SUBJECT: WESTCHESTER COUNTY NY UFO SIGHTING FILE: UFO1200 JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE... Direct from the Department of Redundancy Department, a quick explanation of a new rash of UFO reports in New York's Hudson Valley: [Friday, Marc h 18, 1988] ULTRALIGHTS SPARK REPORTS OF UFOs IN AREA By David Flores Staff Writer/Gannett Westchester Herald Statesma n Look up in the sky, it's a blimp, it's a UFO ... it's an ultralight aircraft. A small group of ultralight aircraft with blinking lights were proba- bly to blame for the rash of Unidentified Flying Object re ports that jammed the switchboards of police departments in Westchester and R ockland counties between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. yesterday,police said. "I probably got 50 to 100 calls," said Peekskill state trooper Greg Porteus. Other area police departments averaged between six and 10 calls while some 20 calls came into Gannett We stchester Newspapers reporting a large, round object with red and white or gr een lights floating over their com- munities. According to Porteus, ult ralights are small, quiet, open-bodied air- craft that can move at very slow speeds. A group of ultralight fliers from nearby Stormville Airport in Dutch ess County have stirred up this type of commotion before, he said. "The majority of residents know who they are," Porteus said. However, an employee who answered the phone at Stormville Airport said he didn't know if any ultralights took off from there last night. Whatever it was, people in many parts of the county were left guessing and gaping. "It just sor t of stopped, it was hovering," said Cindy Alayne of Mount Vernon, who spotte d it near her home. "You could see it was circular." "Your classic type of saucer-looking th ing," said Bobby Peters of Yorktown. Peters said he was driving north o n the Taconic Parkway in Yorktown with his brother Nicky at about 10:10 p.m. when they saw the lights. "It was just such a perfect formation," he said. Other motorists also stopped to see the sight. "It was hovering and the re were lots and lots of blinking red lights," said Mary Anne Morris of South Salem. Morris said she saw whatever she saw between 9: 45 p.m. and 10 p.m. while heading north on the Saw Mill River Parkway in Thor nwood. She said it was about 1,000 to 1,500 feet above the ground. Bob by Peters said he wasn't quite ready to start believing in UFOs or little gre en men[sic]. However, he's not convinced that they're ultralight aircraft,ei ther. "They gotta be pretty darn good to fly in that formation," he said. Porteus said the after-hours flying aces are a nuisance, causing undue mental anguish to area residents. "It's dangerous," he said. "Some people get very upset about it." ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************