SUBJECT: The Majestic Twelve..Introduction FILE: UFO1042 PART 5 ALIEN CRAFT THESE ARE FLYING CRAFT WHICH USE GRAVITY AND ELECTRO MAGNETIC FIELDS TO FLY. I REALLY DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE PRINCIPLE BUT SOMEHOW GRAVITY CAN BECOME ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY AND THAT IS THE ONLY WAY THAT I KNOW TO EXPLAIN IT. THE CRAFT HAS AN ATOMIC REACTOR ON BOARD ABOUT THE SIZE OF A FOOTBALL. THE CRAFT CAN "CLOAK". THE WAY I UNDERSTOOD IT IS THAT IT BENDS LIGHT RAYS (AND CAN DO THE SAME WITH RADAR) SO THAT YOU LOOK AT THE CRAFT AND SEE ONLY WHAT IS BEHIND IT. THEY CAN DO THIS WHEN THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE SEEN. A LOT OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF OUR STEALTH BOMBER CAME OUT OF THIS. A LOT OF THE INFORMATION REGARDING THE ALIEN CRAFT THAT I SAW HAD A LOT TO DO WITH EINSTIENS THEORY OF RELATIVITY. THERE WAS A LOT OF INFORMATION REGARDING SPACE/TIME "FOLDS". MY EDUCATION WAS NOT EVEN IN THIS BALLPARK SO I REALLY CAN'T TELL YOU MUCH BUT I LEARNED THAT THEIR CRAFT ARE NOT ALL THAT STABLE IN AIR (THATS WHY SO MANY CRASH) BUT ARE STILL ABLE TO DO THINGS THAT WE HAVE ONLY DREAMED OF. THEY CAN TRAVEL THROUGH SPACE ACROSS/THROUGH A "FOLD" IN A VERY SHORT TIME. ALF ALF IS THE ABREVIATION FOR "ALIEN LIFE FORM". THIS IS THE ONLY TERM THAT I HAVE SEEN USED TO DESCRIBE THE ALIENS. THE ALIEN LIFE FORMS ARE "MALEVOLENT" (DANGEROUS). THEY REQUIRE BLOOD AND OTHER BIOLOGICAL FLUIDS TO SURVIVE. YES THEY DO LIKE ICE CREAM (NO JOKE) BUT THEY CANNOT LIVE ON IT. THEY ABDUCT HUMANS AND ANIMALS TO PROCURE THESE FLUIDS. THE ALIEN LIFE FORMS ABDUCT HUMANS AND IMPLANT A VERY SMALL DEVICE/DEVICES IN OR NEAR THE HUMAN BRAIN WHICH GIVES THEM TOTAL CONTROL OVER THAT HUMAN. THE IMPLANTS ARE VERY DIFFICULT TO DETECT BUT CAN BE DETECTED. THE DOCUMENTS STATED THAT ALL ATTEMPTS TO REMOVE THE IMPLANTS HAVE RESULTED IN THE DEATH OF THE PATIENT (1972). THEY PERFORM SURGICAL OPERATIONS ON HUMANS. THEY COLLECT SPERM/OVA AND OTHER BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES FROM HUMANS. THE PURPOSE OF THIS HAS YET TO BE DETERMINED. THESE ABDUCTIONS ARE ONGOING. A LIST OF ABDUCTEES IS PROVIDED BY THE ALIENS TO MAJI ON A PERIODIC BASIS. THE ALIEN ALSO CLAIM TO HAVE PLAYED A VERY SIGNIFICANT PART IN THE WORLDS RELIGIOUS HISTORY AND HAVE PROVIDED MAJI WITH SUPPORTING EVIDENCE. (See description at the end of this document.) UFO/IAC UFO IS UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT AND CAN BE ANYTHING UNIDENTIFIED BUT USUALLY REFERS TO SUSPECTED ALIEN CRAFT. IAC IS IDENTIFIED ALIEN CRAFT. BLUE BOOK THIS WAS AN AIR FORCE UFO/ALIEN INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION AND DISINFORMATION PROJECT. THIS PROJECT WAS TERMINATED AND ITS COLLECTED INFORMATION AND DUTIES WERE ABSORBED BY PROJECT AQUARIUS. CLASSIFIED REPORT NAMED "GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13" IS THE ONLY SIGNIFICANT INFORMATION DERIVED FROM THE PROJECT AND IS UNAVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. (FROM WHAT I READ FROM BILL ENGLISH IT SEEMS THAT HE REALLY SAW THIS REPORT AS HE DESCRIBES THE SAME INFORMATION THAT I SAW IN "GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13.) I have information now (its about time) that the existance of Project GABRIEL has been confirmed. The weapon was developed and assembled at Ling Tempco Vought in Anahiem California. It was described to me as being able to totally level ANY man made structure from a distance of 2 miles. It was tested at White Sands Proving grounds. It was developed between 1975 and 1978. It is a long horn shaped device connected to a computer and amplifiers. I have also confirmed the existance of an alien craft at a hanger at Edwards AFB. The hanger is at North Base. It has been guarded by NON Edwards personnel (NRO - DELTA). The guards had a badge that was red with a black triangle on the face of the badge. No one was allowed near the hanger without the badge. These people are no longer guarding the hanger. The Edwards security force are instructed to check the hanger each hour and report status. The hanger is locked and no one is allowed inside. Edwards security personnel have been instructed never to enter the hanger even if it has been broken into. I have also confirmed the esistance of alien material at a hanger designated HANGER 1051 at Edwards AFB. ---------------/\--------------- / \ / \ ------------/------\------------ / \ / \ ---------/------------\--------- This is the insignia that is on the alien craft. It is called a TRILATERAL insignia. I do not know what it means. It is in GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13 and my sources confirm that this is the alien flag so to speak. MALEVOLENT ALIEN LIFE FORM (ALF) DESCRIPTION The typical MALEVOLENT (ALF) as represented thus far can be described as follows: 1. Between 3 to 5 ft. in height. 2. Erect standing biped. Long thin legs. 3. Small build (thin). 4. Head larger than normal (to human proportions). 5. Absence of auditory lobes (external earlobes). 6. Absence of body hair. 7. Large, tear shaped eyes, opacque black with veretical slit pupils (cats eye). 8. Eyes slanted approx 35 degrees 9. Small straight mouth, thin lips. 10. Arms resemble praying mantis (normal attitude). Arms reach to knees (extended). 11. Long hands (small palm) 12. Claw like fingers, two short, two long. (webbed) 13. Tough, gray skin, reptile like in texture. 14. Small feet, 4 small claw like toes. 15. Some Organs are similar to humans but developed in a different evolutionary process. 16. The most significant finding is that they have a Nonfunctioning digestive system and two separate brains. Digestive system in those examined were atrophied. Conforms to absence of provisions in recovered craft. (Prelininary finding) 17. Movement is deliberate, slow, precise. 18. (Secondary finding after study) Alien subsistance requires that they must have human blood and other human biological substances to survive. In extreme circumstances they can subsist on other animal fluids. Food is converted to energy by chlorophyl through photosynthesis and waste products are excreted through skin. (Did they evolve from plant life? Not known at this time.) These creatures possess two separate brains separated by mid cranial lateral bone partition (anterior brain - posterior brain) with no apparent connection between the two. end of part 5 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************