SUBJECT: 03/87 SIGHTING IN LOYALHANNA, PA. FILE: UFO1373 Report #: 221 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 04-12-1987 Subject: LOYALHANNA, PA CASE TYPE: LRS DATE: 16 MARCH 1987 TIME: 23:15 HOURS CFN#: 0343 DURATION: UNKNOWN WITNESSES: ONE SOURCE: PASU -------------------------------------------- Witness reported observing a UFO Unidentified Flying Object through window. The witness stated that they saw a red flourescent elongated object. The witness said the object appeared to be approximately two feet in size or diameter. The witness stated that the object was seen moving very slow outside the window of a second floor. P.A.S.U. are now invesigating this case. New information on this case will be posted when it come in. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************