SUBJECT: COMPLETE FIELD INVESTIGATORS EXAM. FILE: UFO1572 MUFON Mutual UFO Network, Inc. 103 Oldtowne Road Seguin, Texas 78155 U.S.A. Walter H. Andrus, Jr. -------------- Telephone: International Director (512) 379-9216 A Texas Non-Profit Corporation Field Investigator Trainee: The MUFON Board of Directors has adopted the attached Field Investigator's Examination for ongoing use. Together with UFO case experience and related organizational involvement, the exam constitutes a primary means to evaluate the trainee's potential for advancement to field investigator status. The exam comprises one hundred questions in twelve specific areas: light and optics, sound, electrical/magnetic properties, physical traces, photography, radio and radar, celestial objects, atmosphere and weather, conventional vehicles, witness reactions, and the UFO experience. In total there are sixty multiple-choice questions, thirty-one true/false items, and nine to fill in the blank. In completing the answer sheet on the reverse side, note the eleven spaces amrked "see below". For efficiency of space, these multiple response and fill in the balnk items are at the bottom of the page. This is a so-called "take home" exam. You may take as long as necessary to complete it, and you may use any resource available. The majority of answers can be readily found in a dictionary or encyclopedia. The remainder are major findings of one or more basic texts on the subject or are otherwise obtained through direct observations. There is no minimum score. Rather, your strengths as well as areas in need of improvement will be taken into consideration along with the number correct. In this manner, you state director will gain further insight concerning your own and the organization's training needs. When completed, please return the answer sheet for correction and followup to Mrs. Shirley A. Coyne 73 Borman Flushing, MI 48433-9239 Thank you for taking part in this assessment of MUFON investigative abilities, and good fortune in completing the exam. MUFON UFO JOURNAL The Monthly Magazine of the Mutual UFO Network DEDICATED TO THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS FIELD INVESTIGATOR'S EXAMINATION Light and Optics: 1. All radiant energy is expressed within the visible color spectrum True False 2. An object with a highly reflective metallic surface is NOT properly described as: (a) shining, (b) glowing, (c) gleaming, (d) glinting. 3. With the unaided eye, the greatest distance toward the horizon that prominent objects can be identified is the: (a) bearing, (b) nadir, (c) visibility (d) amplitude. 4. With uncorrected 20:60 vision, images are in clear focus at a distance of: (a) 1,200 feet, (b) three times normal, (c) one-third of normal, (d) none of these. 5. Uncorrected by prescription lenses, which eye condition would least affect the person's ability to identify a distant object? (a) near sightedness, (b) far sightedness, (c) astigmatism, (d) cataracts 6. Older binocular lenses that are not color corrected may eliminate the apparent coloration of stars and planets. True False 7. Through 7x50 binoculars, an image appears: (a) fifty times closer, (b) 350 feet away, (d) 7/50 of the original distance. Sound: 8. The velocity, pitch, and intensity of sound waves cal all be affected by changing weather conditions. True False 9. When the source of a constant sound moves away from the observer, the pitch is perceived as: (a) rising, (b) falling, (c) wavering, (d) unchanged. 10. Decibel is a measurement of: (a) wave frequency, (b) pitch, (c) megahertz, (d) wave intensity. 11. A decibel level of: (a) 13, (b) 130, (c) 1,300, (d) 13,000 painful to humans. 12. A sound resembling an explosion, produced when a shock wave is formed at the nose of an aircraft exceeding the speed of sound, is called a: _______________ _______________. 13. The human ear can detect sound waves beyond the upper and lower ranges of all: (a) household pets, (b) birds, (c) insects, (d) radio equipment. (e) none of these. 14. Sound associated with nearly all UFO events may be classified as two types. True False 15. The angular distance east or west along the equator, from Greenwich, England to a particular site, is the: (a) latitude, (b) wavelength, (c) longitude, (d) elevation. 16. In relation to Coordinated Universal Time (Greenwich, England), Eastern Standard Time is: (a) 2 hours behind, (b) 4 hours behind, (c) 5 hours behind, (d) 8 hours behind. 17. The point directly overhead in the sky, measured as 90 degrees from the horizon, is the: (a) parallax, (b) heliostat, (c) zenith, (d) nadir, (e) none of these. 18. To determine the azimuth of an object relative to the witness, one would use: (a) dead reckoning, (b) a calculator, (c)a compass, (e) calligraphy. 