SUBJECT: The Majestic Twelve FILE: UFO1057 PART 14 April 20, 1980 ______________ ______________ ______________ Dear ________, I read your letter of the 13th with considerable interest. It seems difficult to believe that I have finally found someone that is as interested in finding out the true story of Project Red Light. First of all I would like to address the specific points requested in your letter, and then I will expand on them and other items as well. 1. I did not know about the UFO movie prior to reading your article. 2. I found out the name of Project Redlight almost by accident. I was ____________________________________________ in a warehouse at Area 51 and saw a large number of wooden shipping crates (the type made with tongue and groove lumber and used for shipping heavy items securely) with the code name "Project Redlight" written with grease pen or felt tip pen. Also on the crates was a stencilled "Edwards AFB" in standard military type of letters. 3. The article in Readers Digest that I referred to was about a UFO that flew over the US from the East Coast to where it "blew up" somewhere over eastern Nevada. The article did not state that the pilot was human. I'm sorry for the confusion on this. The reason that I felt that this Digest article is important is that I remember a period shortly after the date given in the article (I don't remember what it was, sorry) everything came to a screeching halt at Area 51. As you can see, I am just putting two and two together, but I am satisfied that the UFO of the Digest article and the UFO of Project Redlight are/were one and the same. Now for some additional information that has come to mind since I talked to you. Your report about the motorcycle riders is interesting. I can remember hearing similar rumors while I worked on the test site and I would not doubt the authenticity of your report. The security force at Area 51 while I serviced the Area were heavily armed and I considered them dangerous. There were several times that I was in the wrong place at the right time and had it not been provable that I was not snooping or trying to snoop I really don't think I would be writing you this letter. Incidentally, the security wore standard air police uniforms but looked nothing like any of the AP's I have ever dealt with. They were all in their 30's to 40's, and looked like dock workers. Also as I remember it the only markings they wore just said Air Police. They did not have Nellis AFB on anything but a few of their vehicles, and I believe that they were assigned to Edwards rather than Nellis. The reason I remember this is that it seemed strange to me during my first trip to Area 51 I noticed a slight difference in their uniforms from Nellis AP's, and I over- heard a couple of remarks that indicated they were from Edwards. Another interesting point. I was accustomed to going out onto the Bombing and Gunnery Range and had a number at Indian springs (Nellis AFB maintains a forward area base there) to call to get clearence onto the range. This was SOP. However, in the case of Area 51 I called the security office at Area 51. This indicated to me that Nellis AFB had nothing to do with the operation of Area 51. Also the designation of Area 51 was classified TOP SECRET. Incidentally, although I carried a "Q" clearance from the Atomic Energy Commission as well as an inter agency TOP SECRET clearance I was investigated for a special Air Force TOP SECRET clearance in order to operate in Area 51. At this point I am going to give you just a series of disconnected observations that I made in the hope that they may tie in with something you or Len Stringfield may know. 1. I saw some crates being unloaded from a cargo plane. The aircraft was a super constellation with standard markings and had nothing to indicate it had any military connections. There was no airline name on it. 2. I only saw the UFO one time. It was on the ground and partly hidden behind a building and at first I thought it was a small private aircraft until I noticed it had no wings or tail. I was probably 1/2 mile or farther from it but I would guess it 20 to 30 feet in diameter and sort of a pewter color rather than bright polished aluminium. end of part 14 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************