SUBJECT: Aurora Flies in Scotland FILE: UFO36 According to the Sunday Post newspaper on 9th May 1993 above the golf course by RAF Macnrihanish near Campbletown, not far from the tip of the Kintyre peninsula flies the American top secret new spy plane. This was first spotted flying high over the North Sea in 1989, the plane's existence has never been officially admitted by the American authorities. They were equally secretive when the Stealth bomber also used Machrihanish for secret trials before it took part so devastatingly in the Gulf War. The New York Times, Jane's Defence Weekly and the US magazine Aviation Week have all reported that the aircraft exists. It is known as PROJECT AURORA. Oil rig engineer Chris Gibson is reported to have claimed to have seen the aircraft from the rig Galveston Key. Gibson, a part-time member of the Royal Observer Corps, saw the dart-shaped plane taking on fuel from a US Air Force Tanker. First word of it using Macrihanish came when a report filtered out about an RAF radar man picking up an unidentified craft travelling at three times the speed of sound near the Kintyre peninsula. Locals started querying terrific sonic booms ripping through the sky near the base. Then the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute investigated earth tremors and strange shock waves across the Friesian coast, and said the probable cause was the sonic boom from an aircraft flying at a speed of 4000mph. Machrihanish has the longest military runway in Europe and the US is to invest œ7 million in the base. Moreover, the US's secret or black budget has pumped $8 million into Lockheed Corporation's ultra-high security Skunk works in the California desert, believed to be for project Aurora. Aurora's task would be to fill in the fine detail of observations by the spy satellites the US uses for routine reconnaissance. Like the stealth bomber it would be capable of defying alomost any radar system. Add it all up and there's little doubt about the most curious birdie at Machrihanish golf course these days. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************