SUBJECT: E B E's FILE: UFO1032 PART 13 Cooper's Conspiracy Theory: Soon Lear was joined by someone with an even bigger supply of fabulous yarns: one Milton William Cooper. Cooper surfaced on December 18, 1988, when his account of the fantastic secrets he learned while a Naval petty officer appeared on a computer network subscribed to by ufologists and others interested in anomalous phenomena. Cooper said that while working as a quartermaster with an intelligence team for Adm. Bernard Clarey, Commander in Chief of the Pacific Meet, in the early 1970s he saw two documents, Project Grudge Special Report 13 and a Majority briefing. (In conventional UFO history, Grudge was the second public Air Force UFO project, superseding the original Sign, in early 1949 and lasting until late 1951, when it was renamed Blue Book. Whereas Sign investigators at one time concluded UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin--a conclusion the Air force leadership found unacceptable--Grudge, as its name suggests coincidentally or otherwise, was known for its hostility to the idea of UFOs and for its eagerness to assign conventional explanations, warranted or otherwise, to the sighting reports that came its way.) Cooper's account of what was in these reports is much like the by-now familiar story of crashes, bodies, contacts and projects, with some elaborations. Moreover, he said the aliens were called "ALFs" (which as any television viewer knows, stands for Alien Life forms) and the "M" in MJ-12 is for Majority not Majestic. Later he would say he had seen photographs of aliens, including a type he called the "big-nosed grays"-like those that supposedly landed at Holloman in 1964 or 1971. The U.S. government was in contact with them and alien-technology projects were going on at Area 51. If this sounded like a rehash of Moore and Lear, that was only because Cooper had yet to pull out all the stops. On May 23, 1989, Cooper produced a 25-page document titled The Secret Government: The Origin, Identity And Purpose of MJ-12. He presented it as a lecture in Las Vegas a few weeks later. In Cooper's version of the evolving legend, the "secret government," an unscrupulous group of covert CIA and other intelligence operatives who keep many of their activities sealed from even the President's knowledge, runs the country. One of its first acts was to murder one-time Secretary of Defense (and alleged early MJ-12 member) James Forrestal the death was made to look like suicide-because he threatened to expose the UFO cover-up. Nonetheless, President Truman, fearing an invasion from outer space, kept other nations, including the Soviet Union, abreast of developments. But keeping all this secret was a real problem, so an international secret society known as the Bilderbergers, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, was formed. Soon it became a secret world government and "now controls everything," Cooper said. All the while flying saucers were dropping like flies out of the heavens. In 1953 there were 10 crashes in the United States alone. Also that year, astronomers observed huge spaceships heading toward the earth and in time entering into orbit around the equator. Project Plato was established to effect communication with these new aliens. One of the ships landed and a face-to-face meeting took place, and plans for diplomatic relations were laid. Meanwhile a race of human-looking aliens warned the U.S. government that the new visitors were not to be trusted and that if the government got rid of its nuclear weapons, the human aliens would help us in our spiritual development, which would keep us from destroying ourselves through wars and environmental pollution. The government rejected these overtures. The big-nosed grays, the ones who had been orbiting the equator, landed again, this time at Holloman AFB, in 1954 and reached an agreement with the U.S. government. These beings stated that they were from a dying planet that orbits Betelguese. At some point in the not too distant future, they said, they would have to leave there for good. A second meeting took place not long afterwards at Edwards AFB in California. This time President Eisenhower was there to sign a formal treaty and to meet the first alien ambassador, "His Omnipotent Highness Krlll," pronounced Krill. He, in common with his fellow space travelers, wore a trilateral insignia on his uniform; the same design appears on all Betelguese spacecraft. According to Cooper's account, the treaty's provisions were these: Neither side would interfere in the affairs of the other. The aliens would abduct humans from time to time and would return them unharmed, with no memory of the event. It would provide a list of names of those it was going to take. The U.S. government would keep the aliens' presence a secret and it would receive advanced technology from them. The two sides would exchange 16 individuals each for the purpose of learning from and teaching each other. The aliens would stay on earth and the humans would go to the other planet, then return after a specified period of time. The two sides would jointly occupy huge underground bases which would be constructed at hidden locations in the Southwest. (It should be noted that the people listed as members of MJ-12 are largely from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. These organizations play a prominent role in conspiracy theories of the far right. In a book on the subject George Johnson writes, "After the Holocaust of World War II, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories became repugnant to all but the fringe of the American right. Populist fears of the power of the rich became focused instead on organizations that promote international capitalism, such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderbergers, a group of world leaders and businesspeople who held one of their early conferences on international relations at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands" [Johnson, 1983]. According to Cooper, the trilateral emblem is taken directly from the alien flag. He adds that under Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter MJ-12 became known as the 50 Committee. Under Reagan it was renamed the PI-40 Committee.) end of part13 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************