SUBJECT: MUFON PROJECT ABDUCTION: HOPKINS, JACOBS FILE: UFO1567 Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) - MUFONET-BBS Network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROJECT: ABDUCTION REPORT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PURPOSE: The obtaining and compilation of Abduction Cases. ~~~~~~~ PERSONS/ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Budd Hopkins, Dr. David M. Jacobs, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). This is a message with an extraordinary request for you. In 1964 the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) issued a compendium of information about UFOs called "THE UFO EVIDENCE". This enormously influential and useful volume drew together the various aspects of sightings and witnesses into a systematic and powerful testament to the reality of UFOs. It was used to educate congressmen and the public alike and it helped change the direction of UFO research. Now we have the opportunity to proceed with a project that promises to be even more powerful and influential. Budd Hopkins and Dr. David Jacobs are project directors, in participation with The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), of a major effort to bring together the complexity and variety of the abduction phenomenon. The project calls for a compilation of abduction cases from around the country investigated by as many UFO and abduction researchers as possible. It is hoped that new patterns will be identified, new questions can be asked, and new directions for research can be developed. A compendium of this type can provide authoritative evidence of the reality of the phenomenon for UFO researchers, scientists, members of the therapeutic community, and skeptics. Obviously this type of endeavor depends on the cooperation of the entire UFO research community. Without your help it cannot be done. The time has come now to work together in a cooperative effort for the good of UFO research. It is only together that we can make substantial headway into deciphering the mysteries of this most important phenomenon. Both Budd Hopkins and Dr. David Jacobs will be contributing their cases and I hope that you will want to make your own contribution so that you can be part of this historic undertaking. Additionally, those of you who have had an abduction experience, or are aware of any person or persons who have had an abduction experience, are requested to also become involved in this endeavor. Any information you deem to remain confidential will remain so, as you will be dealing with persons of very high professionalism and credibility. Here is a short biography of the principles involved with this project: Budd Hopkins - Began researching abduction cases in 1975, is the author of a number of books, research papers and articles, among which are "Missing Time", "Intruders", and his newest book "A Crack In The Universe - The Psychological Impact of UFO Encounters". Involved with encounter groups. He is also on the staff of The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Dr. David M. Jacobs - holder of a B.A., M.A., and a Ph.D., author of a number of books, research papers and articles, including the book "The UFO Controversy in America". He's also a contributer to the Academic American Encyclopedia. He is a Consultant with The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) - A scientific organization, in existence for over 22 years, involved in the UFO phenomenon. It is a world-wide organization, and has a staff and consultants from many areas of scientic pursuit and knowledge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Note: Signatures of Budd Hopkins and Dr. David Jacobs appear on the original document to follow.] SUBMITTING ABDUCTION REPORTS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following information is broken down into two sections: 1. Researchers/Investigators who have been involved in the research of abduction cases. 2. Individuals who have had an abduction experience, or are aware of someone who has. A. Researchers/Investigators - The cases should be as complete as possible. Short fragments are acceptable, but would prefer comprehensive cases. "Multiple" cases, in which abductees see others abducted, nonabductees see others abducted, or two or more people are abducted at once, are important for inclusion. Documentation should accompany reports. Names (or pseudonyms) along with the age, sex, and pertinent information about the abductee, e.g., physical infirmities, ethnic background, etc, should be sent. Include the time, place, and date of the abduction. All names and addresses will be confidential. It is also important to send supporting material like how the abductee first suspected that he/she was involved with the abduction phenomenon, where the abductee went for investigation, and so on. If possible, please send a transcript of the hypnotic regression, and/or non-hypnotically recalled interview. If it is not possible to provide a transcript, copies of audio and video tapes will be accepted. If a taped account is used, transcripts will be made by us and given to the investigator at the project's conclusion. Please include your name, address, and phone number along with information about your years of investigative experience and any other biographical data that you deem appropriate. If your cases are used, you will be asked to sign a release allowing us to publish them. Either Budd Hopkins or Dr. David Jacobs will be happy to provide their professional opinion about the methodology employed in your case, if you so desire. Please send your cases either to: Budd Hopkins David Jacobs 246 W. 16th Street - or - 607 E. Gravers Lane New York, NY 10011 Wyndmoor, PA 19118 We are looking forward to working with you on this most important project. Budd Hopkins David M. Jacobs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (original signatures appear on the original document) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B. Individuals - If you have had an abduction, or are aware of someone who has been abducted, please follow the guidelines listed above as they might pertain to your case, or contact a MUFONET-BBS Network electronic bulletin board. Each MUFONET- BBS board can accept sighting and abduction reports on-line through the use of a report program. Or contact me at the following: MUFONET-BBS Network 88:/0 address: 4769 Lake Ridge Drive Memphis, TN 38109 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sincerely, John Komar State Director/Tennessee - MUFON Administrator - MUFONET-BBS Network ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************