SUBJECT: UFO Cover-Up Live Transcript FILE: UFO141 PART 4 FALCON: This book, or its called "THE BIBLE" within the MJ-12 community contains historically everything that has occurred in the Truman era up through the three aliens being guests of the US government, technical data gathered from the aliens, medical history and autopsy data gathered from dead aliens found in the desert, social structures and their information pertaining to the universe. Presently as of 1988, there is one ET. He is a guest of the US government and has remained hidden from public view. The "YELLOW BOOK" is a book that was exlusively written by the 2nd alien. The book relates to the aliens planet, solar system, suns, culture and societal make-up on the planet, social structures of the aliens and the aliens life among earthlings. They have and, I think it is an octagon shaped crystal which when held in the aliens hand and viewed by another person, displays pictures which can be of the aliens home planet or of the earth many thousands of years ago. They come from the Zeta Reticuli star group. CONDOR: An agreement signed between ET's & the US government - "We won't disclose your existence if you don't interfere in our society and operate from a designated base in the US." Its in the state of Nevada in an area called Area 51 or Dreamland. FALCON: The ET's have complete control of this base. It is my understanding that three different aliens of the same species have resided in the US from 1948 or 49 to the present day. The first was captured in the N. Mexican desert after its craft crashed. The alien was named EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) by the Government and was kept in captivity for three years. We learned a great deal of information about the aliens race, culture and spacecraft. The second alien was part of an exchange program. The third alien was also part of an exchange program and has been a guest of the US government since 1982. The creatures are about 3'4" - 3'8" tall. They have extremely large eyes, almost insect style. They have two different inner lids possibly because their days are almost twice as bright as ours. Two openings where our nose would be. A small mouth, no teeth and hard gums like ours. Their internal organs are quite simple. One organ does the job of our heart and lungs. Their digestive system is really simple. Their skin is very elastic but hard, probably hardening from their sun. Their brain is more complex than ours and has several different lobes than ours have. Their eyes are controlled by tissue in front of their brains rather than the back as ours is. Their hearing is better than ours, almost better than a dog. They have males and females. Their kidney and bladder is one organ. There is another organ our scientists think is for waste elimination. They have 4 fingers with no thumb and their feet are small & web-like with 4 toes. They have a life span of 350 - 400 earth years and it is my understanding that they have an IQ of over 200. They have a religion, but its a universal religion. They believe in the universe as a supreme being. They enjoy all types of music especially ancient Tibetan style music. They like vegetables and their favorite snack is strawberry icecream. End ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************