SUBJECT: The Majestic Twelve FILE: UFO1044 PART 1 The is only one of many files which I intend to upload that substantiate the information contained in my MAJIC.TXT. Bill Cooper A series of PROJECT GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK reports have been released over the years in connection with the USAF's investigation into UFO's which was supposedly terminated with the release of the Condon report in the late 1960's. Reports 1 through twelve of GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK were generally innocuous and contained no classified or truly sensitive material. There was a final report, #14 which was widely circulated and about which an entire book was written: FLYING SAUCERS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE AIR FORCE PROJECT BLUE BOOK SPECIAL REPORT NO. 14 by Leon Davidson: the fifth edition was published in 1976 by Blue-Book Publishers; 64 Prospect St., White Plains, New York 10606. Missing from public view, however, was report #13. Several years ago, Bill English, son of an Arizona state legislator and former captain in the Green Berets had been asigned to an RAF 'listening post' north of London as an information analyst. English was, in the course of his duties, asked to prepare an analysis of the elusive GRUDGE 13 report. On his discharge from his work at the 'listening post' he returned to the United States and began to do a little UFO research on his own. English had been no stranger to the UFO phenominon. In Viet Nam he was a member of a Special Forces investigative team that went in to retrieve a B-52 that was forced down by a UFO and all the occupants killed. Communications had been received from the B-52 before it went down to the effect that it was "...under attack by a UFO..", A "...large light...". The plane was found intact, sitting in the jungle. There was no swath indicative of a crash landing. Only the bottom of the fuselage showed any damage, there was no damage to the underside of the engine pods. Although the plane was completely intact the entire crew had been mutilated. English, through contacts he still maintains has determined that the US Government 'most definately' supports a 'project dealing specifically with UFO's and captured aliens'. According to what he has learned, the US government captured a trio of aliens, and that as of mid 1981, one of the beings was still alive in captivity. English also claims that "at one point in the early 1950's until the mid 1960's the Air Force maintained relocation and debriefing colonies for people who had experienced close encounters of the 3rd and 4th kind. They were isolated for all intents and purposes for the rest of their lives. He doubts that these colonies are still in existence. English dictated 2 audio casettes outlining what he remembered from the Grudge 13 report. These audio casettes were transcribed into hand written notes by another person. The information contained therein indicated what had been suspected all along: that the US government was involved in the greatest deception in the history of mankind and that not only did flying saucers exist but that the government had several in secret storage and had captured at least 3 live aliens. The following is a summary of what Bill English remembers from what he read during that day in June, 1977 of PROJECT GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO 13. ************************************************************* In Box, diplomatic pouch under lock and key system. Lock had been opened, pouch was easily accessed. Standard diplomatic couriers pouch marked American Embassy Couriers, contained pouch serial number JL327Delta (JL327D?). Inside a publication with red tape which indicated code red security precautions and an Air Force disposition form. Disposition form was standard white page copy, title was 'Analysis Report'. Further down was "Analyse enclosed report under code red measures. give abstract breakdown and report on validity. Observe all code red measures. Analysis required immediately'. Underneath were a series of dashes then the letters NDF then another series of dashes. Below that, lower left hand corner were the initials WGB. Publication was withdrawn from pouch. It measured approximately 8" by 11" with gray cover. Heavily bound, paper back style similar to technical manuals. Across the center front it read, "Grudge/Blue Book Report No. 13". It was dated 1953-(1963). In the lower right hand corner was AFSN 2246-3. In upper left hand corner was the word 'annotated'. Across the front upper right hand corner to lower left hand corner was red tape indicating code red security measures. Across the front was stamped in red ink 'Top Secret Need To Know Only Crypto Clearance 14 Required' Inside front cover upper left hand corner were hand written notations in ink which were blacked out by black felt pen. Inside cover sheet was basically the same information as the cover. Second page was title page. Next page after that was an appendix with numerous notations made in it. Notations dealt with inserts of what appeared to be photos and additional notes. At bottom of third page it read G/BV Page 1 of 624 pages. Title page was subject letter. Complete list of appendix not remembered. Title. Some notes on the practical applications of the Worst Nemo equations. end of part 1 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************