SUBJECT: CALIFORNIA SHERIFF SPOTS FLYING SAUCER FILE: UFO1392 From the Las Vegas Review-Journal, July 8, 1947 SAUCER TALES WAGS HAVE FIELD DAY WITH DISKS By United Press Flying saucers whirled back and forth, up and down and out to sea over Southern California today, sporting like fish and giving off low whistles. Waggish skywriters added to the excitement by painting two circles and the word saucers in mile-long letters. << AVENAL, Calif., July 8 (UP) - Deputy Sheriff Weldon Sams was driving through a quiet residential area here Sunday when a flying disk whizzed past his windshield. He stopped. A second flying saucer came even closer. It was about the size of a pie pan. He looked around. It was a pie pan. The deputy sheriff said he found he was in the middle of a family argument. A young housewife was having a dispute about who would do the dishes. The argument led to crockery throwing, the husband fled the house - and Sams ended up in the middle. >> One spinning platter was reported to have crashed in a grove of almond trees near Lancaster. "Fifteen or 20 trees were set afire" a witness" said. Ranch owner Fritz Godde said it wasn't so. The saucers looked like "silvery eggs in a straight line" to Redlands truck driver H.J. Stell who saw eight of them swishing towards March Field at 6:12 a.m. yesterday. Riverside Rancher R.V. Allen said "a whole school" of the objects passed overhead near Ontario. "They played about in the air like perch do in water," he said. Platters sailed over A.B. Runner's Ontario home "so low I could hear the motor." Evelyn Keel said 15 persons saw 2 saucers yesterday morning from the back lot of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayers Culver City studio. "They kept circling higher and higher until they disappeared," she said. "You may think I'm nuts." Jerry McAdams said he saw a disc "big as a house" flying north over Coldwater Canyon Park, Beverly Hills, yesterday afternoon. "It seemed to give off a low whistle as it disappeared, he said. One man said he saw 6 disks "the size of small plates" hover over a power line when he went outside to find the cause of static in his radio. Hall Hibbard, Lockheed vice-president in charge of engineering said he knew of no secret aviation projects which would have the slightest bearing on the disks. "They're either reflections from planes or the result of mass hysteria and the desire of various persons to get their names in the paper," he said. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************