SUBJECT: UFO'S AND OUR GOVERNMENT'S CONCEALMENT FILE: UFO93 PART 6 From the audience came a clear statement, "Just say no?" "Pardon? ...Right! Just Say No! Well that's what we're gonna do ladies and gentlemen with your help ...we are going to say NO, no more! And you gotta do it, you gotta act. You either gotta act, or watch your country go down the tubes." "Now, that's one of the things that's wrong. The next thing that's wrong is, to keep the secret, they killed a lot of people who tried to leak it out. And if I hadn't done it the way that I did it, you wouldn't be seeing me anywhere standing or walking on this Earth now. They killed president Kennedy and during the workshop, for those of you haven't seen the tape, I will show you, on the tape, who shot the president and why. Between '70 and '73, in Operation Majority it stated verbatim that President Kennedy ordered MJ-12 to cease the importation and sale of drugs to the American people, that he ordered them to implement a plan to reveal the presence of aliens to the American people within the following year. His assassination was ordered by the policy committee of the Vilderbergers. MJ-12 implemented the plan and carried it out in Dallas. It involved agents of the CIA, Divis- ion-5 of the FBI, the Secret Service, and the office of Naval Intelligence. President Kennedy was killed by the driver of his car, his name was William Greer, he used a recoilless, electric- ally operated, gas-powered assassination pistol that was spe- cially built by the CIA to assassinate people at close range. It fired an explosive pellet which injected a large amount of shellfish poison into the brain, and that is why, in the docu- ments, it stated that President Kennedy's brain was removed. If you've studied the case, you will find that indeed his brain disappeared. The reason for that is so that they would not find the particles of the exploding pellet or the shellfish poison in his brain which would have proved conclusively that Lee Harvy Oswald was NOT the assassin. In fact, Lee Harvy Oswald never fired a shot, he was the patsy." Mr. Cooper paused briefly, and a lady in the audience asked the obvious question, "Why haven't YOU been assassinated?" "If they were to kill me right now, what would you think?" Cooper posed. "That it's the truth," several people chimed. "I've got `em right where I want `em. If they touch me, everyone who's ever heard me talk is gonna be absolutely enraged and is gonna know that everything I've said is true. As long as they don't touch me there's gonna be some of you who are always gonna be wondering. But eventually we're gonna bring enough proof out, and if you're here during the workshop you're gonna see an awful lot of it that's gonna prove to you that it's true. It's real. And it's happening!" "Okay, I've tried to cover a lot of stuff, just briefly, be- cause there's no time in 45 minutes to get into anything very much." Mr. Cooper then announced the scheduled workshop session the following day in which tangible proofs could be seen but regret- tably I was unable to attend. He then opened up the floor to questions and answers. A muffled question was barely heard coming from the front of the room which in essence asked, "What about all the people in the press and others who were in Dallas and who saw the assass- ination? Couldn't they tell where the shot came from, why didn't they come forward? There must have been plenty." "There was, we know that there was at least 18 who were all murdered within 2-years of the event. The odds of that happening are 1 in 300,000 trillion," Cooper replied. Again a muffled question, "Why did the DRIVER have to shoot Kennedy?" "Because the other fools missed! There were a total of 3-shots fired at President Kennedy, one hit him in the throat and didn't kill him and 2 of them hit John Connelly [sp]. The one that was fired from the grassy knoll hit the president in the throat. The other 2-shots came from directly behind the limousine, not the school book depository building, and hit Governor Connelly. Gov- ernor Connelly, in intelligence community circles, is known as a `can do' man, because he took 2-hits and still kept his mouth shut." Continued in part 7 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************