SUBJECT: A PERSONS VIEW ON THE UFO COVER-UP FILE: UFO1423 FAT AND FED UP From the earliest days of my interest in the UFO Phenomena, the most common official reaction was "denial" of the existence of any credible evidence to support the reality of UFO'S. The official governmental position on the subject was that UFO'S did not represent technology beyond that already understood by the earth sciences; and that UFO'S did not represent a threat to national security. That was well over forty years ago, and today most UFOLOGISTS are saying: "Come on, who do you think you're kidding?" Let's take a look at the early days of the UFO PHENOMENA and see if we can justify the governmental "DENIAL" then and now. During the war years, small balls of light were sighted by pilots of every nation flying ahead of and along side their craft. Every attempt to close on the small objects proved futile as the object would hold a relative position to the aircraft regardless of what maneuver the pilot attempted. They were called by various names, such as Foo Fighters and Kraut Balls. Each nation thinking they were some top secret weapon of the enemy. On June 24, 1947 the phenomena took off like a Roman Candle, when Kenneth Arnold sighted a chain of nine silver disks flying near Mt. Rainier, in Washington St. near the Canadian border. On July 2, 1947, an explosion was heard during a thunder storm by a rancher by the name of W. W. "Mac" Brazel, near Roswell, New Mexico. The following day when he surveyed his ranch land, he came upon pieces of a material of unknown origin. The case has become one of the most thoroughly investigated cases to date. During the post war years of the 1940's, America was recovering from years of rationing food and gasoline or oil products at home during the war. There was a boon in the economy. Houses built in sub-divisions sprang up everywhere like mushrooms across the American landscape. Industry had turned its attention to the home front, producing products for the newly created middle class family. Radio was still the main source of entertainment at home, but now a new invention threatened to replace the radio at the center of the family living room. That new invention? Television! Although television had been around since before the war, it only began to become available to the public during the late 1940's and the early 1950's. Networks, such as The National Broadcasting System (NBC), THE AMERICAN BROADCASTING SYSTEM (ABC), and THE COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM (CBS), soon began appearing on the scene and competing for viewer support. Americans also began to find new conveniences for the home, such as electric refrigerators, ranges and hot water heaters. The invention of the transistor in 1948 ushered in the birth of the era of solid state technology, while two years earlier, in 1946, the electronic computer was invented, and grew to scientific, military and industrial importance in the 1950's and 60's. During those post war years of the 1940's and 1950's, America was in the midst of a cold war with the Communist countries and suspicion cast its dark pall across virtually every avenue of the political, social, and entertainment community, with those who opposed the political doctrine being accused of betraying their country. The McCarthy panel, held Congressional hearings and blacklisted those Actors, Politicians, etc., whom they charged were traitors, virtually assuring ruination of their careers and lives. Fortunately, those fears proved fruitless, for the most part, and eventually, most of those accused were vindicated and their lives returned to normal. From the mid 1930's through the war years a rapid growth in military technology occurred, with the advent of radar, 1936; the jet engine, 1936; the helicopter, 1939; and the aqualung (scuba tank) in 1943.* The greatest breakthrough however was the invention of the Nuclear reactor, in 1942,* which led to the most lethal weapon known to mankind at that time: "THE ATOMIC BOMB!" This boosted the United States to the top in Military Power and brought W.W.II to a close. With the capture of German rocket scientists, and the continued development of the Jet aircraft, America continued to progress up the technological ladder of superiority. Just as the American Government and Military machine thought they had things going their way, it happened... Objects capable of speeds in excess of 25,000 mph, 90 degree right angle turns, instant stops and starts, began showing up on radar screens. The military was stunned! The Government demanded answers as to what these objects were, and where they emanated from. A policy was developed to deny the existence of these objects, which by now was being reported by the public, until the answers could be achieved. That was in 1947, and apparently those answers have still not been achieved, if we are to believe the reports emanating from official sources. Forty three years and no answers from a military and scientific community which boasts