19. With two fixed observation points a known distance apart, this trigonometric procedure can determine the distance of a remote object: (a) tangent, (b) triaxial, (c) triskelion, (d) triangulation. 20. Most witnesses understate the actual distance to a claimed UFO. True False 21. At arm's length (about 2 feet), the full moon overhead is about the same apparent size as: (a) an aspirin, (b) a nickel, (c) a quarter, (d) a golf ball. 22. A concave surface bulges outward. True False 23. Electrical/Magnetic Effects: 24. The magnetic field at a particular site is constant. True False 25. In determining compass readings during an investigation, shifts of the magnetic north pole from the geographic north pole have only a negligible effect. True False 26. Gamma rays, infra-red rays and microwaves are all electromagnetic. True False 27. The highest frequencies of electromagnetic waves, contributing to the radioactivity of a substance, are: (a) very long radio waves, (b) gamma rays, (c) strobes, (d) ultra-violet. 28. Roentgen is a measurement of: (a) radience (b) radio frequency (c) radiation (d) radar (e) none of these. 29. Which of the following could not be affected by a nearby magnetic anomaly? (a) wind-up watch, (b) electronic watch, (c) battery, (d) TV signal, (e) none of these. Physical Traces: 30. At some alleged UFO landing sites, loose material such as sand has been fused and vitrified from intense heat. The resulting substance most closely resembles: (a) glass, (b) barium, (c) granite, (d) vermilion, (e) triplite. 31. Ground vegetation at a verified UFO landing site is generally: (a) stimulated, (b) scorched or swirled, (c) reddish, (d) oily or greasy, (e) unaffected. 32. In a landing trace case, the chemical composition of the vaporized matter can be detected by a: (a) spectrograph, (b) cathode ray, (c) fish-eye lens, (d) radiograph. 33.______________ _______________ is a white, cobweb-like substance seen in the air following reported sightings of cylindrical or spherical objects. 34. Decaying vegetable matter in a marshy area is thought to produce a gaseous methane mixture which can ignite into small flames that hug the ground. This is known as: (a) ignis fatuus, (b) jack-o-lantern, (c) swamp gas, (d) will-o-the-wisp, (e) all of these. 35. Often mistaken as a UFO landing trace, the distinctive feature of a _______________ ________________ is a roughly circular configuration of a fungi growth. Photography: 36. Camera film with an ASA/ISO of under 200 has a color balance more readily suited to daylight use. True False 37. The area in a scene in which objects are in focus is the: (a) lens barrel, (b) depth of field, (c) filter, (d) diffused lighting, (e) latent image. 38. A telephoto lens: (a) narrows the viewing area, (b) increases magnification, (c) admits less light, (d) has a longer focal length, (e) all of these. 39. A camera's ________________ speed determines the timespan that the film is exposed to light. If adjustable, it may range from a thousandth of a second (shown as 1000) for a bright sky to one-half second (shown as 2) or longer for approaching darkness. 40. Infinity on a camera's focusing ring is for distant objects. True False 41. If the photographer is panning a moving object when the picture is snapped, the background is more likely to be in focus than the object. True False 42. Use of a lens shade reduces the chance of a flare on the film. True False 43. Edging enhancement, color contouring and density averaging are used to examine: (a) latent UFO auras, (b) radar plots, (c) UFO photographs, (d) camera lenses. Radio and Radar: 44. Radio waves continue through outerspace at the speed of light. True False 45. Sunspots and solar flares greatly increase in number every: (a) 11 days, (b) 11 months, (c) 11 years, (d) 11 decades. At such times, radio and television signals are affected. 46. All of the following vary from one radar facility to another. Which one would _not_ be a factor in radar detection? (a) lobe pattern, (b) elevation angle, (c) beam width, (d) latitude, (e) radar horizon. 47. An airport's radar antenna both radiates and receives microwaves. True False 48. The maximum range of any radar facility is limited to the visual horizon. True False 49. Which of the following would _not_ be expected to interfere with radar detection? (a) ground clutter, (b) a transponder, (c) a thunderstorm, (d) flocks of birds Celestial Objects: 50. Other than the moon, this is generally the brightest celestial object in the night sky when it is visible: (a) Saturn, (b) ITT's satellite, (c) Mercury, (d) Venus, (e) Vega. 51. In the northern hemisphere, the brightest star in the night sky is: (a) Sirius, (b) Vega, (c) Arcturus, (d) Capella. 