SUBJECT: UFO'S AND OUR GOVERNMENT'S CONCEALMENT FILE: UFO92 PART 5 "When John Lear and I first said what was going on out at Groom Lake everybody said, `You're nuts, there's nothing going on out at Groom Lake!' The listeners of the Billy Goodman radio show put together an excursion and went up to Groom Lake and they all, ever since, every night, they go up there and watch them test fly the alien craft ...every night! The first night they had 100 people there. And 100 people saw 4 alien craft fly, doing things that no airplane and no helicopter can do. Now they don't tell us anymore that there's nothing happening at Groom Lake. What they tell us now is there's no such thing as aliens, it's all government secret projects. That's okay because we'll prove that wrong too eventually, it just takes awhile. Because where we WERE's not where we're AT, and I'm really happy about that." "Now, if you want to see what's happening right now, keep watching your movies, keep watching your television commercials, your alien programs on television, read Whitley Streeper's `Majestic' which is a part of the contingency plan called `Ma- jestic' to test the reaction of the population to the presence of aliens on the Earth. And I have just finished my study of Whitley Streeper's book `Majestic,' and I'm gonna tell you right now that most of the documents in there, that he says are fic- tion, are real documents that came right out of Project Grudge. It is part of the government's campaign to leak information out in ways that they can always deny that it's real. There's only one thing wrong with the information in that book, the stories of the characters in there I know nothing about. What I'm talk- ing about are the supposed government documents that he has in that book. I'm telling you tonight they're real. Those are some of the same documents that I saw in Project Grudge back between 1970 & 1973, and where we have wondered before, now we know that Whitley Streeper IS working for the government. And we had a suspicion anyway because in the front of his book he states that he got information and was helped by the research team of Moore, Shanderey, and Friedman. William Moore has publicly admitted on July the 1st that he is an agent of the United States Govern- ment, and we know that the others are too." "This is gonna come out, and the reason they're doing it the way they're doing it is they know eventually you're gonna find out that it's all true and real. They're desensitizing you so that you're not shocked, so that there's no collapse of society as we know it, so that the religious structure doesn't fall to pieces, so that the stock market doesn't go crazy, because these were their original fears. Now, there's nothing we can do about the last one because it's already happened, there will be a seg- ment of the population that worships the aliens, even though they're no different than us they're just from somewhere else, and they may look a little different. They are not gods. But there are already people worshiping the aliens and they predic- ted this would happen when they slapped the secret stamp all over all this stuff." "You know, there's really nothing wrong with what's been hap- pening except for 3 things;" [Cooper forgot to mention the 3rd thing, or was sidetracked, or included it into the 2nd thing.] Number one, when they decided to keep it secret they needed to finance it, they couldn't tell the public so they couldn't tell Congress. They decided to finance it with the sale, importation and sale, of drugs. Now in the documents that I read, in Opera- tion Majority, it specifically stated that when George Bush was the president and CEO of Sapata [sp] Oil, he, in conjunction with the CIA, organized the first large scale drug importation into this country from South and Central America by fishing boat, to the offshore oil platforms of Sapata Oil, and then from there into the beach, thus bypassing all Customs inspections and law enforcement inspections of any kind. They are still bringing in drugs, to a limited extent, in this manner. Another manner is by CIA contract aircraft which, one of their bases of landing is Homestead [sp] Air Force Base in Florida. We have affidavits from air controllers who have vectored the planes in, who have made sure that they're not interfered with in any way. We have affidavits from personnel at Homestead Air Force Base who say the planes have been met by Zeb Bush, who's George Bush's son. We have affidavits from people who work in the Gulf of Mexico, in the offshore oil business, that yes indeed, the drugs are coming in, at least some of them, from the offshore oil plat- forms." Continued in part 6 ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * ********************************************** ********************************************************************