such achievements as: Heart transplants, micro-surgical procedures, laser beams which can be used to heal as well as destroy, manned moon landings, unmanned instrument mapping of our solar system; not to mention the sophisticated electronic surveillance techniques, both audio and video. Millions of dollars are spent annually on radio and optical telescopic research of the Universe, searching for evidence of "Intelligent Life," while objects of unknown origin and purpose continue to "buzz" the very installations which are being funded to search for the intelligence which operate them. Millions of dollars being "wasted" by intellectual PHD's who can't see the "Life" for the stars in their eyes. Well I've been raised on this diet and I'm fat and fed up with the misdirection, reverse psychology, and out right lies being fed us on a daily basis. I propose the following ideas for your consideration. Question: "If you did not want to tell someone the complete truth about something, but at the same time did not want to discourage them from continuing their search for the answers to their questions until such a time that they had matured to the point of understanding the whole picture without fear and panic, how would you accomplish this? "I'll give you a few moments to think about it." Hummm...Hummm...Hummmmmmmm...Humm...Humm...Hummmmmmmm... "Times up! Have you figured it out yet? Well I'll tell you." Answer: "You absolutely deny any knowledge of the subject, while at the same time allow bits and pieces of information to 'leak' out from official sources. You also encourage, through casual remarks, reporters, writers, T.V and movie directors to occasionally present stories to the public in a fictitious manner while at the same time allowing their research departments to pick up 'factual' bits of information and draw their own conclusions (unsuspected guidance), presenting a fictional, nonfictional production and gradually, over a period of two or three decades, raise the conscious awareness of a hither before technologically ignorant society to one of semi, or full awareness of life on this planet as well as else where in the Cosmos!" "Think about what has happened over the past thirty years. Notice how many movies, T.V. series, books, news reports, documentaries, and specials have appeared before the public eye. Also notice that these specials, news reports and documentaries have been followed, via the same instrument, by rebuttal and denial by Governmental, Military, and private UFO debunkers. These denials are more often than not worded in such a manner to invoke 'instant irritation' within the UFO community, from those who reportedly experienced the sighting(s), to the investigators involved in accumulating the evidence to support the sighting(s). "UFO Organizations are infiltrated with governmental agents for the sole purpose of discouraging interest in 'hot' cases, while at the same time encouraging the continued interest in the phenomena as a whole. This can be done discretely by a well placed suggestion here and there as to the validity of the person who saw the object or the case itself. "Information leaked to one organization about a case, can be withheld from another, therefore creating enmity between the groups. This can lead to rivalry within the UFO community thereby eroding the progress attained by the joint co-operation of those groups, previously. Jealousy and distrust are usually the result, creating a schism which can lead to the dissolution of an organization or discontent with the subject altogether. "This will accomplish two things: (A) Prove to those in authority, that Civilization is still not mature enough to have the Truth revealed. (B) Prove to the skeptics, who had always believed that those who accepted the existence of UFO'S were 'nuts,' were probably correct in the first place, therefore devolving the progress of civilization as a whole. "This would not only send signals to those authorities in the Government and Military, but to those who "Pilot" the UFO'S as well. After all, technically they are the ones who control the eventual release of information as to the reality of their existence, not the Earth authorities! Regardless of what our Governments admit or deny, only the 'ET's' can 'prove' their EXISTENCE! "Soooooo...relax boys and girls. Sit back, prop your feet up and have a nice cool drink. When the time is right, you will know the truth. But, don't go to sleep. Keep your eyes open and look to the skies; for therein lie the answers to your questions: 'IS THERE INTELLIGENT LIFE ELSEWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE?' 'IS THAT LIFE COMING TO EARTH IN UFO`S?' 'ARE UFO'S REAL?'" ================================================================== * The New Book of Knowledge, @ 1968, 1967, 1966 by Grolier Incorporated. "Inventions"; pgs.339 - 345. Mike Christol 1/21/1990 ================================================================== ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************