52. Meteor showers comprise minute debris along the paths of comets. True False 53. Most of the prominent meteor showers occur from mid-August to early January. True False 54. During a meteor shower, the frequency of visible meteors is usually greatest immediately after sunset. True False 55. These uncommon, longer burning meteors originate from the Asteriod Belt between Mars and Jupiter. Witnesses variously abserve a vapor trail, sparkling, coloration and explosive fragmenting: (a) moondog, (b) bogey, (c) bolide, (d) subsun. 56. To the unaided eye, a comet has the same apparent motion as constellations. True False 57. Nocturnal lights described as red and white may in actuality be: (a) an advertising plane, (b) a helicopter, (c) Mars, (d) a TV tower, (e) all of these. Atmosphere and Weather: 58. The light of celestial objects near the horizon is distorted and magnified by atmospheric turbulence. This effect is: (a) a sundog, (b) a reflection, (c) scintillation, (d) a fireball, (e) none of these. 59. An atmospheric lens effect that occurs most prominently over sun-heated ground or water is a __________, which is usually reported as several hundred yards to a few miles away. 60. This luminosity in northern latitudes results from electrical discharges of solar wind in the upper atmosphere. It is usually reported as a shimmering curtain or wavy bands of light: (a) St. Elmo's Fire, (b) aurora borealis, (c) a neutrino, (d) a nebula. 61.That portion of the Earth's atmosphere, from about 50 to 250 miles altitude, whose charged particles propagate ham radio waves great distances, is the: _____________________________. 62. The distance from the ground to the lowest layer of cloud cover, when over half the sky is obscured, is termed the: (a) ground cover, (b) ceiling, (c) vista, (d) bearing. 63. On the ______________ scale, water freezes at zero degrees and boils at 100 degrees. 64. Thin, high-altitude ice clouds that may appear to glow at sunrise or sunset are: (a) cumulus, (b) alto-cumulus, (c) cirrus, (d) cumulo-nimbus, (e) nimbo-stratus. 65. A temperature ______________, in which a layer of warm air overlies a cooler air mass, can cause an uncorrelated radar target. 66. Wind direction is substantially related to the incidence of UFO reports. True False 67. In a majority of UFO reports, the weather is: (a) subfreezing, (b) changed immediately after the incident, (c) cloudy and humid, (d) clear or mostly clear, (e) unseasonably warm. 68. This luminous discharge, usually occurring after a bolt of lightning, may hover, roll, along a fence or telephone wire, or explode with a loud report: (a) fission, (b) a nebula, (c) a light trap, (d) ball lightning, (e) a magnetic flux 69.The glowing appearance of some UFOs, it is theorized, results from a field of ionized air known in physics as: (a) molecular weight, (b) plasma, (c) tachlyte, (d) a magnetron. Conventional Vehicles: 70. All airplanes must have, as a minimum, tree nonflashing running lights - one on each wingtip and one at the rear. The arrangement is: (a) right-green, left-red, rear white, (b) right-green, left-green, rear-red, (c) right-red, left-white, rear-green, (d)none of these. 71. No commercial/private aircraft may have more than one green running light. True False 72. Helicopters have the same basic configuration of running lights as small airplanes. True False 73. A weather or research balloon can appear self-luminous: (a) before dawn, (b) at high altitude, (c) on a sunny day, (d) after sunset, (e) all of these. 74. All man-made satellites visible from the ground travel west to east. True False 75. The flights and reentries of satellite vehicles and sizable debris are tracked by: (a) NICAP, (b) NORAD, (c) CUFOS, (d) FAA, (e) none of these. 76. Rocket launch debris or an obsolete satelitte, when reentering the atmosphere, may show: (a) sparkling, (b) fragmenting, (c) capor trail(s), (d) coloration, (e) all of these. Witness Reactions: 77. Typically, witnesses to a UFO event overestimate its duration. True False 78. After a few moments of watching a star or planet, the observer's eye may spasm slightly, causing an apparent darting movement. This is called: (a) bioluminescense, (b) autokinesis, (c) the blind spot, (d) a nebula, (e) none of these. 79. An orbiting satellite may appear to halt momentarily on its path. This is an example of: (a) autostatis, (b) telekinesis, (c) auxesis, (d) a visitant, (e) ultra-high frequency. 80.Companions may support the misidentification of a conventional aircraft as being animalous. This is an example of: (a) psychotronics, (b) paraufology, (c) fortean phenomena, (d) group reinforcement. 