were reported to have taken rocks, vegetation, soil, water, sand, animals, flowers, etc. Several hundred cases of human kidnappings, abductions, physical examinations, etc. 18. Periodic cycles of increased UFO sightings -- every 26 months, 5 years and 10 years in large numbers. 19. Unique shapes of UFOs, especially nocturnal lights, daylight disks, domed saucers, cigar -shaped or rocket-shaped objects, crescents, half-globes and saturn-shaped. 20. Revolving wheel-like machines in oceans, seas and vast masses of water reported by ship and plane crews and passengers, and other witnesses nearby. 21. Depressions, craters, denuded vegetation, holes, ground markings, burned areas and landing-gear markings on the ground de to UFO landings world- wide. 22. Power failures due to UFO appearances, both locally and on a world-wide basis. 23. Severe animal reactions reported during UFO encounters. 24. Levitations in close proximity with UFOs of persons, cars, helicopters, trucks, garage roofs, fishing bobbers, UFO occupants, horses, etc. 25. The historical evidence of UFOs found in archaeology, cave-wall drawings, Holy Scriptures, legends, mythology, ancient manuscripts, frescoes and folklore throughout the world. To investigate any phenomena in or outside of a laboratory requires that they must be repeatable, and such UFO encounters are recurrent in nature regardless of where they occur. Thus, the challenge to future scientific investigations remains. These repetitions do not encompass a complete list of recurring aspects of activities of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and their occupants (UFOnauts), but represent a start in the right direction. Future science must meet the challenge posed by these UFO repetitions among over 140 world nations in order to solve the growing, global UFO problem. - Otherwise, it will be part of the problem itself. The peoples of the world deserve better than that! =END= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************