SUBJECT: BECAUSE OF NEW EVIDENCE FILE: UFO134 In view of the most recent evidence that has come to light concerning the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash and retrieval of 1947, of material and bodies of origin (Alien) unknown, and the following cover-up of above by the U.S. Government, we, your constituents, ask your help in getting hearings convened to bring to the light of day, the "truth" behind what really went on during that period of time and since then concerning the "UFO Enigma." Daily Sir, reports from all over the world, point to the fact that crafts and beings of origins not of this Earth are visiting, abducting, and experimenting on the people of the United States as well as world wide, for reasons unknown to the general public. The time has past since "The War of the Worlds" was broadcast in the 30's. We have grown up considerably since that time. We, the people, have the right to know WHAT IS GOING ON! The most recent sightings in Belgium where advanced jet aircraft engaged objects only to be left in the dust of 7,000 mph speed, with the unknowns pulling an estimated 60 g's. The sightings in Russia. Crop circles in England and world-wide as well. France, the list just goes on. Sir, something is out there visiting us. Should not the U.S. Government instead of keeping it a big secret, let the walls fall on the "UFO Enigma" as have the walls fallen elsewhere in the world. Would you please help! Sincerely, -------------------------cut here---------------------------- ok folks, the rest is up to YOU!!! All you have to do is print this form out and put the name of your representatives at the top of the form. Then put your name and address at the bottom, stick it in a envelope and mail it to Washington. That's all you have to do! If we get enough support on this we can bring about the Congressional Hearings we need to bring the "truth" out in the open. We can do this!!! But we need y'all to send these forms to them to show that we want this to happen...... Luck to us all..... and keep watching the skies! John & Gail Feilke 706 Bonview Avenue Lincolnton, N.C. 28092-2008 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************