SUBJECT: UFO CRASH - AFB MEDICAL TEST ON ALIEN'S FILE: UFO41 A hydraulic type landing gear was fully deployed suggesting that electronic malfunction caused object to crash. this may have been due also thor 2 laser cannon being fired at craft.while the investigating teams observed the object at classifide afb. a loud sound was heard it was them noted that a hatch or entrance on lower side of craft had opened slightly.this opening was later prized open with heavy mechanical gear. two humanoid entities clothed in tight fitting grey suits emerged and were promptly taken to makeshift medical centre level 6 of classifide afb. various objects taken from inside of craft for analysis the craft has been placed in a sterile enviroment. MEDICAL REPORT ON HUMANOID ENTITIES. origin unknown supected extraterrestrial height 4-4.5 ft complextion greyish blue - skin texture smooth extreamly resiliant. hair totaly devoid of any bodily hair. head oversize in relation to human proportions rasied cranium area with dark blue markings extended around head. face prominent cheek bones eyes large and slanted upwards towards side of face no pupils seen nose small consisting of two nostrils mouth small slit deviod of lips jaw wide in relation to human jaw ears none seen neck very thin in relation to humans body arms long and thin reaching just above knees. hands consisting of 3 digits webbed, clawlike nails. torso chest and abdomen covered in scaley ribbed skin, hips small narrow.legs short and thin. genitals no exterior sexual organs. feet consisting of 3 toes no nails and webbed. NOTES. Due to aggresive nature of the humaniods no samples of blood or tissue could be taken.when offered various foods,they refused to eat. method of commuication is not known and supect telepathic. humaniods are kept in detention at classified AFB awwaiting further results of way passage has been requested for both humaniods to wright pattreson air force base in the united states. for more advanced investigation and research. date of passage to wright patterson afb 23 june 1989 This information has come via very good souce a friend of mine who was a polic sargent in yorkshire for 25 years. the initial info re this case came from south african intelligence sources by a person inside the intelligence network who gave this information to my friend. this had come from BOSS (bureau of state security) in pretoria S.A. THE SOUTH AFRICAN CRASH WAS KNOWN AS PRODJECT " BLACK HORSE" MORE SOON. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************