SUBJECT:* Calling for Congressional Investigations into UFOs! FILE: UFO133 IT IS TIME FOR CONGRESS TO ACT by John & Gail Feilke, sysops, JACURUTU 706 Bonview Avenue Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092-2008 Fido # 1:379/103 JACURUTU # (704)732-1852 Our fellow sysops, the week of August 10-18, 1991 is scheduled to be The Seventh National UFO Information Week. It is during this time that we here at JACURUTU will be sending out an informational file packet named, OPGOVUFO.ZIP to many BBSs in the U.S. As well as the ten top newspapers in the U.S. In this file packet will be 10 of the best un-explained UFO cases in UFOlogy, the letter being sent to the editors of the newspapers, and the most important facet of this operation: a form letter to be sent to the Congressmen/women & Senators in Washington, D.C. calling for a Congressional Investigation into the UFO Enigma in general and the Roswell crash case in particular. UFOlogists in general believe that the time has come for such investigations, as new information comes to light on the Roswell crash in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. Roswell as you may or may not know is where the remains of two craft of unknown (alien) origin were found, as well as the remains of the crew (alien bodies) this was reported as a Flying Saucer on the world news tickers and then hushed up as a weather balloon. Enough witnesses have surfaced in this event to state the culpability of the U.S. Government in the cover-up. This is our "smoking-gun!" With all the recent reports of "triangular-shaped" aircraft being sighted, not only here in the U.S. but world-wide, the best case of this was reported over the skies of Belgium, by the Belgium government, and was tracked by F-16 fighters (this being reported on NBC's "Unsolved Mysteries") who engaged and got radar-lock, only to have ground based radar watch the objects leave the area at over 7,000 mph, pulling an estimated 60 g's! Russia has reported the same objects, as well as Portugal, England, Sweden, Australia, and many, many more countries. With the continuing cycle of "crop-circles" worldwide as well, people coming forth with "abduction" cases. We all believe it is past time for "serious" investigations to start in this country. Other countries are way ahead of us in "public" government investigations. France, Canada, and Japan come to the forefront. Belgium has professional UFO Investigators on the payroll, paid for by the taxes of their citizens. Are we any less than they are, or does the U.S. government have something to hide??? In closing, all we are asking you, the sysops of FIDONET in the U.S. to do, is make this file available to your users. The only way we can get the Congress to act is with the "PEOPLE" sending them this form letter. With enough people asking their representatives to act on this, we can finally get to the bottom of " The UFO Enigma"! I would now like to thank you all for reading this and hopefully acting on it. The file OPGOVUFO.ZIP is available for FREQing from 1:379/103. Gail and myself would also like to thank the folks at FIDONET for letting us put this up. Many, many thanks to you all!!! HJohn & Gail Feilke - JACURUTU ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************