81. Heart pounding, inability to concentrate, confusion, faintness, memory lapse and nausea may _all_ be symptoms of: (a) euphoria, (b) cognition, (c) fear, (d) precognition. 82. Most children show less acceptance of a UFO observation than adults. True False 83. An alleged UFO witness under hypnosis may substitute past fantasies for reality. True False 84. A tape recorded voice, it is claimed, can be verified as truthful via: (a) polygraph, (b) interrogation, (c) hypnosis, (d) psychological stress evaluator, (e) sodium pentathol. The UFO Experience: 85. The term "flying saucer" is attributed to this private pilot who, in 1947, observed a formation of unconventional objects neat Mt Tainier, Washington: (a) Arthur Godfrey, (b) Kennoth Arnold, (c) James MsDivitt, (d) Gordon Cooper. 86. In January 1953, this group of scientists convened by the CIA recommended that intelligence agencies "strip the Unidentified Flying Objects of the special status they have been given and the aura of mystery they have unfortunately acquired: (a) Roberson Panel, (b) Project Sign, (c) SETI, (d) Condon Committee, (e) none of these. 87. What former president claims to have had a UFO sighting? (a) Theodore Roosevelt, (b) Dwight Eisenhower, (c) Gerald Ford, (d) Jimmy Carter 88. Of the 12,618 UFO reports by the USAF Project Bluebook, only 1.7 percent were concluded to be: (a) IFOs, (b) other-dimensional, (c) extra-terrestrial, (d) hoaxes. 89. This came to be known as the "year of the humanoid" because of the high incidence of UFO occupants reportedly seen: (a)1948, (b) 1955, (c) 1961, (d) 1973, (e) 1980. 90. Which of the following responses would be unlikely from nearby animals during a UFO incident? (a) indifference, (b)drowsiness, (c) agitation, (d) cowering. 91. Thousands of classified government UFO documentshave been released to the public by means of this federal law, abbreviated as FOIA: _______________ _____ __________________. 92. The term debunker refers to an individual who claims multiple contacts with an alien intelligence. True False 93. It is safe to assume that most UFO witnesses have no opinion on the subject prior to their own experience. True False 94. A marked increase in UFO sightings within a localized area or definite time span is referred to as a: (a) rush or cresendo, (b) assembly or climax, (c) flap or wave, (d) bogey or specter. 95. As defined by Hnek, the terms nocturnal light, daylight disc, and radar-visual describe: (a) close encounters, (b) atmospheric phenomena, (c) distant encounters, (d) magnetic fluxes. 96. The terms huminoid, entity, and extra-terrestrial are interchangeable. True False 97. A claimed form of nonverbal communication, reported as a result of some close-encounter cases, is called: (a) telemarking, (b) telepathy, (c) telecommunication, (d) telekinesis. 98. "Was the UFO disc-shaped or cylindrical?" is an example of: (a) an omission, (b) an open-ended question, (c) a leading question, (d) a rebuttal. 99. Anonymity forbids the investigator from identifying the UFO witness publicly, while confidentiality further forbids public mention of the incident itself. True False 100. Researchers estimate that the following percentage of all UFO incidents is never reported: (a) 30 percent (b) 50 percent (c) 70 percent (d) 90 percent. ****************************************************************** FIELD INVESTIGATOR`S EXAMINATION ANSWER SHEET 1. _________ 21._________ 41. ________ 61.see below 81. ______ 2. ____ 22. _______ 42. ________ 62. ___ 82. ______ 3. ____ 23.see below 43. ____ 63.see below 83. ______ 4. ____ 24. ________ 44. ________ 64. ____ 84. ___ 5. ___ 25. ________ 45. ___ 65.see below 85. ___ 6. ________ 26. ________ 46. ___ 66. ________ 86. ___ 7. ___ 27. ___ 47. _______ 67. ___ 87. ___ 8. _______ 28. ___ 48. _______ 68. ___ 88. ___ 9. ___ 29. ___ 49. ___ 69. ___ 89. ___ 10. ___ 30. ___ 50. ___ 70. ___ 90. ___ 11. ___ 31. ___ 51. ___ 71. _________ 91.see below 12.see below 32. ___ 52. ________ 72. _________ 92. ________ 13. ___ 33.see below 53. ________ 73. ___ 93. ________ 14. ________ 34.___ 54. ________ 74. _________ 94. ___ 15. ___ 35.see below 55. ___ 75. ___ 95. ___ 16.___ 36. ________ 56. ________ 76. ___ 96. ________ 17. ___ 37. ___ 57. ___ 77. _________ 97. ___ 18. ___ 38. ___ 58. ___ 78. ___ 98. ___ 19. ___ 39.see below 59.see below 79. ___ 99. ________ 20._________ 40. ________ 60. ___ 80. ___ 100. ___ *---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*- 12. ___________ _______ 35. ___________ _______ 63. ___________ 23. i ___ ii ___ iii ___ 39. ____________ 65. _______________ iv ___ v ___ iv ___ 59. __________ 91. ____________ ______ 33. ___________ ______ 61. ______________ ______________________ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. 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