SUBJECT: The Majestic Twelve FILE: UFO1049 PART 6 This report was typed onto disc verbatim from the original document which was sent by John Lear via Federal Express and arrived on October 8, 1988 by Bill Cooper. I Bill Cooper do swear that no changes were made and do swear that this is an exact verbatim copy of the original. ************************************************************* STATEMENT I, William S. English, do hereby state and affirm that I have met with Mr. John Olson Lear, on September 16-17, of 1988, and that we discussed my original report on my viewing of the Grudge/Bluebook Report 13, in June of 1977. I Further state that whatever opinions Mr. Lear form or express on this matter are entirely his own, and that I stood behind my statements made originally when I came forward with this matter, and that I continue to stand behind my statements to this date. I further state that anyone saying that they have an admission from me personally that this was a hoax is a liar and that if I was in fact perpetrating a hoax I could have found a better way of doing it. Instead I have chosen to allow time to either prove or disprove my claims on the information on this matter. Time it seems has proven the validity of my statements. I welcome the chance to defend my position in either public or private debate and will continue to stand behind by original report. Signed: William S. English (signature) William S. English September 17, 1988 Gladys, Virginia I Bill Cooper do swear that I typed this verbatim on to disc on October 8, 1988 and do swear that no changes have been made and do swear that this is a verbatim copy of the original. ************************************************************* end of part 6 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************