SUBJECT: MEDICNE FROM OUTER SPACE! FILE: UFO1242 Guadalajara, Mexico - A woman from a small village has healed thousands of sick and suffering people by brewing herbal medicines - using formulas given to her by space aliens! That's the contention of scores of Mexican doctors who say they've used Lupe Garcia's homemade potions to cure everthing from terminal cancer to congenital blindness. Mrs. Garcia's medicines are nothing short of miraculous, says Dr. Carlos Periz. Every one of the hundreds of people I've given them to has improved dramatically. Even dying patients who I'd thought were hopeless are now symptom free. Mrs. Garcia, a quiet humble woman, says she deserves no credit for the medicines because she only follows instructions given to her by the sky people - her word for space aliens. The sky people have been appearing to me since I was 10, says the 38 year old housewife from Santo del Via. The tiny village is located in an area where hundreds of UFO sightings are reported every year. They tell me what herbs and how much water to put into the brews and they tell me what sicknesses each one will cure. For years, only the Santo del Via villagers knew of her medicines. But slowly the word began to spread, finally reaching Guadalajara Dr. Perez was skeptical when he first began hearing about the mysterious cures. I'd heard rumors about a Santo del Via woman who was healing people with homegrown concoctions, he says. But I'm a trained physician. I wasn't interested in anything so unscientific. However, when one of his heart patients was not responding to conventional treatments, Dr. Perez agreed, out of desperation, to try one of Mrs. Garcia's miracle cures. The patient had been too weak to get out of bed, says Dr. Perez. But just hours after drinking the potion, he was up waling the hospital halls, demanding to be released. After that, Dr. Perez began to use Mrs. Garcia's medicines regulary, giving them to patients with goiters, arthritis, ulcers, even multiple sclerosis. and incredible, every patient has recovered. Since then the doctor has been giving speeches at medical facilities all over the country, praising Mrs. Garcia's medicines to his colleagues. At this point, it's estimated that more than 3,000 people have been healed thanks to the mysterious elixirs. Although some in the medical community question her contention that the formulas come from space aliens, most doctors believe her. Why would she lie? asks Dr. Luis Mendez of Mexico City. Here we have a simple woman with no formal education producing medicines that the greatest laboratories in the world have been unable to create. If you've got a better explanation, you tel it to me. Until then, I'll take her at her word. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************