SUBJECT: CROP CIRCLES IN CANADA FILE: UFO1217 AgainMessage #6496 - MUFONET Date : 27-Aug-91 8:32 From : Bryce Eckstein To : AllSubject : More crop circlesThere has been another crop circle discovery, this time near Lethbridge,Alberta. Here's the wire story:*--------------------------* Lethbridge, Alta. (CP) -A member of an Alberta UFO group says early tests suggest four circlesdiscovered in a southern Alberta wheat field weren't created bypranksters. "Well, it's interesting and it's a mystery," Gordon Kijek said lastweek after investigating the site in an industrial area in the southernAlberta city of Lethbridge. Kijek is the director of the Alberta UFOStudy Group, which was founded last year. " I can't tell you exactly what they are, because there are factorswhich help u s differentiate between something man-made and somethingwhich isn't, but let me say they passed the test we gave them. "The grain is bent counterclockwise in three circles and clockwise inthe fourth. the patterns consist of two large circles about t hree metersacross, with a pair of smaller circles - each about one meter across -radiating from one of them. "Also, the grain is pushed down, but not broken," said Kijek. "However,when we walked through the field the grain stalks broke quite easilyu nder our feet. It was quite dry." "Kijek said the soil within the circles was considerably drier than thesoil outside the circles. Researchers are still puzzled by crop circles discovered in fields inEngland. And last year, there were reports the c rop circles materializedin at least a dozen fields across Saskatchewan, Manitoba and themidwestern United States. Kijek said there are similarities between the Lethbridge circles andthose found in England. The UFO study group is awaiting written re ports from two groups ofpeople who reported strange lights in the sky northeast of Lethbridgefive or six days ago.*------------------------- -*I'll keep my eyes peeled for updates on this event.CheersBryce--- GoldED 2.30 * Origin: Polestar** USR 14.4 V.32b Regina, Sk.(306)586-1551 (1:140/10)[A]gain, [N]ext, [L]ast, [R]eply, [E]nter, [S]top : AgainMessage #8068 - UFO Date : 27-Aug- 91 21:16 From : Chris Rutkowski To : John HicksSubject : crop circlesReplies : #8065 <--> #8156John:There wa s a typo in the info about the Lethbridge crop circles. The singlewas_10.7_ metres north of the triple, not 1.7 as was indicated. There isstill nogood explanation for them.If you or anyone reading on this BBS wants to get in touch with me (or other sa UFOROM or NAICCR), my snailmail address is:P.O. Box 1918Winnipeg General P.O.Winnipeg, ManitobaCanada R3C 3R2But be warned! The Canadian Post Office is on strike!- Chris Rutkowski {:)--- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************