SUBJECT: FORM TO REPORT A UFO SIGHTING TO ODYSSEY NET FILE: UFO1520 (216) Tue 24 Mar 92 20:54 By: Jerry Woody To: All Re: New Computer Report Forms ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is Odyssey's new computer UFO report forms. To everyone on this echo: If you have a sighting please fill out this report form and send it on this echo. It is very easy to do: Just make an extra copy of the report form, say report.cop; and fill in the necessary information. Most BBS's nowdays have editors, etc. that will accept your ascii upload into the message base. After we receive the initial computer form, I'll get in touch with you by snail mail to follow up on the sighting. I think we're all pretty sick and tired of getting the run around when it comes to sighting data. HERE IS -YOUR- CHANCE TO BREAK THE SILENCE AND BECOME A PARTICIPANT IN OUR RESEARCH! You will notice that the report form protects the identity of the witnesses. A more comprehensive report form will be sent to you via U.S. Mail as a followup for our files only. No Witnesses names will be made public at -any- time. The computer report form below only takes minutes to complete. Completed computer forms will also be published in Odyssey Online. Here's YOUR chance to become a UFO researcher/contributor without having to pay $$$$ for the 'honor' to be one. All computer reports will also be forwarded to the UFO filter service; so your report WILL NOT be swallowed up by a 'black hole' but the data made available to everyone. Only TOGETHER are we gonna solve this UFO mystery. So if you or someone you know has a sighting, PLEASE FILL OUT THE COMPUTER REPORT FORM BELOW AND UPLOAD IT ON THIS ECHO. Thank you -very- much for your help. Jer ----------------------------------- Cut Here---------------------------- UFO SIGHTING REPORT FORM Date Of Report : __/__/__ Investigator Name :____________________ Date Of Sighting : __/__/__ Time Of Sighting :____________________ Time Zone : ___________ Season (If No Date) :____________________ Primary Witness In : ___________ Weather Conditions :____________________ Sighting Location : ___________ Location Features :____________________ # of Witnesses : ___________ Sex of Witness :____________________ Age of Witness : ___________ City/State Of Sight :____________________ Balance Of Witness : ___________ Photo Of UFO Taken? :____________________ Radar Confirmation : ___________ Close Encounter Case:____________________ U.F.O. Movement : ___________ U.F.O. Shape :____________________ Number of UFO's : ___________ Duration of Sighting:____________________ Size of UFO : ___________ Sound :____________________ EFFECTS Trace? ______ Electrical? ______ Abduction? ______ Missing Time?______ Animal Effect? ______ Landing? ______ Entities? ______ Other?_____________ --------------------------------- Cut Here---------------------------------- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************