SUBJECT: UFO REPORTS FILE: UFO1137 GUARDIAN, Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia Feb. 2, 1990 UFO INVESTIGATOR VISITS DISTRICT Seen any UFOs lately? If so, the Victorian UFO Research Socity would like to hear from you. The society's investigation officer, Mr. Paul Norman, is in the district waiting to hear of sightings and unusual happenings. He said he was in the area to confirm reports that three water tanks in the area had been mysteriously emptied. "There have been numerious reports of water tanks and dams being emptied and even a sighting of a strange object hovering over a tank in Gippsland some 10 years ago. "I have come to Swan Hill to confirm that the three tanks were emptied and to talk with people who know something about the reports," he said. Mr. Norman said there had been many sightings of strange circles impressed into wheat crops and pastures near Speed, Ouyen, Beulah and Leitchville. He said soil samples taken from the December sighting at Speed were still being analysed and results should be known soon. "The soil was hard and had obiviously changed its composition," Mr. Norman said. "But , the wheat crop was not damaged and resumed its former shape within days of the finding." Another circle was discovered less than a metre from the orignal shortly after, and another ten circles were found in the ensuring weeks, he added. "In all of them the wheat had not been crushed. The stems had been bent when the wheat was green and had sap in them. "We would be pleased to hear from anyone in the Swan Hill district who may have seen similar circles or UFOs near water tanks or dams," Mr. Norman said. Mr. Norman, a full-time investigator with the Victorian UFO Research Society, travles extensivly throughout Europe, the Uniter States, Asia, Canada, and the Australian Outback investigating UFO sightings. He said the society was interested in receiving reports from witnesses who had observed UFOs at close range and experiences related to the strange phenomenon. All names would be kept confidential, he added. Mr. Norman can be contacted on (059) 26-7284 from February 1 to 18, or P.O. Box 43, Moorabbin, Vic., 3189. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************