SUBJECT: The Majestic Twelve FILE: UFO1053 PART 10 JUNE 13, 1987 Dear Sirs, Although I missed your very recent radio and tv shows, a friend suggested that I write this letter and share my information with you. I am fifty year af age engineer that has worked in the private sector, as well as with the government. From 1975 to 1980, i was involved with several investigations having to do with E.T. material. Even though the project was very well covered, I am still very much surprised that Project Pluto and results have not surfaced yet. In as much as the project was handled by others, there was no question that the government was in full control. For security purposes, Project Pluto had five levels. Those who investigated one level had nothing to do with the next, and would only turn in the results of data of these findings to the next level, then go on to another area. No one that I knew ever had the results of two levels at the same time. There was only one very rare exception to the rule which took place in 1975, and was in fact my very first assignment with the project. I was employed by a non- government firm that of course was directly involved with the government, and probably fronted for them on the projects. I would assume that eventually government records could be made available to the general public, but not from the private sector. I'm not really sure. In any event, several others and myself were rushed to a rather remote place in upstate Pennsylvannia. We were informed that every thing was top secret, and had to remain that way. We were even housed in a hotel close by, and security people were assigned to us. Some type of aircraft had crashed in this area, and the government felt that it would be easier and faster to do all of their investigation right there rather than to move the remains of the wreck, and whatever evidence the soil may contain. The wreck site was rather difficult to get to, however, we turned it into a construction site, clearing the area, and building two small and one very large metal pre-fab buildings over and around the wreck. Heavy equipment, materials, and workers were flown in and out on a daily basis. We were moved from the hotel to some mobile homes that were brought in for us, and many more top level people who joined us. I might add that the local people who still lived some distance from the site, were led to believe that a large private corporation was preparing to build an electrical power supply for the area. But it was off limits to everyone in the area. We were some of the first ones on the scene other than lots of security people. The wreck had already been covered by very large canvas blankets, and large nets were tented over head to protect the site from any possible air traffic. I did manage to get a very good look at the wreck on several occasions. My first thoughts were that it may have been and experimental air craft of our government, or perhaps the government of another. It was later suggested to us that it was a new type of air craft of a foreign government, and it was a super hush hush project. That air craft was nothing like I have ever seen or probably ever will again. The crash site was also something quite different. The disturbed soil was about a hundred feet in diameter, although the craft was much larger in length. I only saw what appeared to be about two/thirds of the rear end, and even that was about ten feet below the surface. When it crashed on about a 30 degree angle, it pushed all the earth back away from the craft itself. Almost as if the hole were made first, and then something half the size was put in place. My best thought of this rather strange hole is that some kind of magnetic field had pushed all the earth away from the craft at impact. It was reasonable to assume that I was looking down at the rear end of the air craft, yet there was nothing to indicate that it had any kind of engine as we know it. Not even one little opening. I don't really like to use the term cigar, but since I could not see the front part, it certainly appeared to have once been shaped like a large cigar. That's by best description. If it was a craft from a foreign government, then we are in big trouble. I actually held one small portion of the wreck in my hand. Incidently, there was only a very small reading of radio waves in the area. The area was quite safe. There was on the other hand, a great deal of free magnetic energy in that area. It was very difficult using our instruments. It was very difficult just to establish the correct time. Every wrist watch was a different time. The piece of physical evidence that I held in my hand, was a material that I really can't identify. It may have been torn from the front of the craft when it crashed. A few of us compared thoughts as to what it might be, but no one was really certain. None of us had ever seen anything like it before. It was about one square foot and about an inch thick. It weighed almost nothing, and one had the feeling that it may blow away if you let go of it and the wind increased. end of part 10 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************