SUBJECT: UFO INFO Service Reports FILE: UFO1117 PART 34 Report #: 188 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-19-1986 Subject: CRABTREE, PA CASE TYPE: LRS - NL DATE: 01 OCTOBER 1986 TIME: 2020 HOURS DURATION: UNKNOWN WITNESSES: ONE SOURCE: STAN GORDON, P.A.S.U., PA -------------------------------------- Witness observed while driving on route 119 between Crabtree and Greensburg a brilliant orange flash in the sky. Said it started in one part of the sky and moved until it covered a large portion of sky like a blanket. Described it as a brilliant blanket of light, gone as fast as it appeared. -------------------------------------- Report #: 189 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-19-1986 Subject: PITTSBURG, PA CASE TYPE: LRS - EM DATE: 08 OCTOBER 1986 TIME: 1840 HOURS DURATION: 03-04: MINUTES WITNESSES: TWO SOURCE: STAN GORDON, P.A.S.U., PA -------------------------------------- Two witnesses were watching news when suddenly a lot of thick black lines of interference appeared on their TV. They looked around the house for the cause and finally went outside. They saw two square shaped lights in the sky, not very far from them so as they could make out the shapes. Up higher in the sky at the same time there were about 8-10 of the same type of goldish white squarish objects. They were moving very, very slowly in a wide spread formation towards Monroeville. They watched for 3-4 minutes until they could no longer see them. Their TV picutre came back clear when they could no longer see the objects. -------------------------------------- Report #: 190 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-22-1986 Subject: PARK RIDGE, IL CASE TYPE: LRS - DD DATE: 16 JULY 1986 TIME: 16:50 HOURS DURATION: 02:MINUTES WITNESSES: TWO SOURCE: NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER -------------------------------------- Two witnesses reported observing a U.F.O. Unidentified Flying Object. The witnesses stated: that the object was moving at approximately 400 to 500 miles an hour. They stated: that the object had No wings and No exhaust and said that it was much longer than wide. The witnesses stated: that the altitude of this object was approximately or about 20,000 feet and that it did not reflect sunlight. They observed this Unidentified object for approximatelt or the duration was two minutes. The witnesses at the time of the sighting a couple were in a swimming pool. They said: that it was something strange. The witnesses stated: that then the object disappeared in some very high cumulus clouds. -------------------------------------- Report #: 191 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 11-20-1986 Subject: SOUTH UNION TOWNSHIP, PA CASE TYPE: LRS - DD DATE: 14 NOVEMBER 1986 TIME: 17:10 HOURS DURATION: 07: MINUTES WITNESSES: THREE - TOTAL SOURCE: PASU - GREENSBURG, PA -------------------------------------- Sighting in South Union Township, (near Hopwood), Penna. Saturday, Nov 14, 1986 5:10 p.m. Witnesses names witheld. Observer reported seeing a silver cigar shaped object while watching a jet pass over head. Object was slightly below jet aircraft when seen. Object hovered for a short while before putting on a burst of speed to catchup with the jet. Observer watched both untill out of sight. About four minutes after first sighting a second black object was seen in the same place the first was originaally spotted. Object had long black fuselage with stubby wings that looked too short to support it. Object dropped slowly to a low altitude, then put on a burst of speed moving toward the Uniontown direction. Two other witnesses observed the second object. Witness speculates that second object may have been dropped by the first object. Length of sighting or duration 7 minutes. Information supplied to CUFON by Mr. Stan Gordon, Director, PASU, Greensburg, PA. Hot line number is: (412) 838 - 7768 -------------------------------------- Report #: 192 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 11-26-1986 Subject: LOS ANGELES, CA CASE TYPE: LRS NL DATE: 24 NOVEMBER 1986 TIME: UNKNOWN DURATION: UNKNOWN WITNESSES: MANY SOURCE: KRLA RADIO STATION -------------------------------------- Individual on morning of November 25 was driving to hospital and got caught in traffic jam so turned on radio to listen for possible alternative routes. While listening he heard a report about a sighting the night before witnessed by thousands of people. They reported a multi colored object that went from south to north. Many calls were made to the police. An astronomer was also called and he stated that it could have been a meteor. -------------------------------------- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************