SUBJECT: BERLINER CLASSIFICATIONS FILE: UFO1568 ############################################################################# BERLINER SIGHTING REPORT CLASSIFICATIONS _____________________________________________ This is a two-part classification, with an escalating grade from one to ten within each. The "Strangeness Scale" expands on the HYNEK divisions, most notably adding "Night Object" as distinguished from HYNEK's nocturnal light and daylight disc; separating close encounters of the first kind into night and daylight; dividing CE-2's into "ambiguous" (e.g. landing trace without an aerial object report) and "unambiguous"; and separating CE-3's into observa- tion only, occupant reaction and meaningful communication. The BERLINER "Creditability Scale" ranks cases by the number and observation- al expertise of the witness(es) or, as more highly rated, by the device to verify the observation (radar, still photo, movie/videotape and live TV). Preliminary evaluations rely on the BERLINER gradings to determine the nature of the event as described by the witness(es). See the March, 1987 issue of the "Journal" for Mr. Berliner's explanation of this grading method. ============================================================================= BERLINER - __________ Strangeness Scale: Creditability Scale: _________________ ___________________ 0 - Identified as a known object/ 0 - Witness(es) lacking phenomenon or a report lacking believability clear UFO content 1 - Single average witness 1 - Night light, no apparent object 2 - Multiple average witness 3 - Daylight object seen at a distance 3 - Single exceptional witness 4 - Night light close encounter of the FIRST Kind. 4 - Multiple exceptional witnesses 5 - Daylight CE-I 5 - Radar/visual observation 6 - Ambiguous CE-II 6 - Still photo(s) by amateur 7 - Unambiguous CE-II 7 - Still photo(s) by professional 8 - CE-III 8 - Movie/videotape by amateur 9 - CE-III with occupant reaction 9 - Movie/videotape by professional to witness. 10 - Live television 10 - CE-III with meaningful communication. ############################################################################# ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************